View Full Version : Where to oil my Mag and where not to...AGD?

09-18-2001, 06:41 PM
Hey guys...title says it all :). Thanks.

09-18-2001, 07:02 PM
The only real oiling your 'mag needs is 4 or 5 drops into your ASA as close to the valve as you can, gas your gun up, and fire it a dozen or so times -without- paint to work the oil through the valve.

09-18-2001, 09:36 PM
What he said. But take your barrel out (so you don't get oil in it), and fire abou 25-30 times.

09-19-2001, 10:30 AM
So if you have a co2 tank just put it on the pin valve? Cuz if so I will do that. I am going to read my manual too and see what that says.

09-19-2001, 10:36 AM
While technically the "pin valve" is part of your CO2 tank ;) I know what you are saying. 3 or 4 drops in the Air Source Adaptor that you screw your tank into then follow the instructions of the rest of these posts.

09-19-2001, 01:22 PM
I see. So like next to the little ASA hole put 3-4 drops of oil?

09-19-2001, 01:41 PM

09-19-2001, 05:58 PM
Cool. Thanks guys! Anyone else have any other suggestions? I always thought it was good to put it on the bolt and stuff like that?

09-19-2001, 07:37 PM
The only place you want oil is on the seals inside the valve, if you put it on the bolt, it will end up in the barrel. When it ends up in the barrel you have problems.

09-20-2001, 07:11 PM
I see. So all the seals inside need a bit of oil? I'll tell my friend to stop putting in on his bolt =).

09-23-2001, 09:30 AM

09-23-2001, 09:54 AM
Hmm, why are you upping this, the question was answeared. Put oil in the ASA, or quick disconnect, remove the barrel, fire about 30 times, and your done.

09-23-2001, 11:27 AM

But if you don't put some oil on(I mean on top of the bolt) bolt the spring will hurt the bolts surface, does it?

09-23-2001, 02:46 PM
I dunno...I am just going to put some on the ASA like they said. Also, if you take the reg seat out you have to replace it?

09-23-2001, 04:05 PM
Oil on the bolt, ends up in the barrel, oil in the barrel=funky things. I could see back in the day puting oil on the bolt spring to keep it from rusting, but now they are coated to prevent rust, so it would not be necessary.
As for reg seats, techinically you are, you don't have to, but it is going to effect your consistancy.

09-23-2001, 04:18 PM
Crap. Oh well I will just get an AGD parts kit ASAP. Cuz I need one anyway.

09-23-2001, 04:24 PM
See the post at the top of this page, good reg seat vs bad, that will give you more info on that.

09-24-2001, 06:27 PM
Thanks PyRo!
