View Full Version : Low pressure marker question

02-12-2004, 01:44 PM
With a low pressure marker that has a regulator do you need a on off valve or not.My compressed air tank puts out about 700 psi.Ive heard you do from some and others say thats the lamest thing they ever heard.Could someone please help me out

02-12-2004, 01:59 PM
If yor talking about a bottom line MaxFlow on an Imp,you should have an on/off to protect the solenoid during initial pressurization.You can also turn down the MaxFlow until your screwed in and then turn it back up.

If that's what your refering to.;)

If not,most other markers are not really at risk.But an On/Off is nice either way.


02-12-2004, 02:08 PM
That exatly what Im talking about.So is it only required when your intially setting the regulator or is it required at all times.Its also a vertical max flow.Some have said no way its not needed others say its a must.I dont know who to believe.

02-12-2004, 02:17 PM
MaxFlows are balancing regs,so it's possible to pass high pressure to the soleniod during that first burst.The Imp soleniod is rated at like 240psi or so Max there is some risk involved.

All you really have to do is turn down the MaxFlow(unscrew the endcap a bit)then screw in your tank and re-adjust the Max.After that your good.It's mostly a precaution,not a definately going to cause damage.

But you never know so......

Just get an ASA w/ an On/Off and don't sweat it.It'll save you tank o-rings anyway. ;)

02-12-2004, 02:39 PM
hey thanks alot for your help you pretty much cleared it up.