View Full Version : Automag setup recommendations

02-12-2004, 08:47 PM
I'm about ready to take the plunge into a serious gun setup.

Here's what I've been thinking about.

Factory Custom RT with the following

LVL 10
ULE Warp Left Body
ULE trigger
Warp Feed
Evolution 2 hopper
Prolly a 12in Boomstick, I have the luxery of using my own paint most of the time so freaks are kinda useless atm.

Now as far as tanks go, I'm not sure what to get, I've been pretty much running a Phantom since the dawn of my induction to the sport. So I'm pretty much a lame mofo with N2 setups.

I've heard that Crossfires are nice. Look'n to spend 150-200 on a preset tank. I need recommendations on that. How many shots will I be getting roughly with the above setup?

Should I go 4500 psi, or 3000 psi, I think a 68ci will fit my needs, but I haven't had the insane ROF at my finger tips so yet so I dunno. (if any of you people live in portland/metro area, do the fields fill to 4500, or would 3000 be a better bet?) I don't wanna be constantly fill'n my tank after a few games. I tend to play longer scenario games vs speedball so I need something that is gonna last me close to a case of paint on a fill. Weight is also a concern too.

So with that, fire away =)


Creative Mayhem
02-12-2004, 09:39 PM
Definately sounds like you have the right idea as far as marker setup is concerned. 4500 is better than 3000, only due to the fact that if you can get a bigger fill, why not be able to. Besides, you field may end up up grading thier fill capacity and then you could be stuck at 3K... If you can, I would say get a flatline, or other adjustable.. much better with the xvalve :D But crosfire is definately one of the better presets going. Good luck.

02-12-2004, 09:44 PM
If you go crossfire and like a tight setup, go with a 70/4500 "peanut". It's a lot shorter than a 68, but fatter. I have one and it's nice and tight. As for ASA amd stuff I reccommend a unimount.

02-12-2004, 10:17 PM
get a 4500 psi tank for sure.It's not a huge boost in price and a lot of places have 4500psi fills now.
-Ryan F.

02-12-2004, 10:27 PM
For your needs I would go with a 88/45, 68/45 will get you only 1000-1200 on a mag, a 88 will get you upwards into the 1500's, give or take on these numbers. Just make sure if you get a 88/45 get the stubby kind, I don't even know if they make the long ones anymore. 88 stubby is the same length as a 68 just a little fatter and heavier.

02-12-2004, 10:38 PM
Thanks for the info.

02-12-2004, 11:32 PM
I use a 70/4500 tank on my mag, and despite only getting 3000 fills most of the time, I still can drop a hopper and 4 pods (I'm a front) if things hit the fan and I get stuck in a bad spot. On a 4500 fill I can do a hopper and 7 or so pods, and that is more than enough for me.

Anyways.... I say 70/4500, but if not that, get an 88/45 because those are about the same length as a 68 tank, and hold a whole ton more.

02-13-2004, 12:26 PM
i live in portland, i know hit-n-run bought a 4500psi pump recently and it works great, dont know about portland paintball they should since their toating them selfs as a tourny airball field, but its alwayse kinda been a hole in the wall now it just has shiny inflatable bunkers, so i dont know about them.

good luck and enjoy

02-13-2004, 02:27 PM
Good to know about H&R, thats where I play when I play speedball usually.

02-13-2004, 04:38 PM
ghostils - Welcome to AO!

Sounds like a good setup. An evolution on a warp might put the hopper a little to close to your face mask for comfort.

Air system? A Pure Energy 68/4500 preset will do the trick.

02-13-2004, 04:53 PM
Luckily I can try this out before I buy it, most of the people I play with have various different Agitated hoppers, including Evo2's. Thanks for the HUD on the warp/evo2 combo though =)