View Full Version : Mag on Co2 + Palmers stabilizer

09-18-2001, 05:35 PM
How good will this work?

09-18-2001, 06:07 PM
Very well. Up until this week I ran a 20oz on remote with a male stabilizer on my Minimag. (Just bought a nitro tank, so I'm not going to be using the same setup any more). I can't tell you the last time I froze my gun, even in cold weather.

Plug: I might be willing to sell my stabilizer if the price is right. :)

09-18-2001, 06:39 PM
Well I was looking to get one of those ones that screw directly into the AIR valve and have the Q/D on them, Thanks for the offer, and the input

The Mad Painter
09-18-2001, 06:41 PM
i run a back bottle 20 oz through a palmer FEMALE stab with an angled dropforward. NEVER had problems on co2, even without a remote. i played last winter WITHOUT a stab or remote, just a vertical tank, never had a freeze problem. the stab definately was made for co2, no matter which you get. think of it this way: if Craig Palmer runs a gun with co2 and his stabilizer, why cant i?

09-18-2001, 06:44 PM
True, but he uses a Blazer, not a Mag.

09-18-2001, 06:51 PM
Well, I tried. ;) Sideline is the one you're thinking of, and they work well. Not an option for me, however, since I sight down that side of the 'mag just above the air inlet.

The Stabilizer is without a doubt a fine piece of craftsmanship.

09-18-2001, 09:48 PM
Krafty, did you ever have any trouble starving your gun with the stabilizer? Did you have the output on it set like it says on Palmers website?

Pyro45- I have a sideline Stab., but I haven't hooked it up yet for a number of reasons. Before getting one, I checked around like you are doing, and everyone I talked to said that it was extremely effective against liquid co2 and pressure spikes. Good luck and I hope this helps.

09-19-2001, 01:37 AM
Jumping in on this thread a little late, but . . . I ran my 'Mag on this setup for several years now and have never starved the gun. The Palmer works great and helped to keep the shot velocity to within a handful of fps. I don't remember which model it is (the one with a nipple on the end) but the Stabilizer is arranged side-by-side to the gun body. Give it a try! :D

God Bless US all!

09-19-2001, 07:04 AM

No, I never starved my gun with the stabilizer. I could shoot it as fast as my stock 1x trigger could be pulled, but never had any shootdown. (That's what... 5bps? 6? :) ) I set it up just like the instructions said (both on the website and on that little piece of paper that came with the reg) and have had no problems. The only way i could get liquid in the gun was to screw my 20oz into the bottomline, point the gun at the ground, and shoot a LOT. liquid would eventually overwhelm the stab and get into the AIR valve, but it was hard to do.

09-19-2001, 10:51 AM
Yeah, we had krafty out at my local feild last sunday, he dumped a good bit of paint at a decent ROF (i would agree krafty, bout 6-8bps) VERY consistantly. I never saw him have any problems... Oh and krafty, you left just before it got interesting. I went to bunker the other guy with a mag, (I had no paint left!) trying to get him to take the hit, and man, when he saw me coming did I get lit up!!!

ah well, wasnt a good day for me at the feild, didnt plan on it being one, when you are playing with 4 different kinds of old paint you dont expect everything to work right....


09-19-2001, 11:22 AM
Ow ow ow! :) The same guy I gave 500 rounds of hot pink RPS? Maybe I shouldn't have given him the paint, eh? Oh well... At least you finally put the sinful Bushy away and played with your mag!


09-19-2001, 01:20 PM
Thanks guys, i think I am gonna order s stab as soon as i can

09-19-2001, 04:48 PM
yeah that bright pink stuff really stains at 5 feet.... ah well :)

he got me 4, two drew blood! i was limping home but smiling the entire way :D
