View Full Version : pictures info with url

09-18-2001, 04:56 PM
pbreview.com emailed me and wanted me to get a URL with info and pictures of the intelliframe so they can put it on their website...which is a website for this? Tom?

09-18-2001, 05:16 PM

And if that is not enough, you could try to actually use the search feature. I typed in the word Intelliframe and came up with more information and photo's than would even be needed.

Tom upgraded this Forum for you. He also has this site so that people could actually look and FIND the information they are looking for without having to ask him or his staff directly. :) I think it is wonderful! I also think that with only a tad bit of self effort anyone can get the information they require.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

You have just been taught how to fish. ;) Happy eating.

09-18-2001, 05:31 PM
the search on here has lots, but why isn't there anything on the AGD website?

09-18-2001, 05:38 PM
I believe it is because the product is just so new.

They get quite busy, I am sure their main site will be updated with all the info soon. :) Until then, if people need that information, they have to come use this site.

Of course I am not an official representative of AGD.... just the King Troll (that was for you Miscue.. LOL).

09-18-2001, 06:43 PM
no no no,
shartley u r the Enforcer, but go to the AGD prototype lab, it will be there.

09-18-2001, 08:32 PM
LOL Sorry you are correct. I was just making a comment on what Miscue called me in one of the Friendly Corner Threads. It was in the “Moderator Q" one. He was talking about forum trolls, and he crowned me the King Troll. LOL

Also, you are correct about it being in the Prototype Lab… as you see, I already provided him the Link to it.

Again, thanks. Remember, you can lead them to water..... LOL