View Full Version : used timmy prices?

02-12-2004, 10:40 AM
yo guys, sadly i will be going for a new gun AGAIN for the gun whore that i am
now i have about 1g to burn on a timmy

but i see timmys of every model ranging from every price

can someone tell me why its like this?
and how much should each model be worth?

02-12-2004, 02:06 PM
Pick up a nice Lasoya timmy (sp?) for around that price. Check pbnation.com on the for sale threads, I see em' on there all the time. Those markers are crazy nice.

02-12-2004, 05:05 PM
well.. what you have to look for in timmys...

What kind of board?

If it doesn't say "WAS" ... then don't spend the extra $ on it...
the WAS board is about the only way to make the timmy fire 18+ bps ..

On the inside of the timmy look for:
High Flow Barbs.. *any timmy that was built in the past year, has high flows*
the high flow barbs allow for lower pressure

"Hammer" I would get a gun that has a STOCK hammer in it. The gun needs the weight of that hammer, that's why it is in there.

other then that... it depends on what you want... most all timmy are the same except the milling.

The GZs are different though, they have no LCD screen and have a 45 Grip frame on it, not the clamshell.
You can pick up a Dragon off ebay for a $1,000 and get halob, barrel, and tank... If you want a GZ the gun itself will cost a bit more, because they are no longer made. Timmys are easy to rebuild, so find your best deal.

If ya have any questions, I've been shooting a timmy for a year now... and I've gone through 4 of them, so I know my way around them... a little.. =]

hope this helped

02-12-2004, 06:03 PM
Defintely head over to PBNation when it comes to buying used guns. The one thing it is good for. And then when you are looking I would suggest, WAS 2K2, Storms, Lasoyas, Dragons, and possibly an ironman. I saw an ironman go for 1000 and it has the ripper-like milling.

02-12-2004, 06:45 PM
thanks for info can anyone else give me tips on what to look for?

im really looking at 2k2's cus i need to also buy a tank w/ this 1g

02-12-2004, 09:02 PM
how consistent is a stock timmy w/ a regular screw in?

if its not as great as a mag... should i get a maxflow or some junk?

02-12-2004, 10:20 PM
check my sig out

02-12-2004, 11:48 PM
Consistancy is pretty perfect with any tank on a Timmy, lube your reg if you seem to be getting bad consistancy. If ya really look over at PBN, you can pretty much get any Timmy under 1g now, heck..you could even get a Dragon with a tank for probably a grand. Look around there, "true pimps" always be selling their gats. As for looking for go for a new board, the SOB while nice, isnt as nice as any aftermarket board. Possibly get hi-flow barbs, but dont go crazy over it, most Timmys will have em, otherwise, not a big deal. Just look for a nicely kept one in almost any version and it will surely rip.

SOME Notables:
- Ball bearing triggers (if ya prefer a bit smoother)
- WAS Switch, eyes, cheap upgrades that you shouldnt look to pay 100 bucks more for, but they are nifty.
- Delrin Bolt, (duh) try to get one with slots
- Hard ball detents, if the bolt isnt slotted

02-13-2004, 12:06 AM
the timmys come stock with a derlin bolt, and then the only after market bolt to go with is shocktech. But then again, it doesn't really make a huge difference, so don't let that sell the gun.

I will suggest ebay too.... great prices there..

02-13-2004, 01:04 AM
thanks for info guys
im really lookin forward to a timmy!

02-13-2004, 11:45 AM
yea timmys have real nice real sale good for the seller but pic up a lasoya nice lookin and superfast

02-13-2004, 01:25 PM
My friend has a 45 45 on his z timmy and it is super consistent. Don't worry about getting an adjustable yet.