View Full Version : Emag Issues Help

02-12-2004, 02:26 PM
I have an Emag and it worked fine until i had to change the fuse in the charger because the battery and the fust died. So after i charged up the battery it wouldnt say AGD Software 3.2, it had 2 lines until u pressed the top button a few times which would then bring up one setting "TRG" not even that comes up anymore, it shows 2 small bars on the LED screen then dont do anything else. I know the gun itself isnt broken because it fires fine in mechanical mode. ANY AND ALL HELP WILL BE GREATLY appreciated! thanks

02-12-2004, 02:29 PM
Make sure the Batt is truly full charged.

Sometimes it will do that if the trigger magnet is acuating during boot up.You may have to adjust the trigger magnet farther from the sensor and see if that clears it up.


02-12-2004, 02:45 PM
ima go try that right now. i'll let u know what happens :D

02-12-2004, 02:53 PM
You sir are my savior. THANKS ALOT DUDE

02-13-2004, 07:58 PM
blazedbo how do you change the fuse in the charger?