View Full Version : old rentals

02-13-2004, 02:18 AM
are the old rentals suppose to have a serial number i heard that they werent just wanting to see... thanks

02-14-2004, 01:51 PM
I bought a rental and it had a serial number on it. The only noticiable difference was the big "FIELD RENTAL" stamped on the valve.

02-15-2004, 02:45 AM
yup thats what my brothers has... hey have you tried the lvl 10 in that thing..

02-15-2004, 11:07 PM
No, I haven't tried the level 10 yet because the rental valves need to have some machining done to accept it. I emailed RobAGD (I think it was Rob, at leasT) about it, and he would mod it for you if interested, and it wasn't even expensive (I think he said ~15ish, but I'm not sure, haven't sent it to him yet.)

02-16-2004, 12:03 AM