View Full Version : My mag hates me (reprise of part 1)

02-12-2004, 02:51 PM

I'll give a rundown, you give answer! God it? Good! :D

Shot RT Pro all last weekend, shot good minus some bolt stick that wouldn't reset on it's own. No major issues.

Took mag home, removed valve to clean everything up and re-oil everything.

Put all back together.

Gassed up.

Bolt moves forward immediately, stays forward and vents like it's coming off the air tank with NO regulation.

Try to push it back and can't. Too much air rushing out.

Tried to put the middle spring back in.. same result.

Tried adding a shim or two. Same result.

Oiled up ASA, bolt and a few drops down the powertube. Same result.

Some people seem to think it's an LX issue, but for this much air to be coming out, I'd have to be missing a few o-rings I'd think. Others think it's an ON/OFF issue, however when I described these symptoms to John @ AGD he said there is "No way it's a on/off problem".

When the bolt moves forward and vents like that, the trigger rod is limp as far as I remember, so I coulnd' hold the trigger back when gassing up, it would have done nothing.

Please help, this issue is bugging the crap out of me.. nobody seems to know a solid sure fire answer. I want to use my mag, not just look at it and wish I bought something else.

Edit: Also after I first got it and dry fired about 200 shots through it, my trigger went 'limp' Switching to the shortest spring fixed it, but I want to use the red spring so it's softer on the paint. Why did it do this and how do I get back to that spring?

Thank you!

the larch
02-12-2004, 05:57 PM
sorry, no answer here, but I want to tag this to see the responses.

02-12-2004, 07:06 PM

Hopefully someone will have some ideas.

Honestly if it was an LX issue, I'd think I'd see a seriously mangled o-ring.. or lack of one. The orings are new, the mag is new. (3 weeks old, one time out on the field).

02-13-2004, 01:39 AM
have you tried firing without barrel on??? sometimes the lvl 10 bolt wont fit into some barrels then it wegdes in there... other than that do have the old lvl 7 parts if you do try swapping em if the problem persists then you need to look else where like the mainbody or something... i remember pre lvl 10 if you broke enough paint the bolt would lodge in the barrel cuz of shell... anyways thats all i can say for now sorry there isnt much more..

02-13-2004, 01:40 AM
Welp, the mag is back up and kicking!

Havoc_online was gracious enough to tech my marker tonight. He PM'd me and invited me into his home to check it out.

He adjusted the Carrier down one, added two shims. Added two shims to the ULT. The trigger rod was also 0.04" too long. I guess the combination of the carrier and trigger rod is probably where my problem came from.

I'd like to thank all of you that have messaged me and offered your assistance.

Thank you so much havoc! Your help is MUCH appreciated. :D