View Full Version : Anyone try the new C4 gloves from DYE????

02-13-2004, 04:04 PM
at 41.99 for a pair, I would like to know from some people what they think of them before I go and spend that kind of money on em..... anyone have em/try em??? thanks!

02-13-2004, 04:11 PM
[reality check]
You are going to pay $41.99 for a pair of gloves!
[/reality check]

02-13-2004, 04:25 PM
I thought they were nice too, but I'm not going to pay $40 for them either.

02-13-2004, 05:42 PM
I have tried my friends for a game, compared to my dye cores, there isn't much of a difference, both of them have quite a bit of padding, and work the exact the same;) I would suggest finding some 03 cores for around 25-30 bucks.

02-13-2004, 05:44 PM
i got em, dont ask why i just did, i get excited when i have cash and enter a pball store ok!, but anyway they have this sensi touch in the two walkign figners, pointer and middle, i dunno if the 03's did, but they are actually pretty nice, maybe not worht 41 but they are nice.

02-13-2004, 06:18 PM
I like them, although I never used them... Want to get some, but not for 40 bucks. We should all put or money together and buy in bulk to save some cash :D

02-13-2004, 06:27 PM
i got a pair they are good however that sensi touch thing seems kinda useless to me (i plan on cutting the fingers off anyway since i cant walk as fast however one time i did manage to rake my emag like crazy with the gloves on)

02-13-2004, 06:39 PM
Go with some DYE 2002 gloves. Dye makes, in my opinion, the nicest glove. I have loved both of my pairs, and the 2002 is cheaply priced nowadays! Don't spend ridiculous amounts of money on a glove...it's just gonna get dirty anyways.

02-13-2004, 06:41 PM
I have them and while they are nice gloves, they aren't any different from any other pair of paintball gloves i own.


02-13-2004, 08:44 PM
Has anybody elses Dye gloves "dye" their hands, mine stain my hands black and it takes like 3 days for it ware off (even with soap and water)

02-13-2004, 08:49 PM
Ive heard about that. Maybe that wont be a problem with the C4's, Any one know?

02-13-2004, 09:18 PM
The Dye golves are pretty thick, kinda like mechanics gloves, except they cost more. One benefit is they are rather snug, so the tacile response is ok.

Personally the best pair of gloves ive ever had were the Blackhawk Hellstorm tactical gloves. They are cheaper, have really good tactile response, cut rings and a really comfy closure system that adds a bit of wrist support.

02-13-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by rtslave
Has anybody elses Dye gloves "dye" their hands, mine stain my hands black and it takes like 3 days for it ware off (even with soap and water)

Only happens if you don't wash them.

02-13-2004, 09:50 PM
I found that you've gotta wash em good outta the packaging a couple times. After that they won't stain your hands.

However they still bleed black when you wash em, so put em with your darks if your lazy and throw em in the machine. ;)

02-13-2004, 11:20 PM
I've tried them on and they feel really nice and the sensi grip finger tip thing is crazy. But that's a lot of money for gloves that probably wont last(Dye gear=not so well made) I just picked up some EVIL gloves for $30 and they are uber rugged feeling and i'm about to try them out this weekend.:D
-Ryan F.

02-14-2004, 12:28 AM
Well... I can't speak for the DYE gloves, but I bought JT Rave600 gloves back in 1998 for $40. They still work great. $40 well spent, I say.

02-14-2004, 12:58 AM
My old pmis stained my hands like crazy and the only way to get it off was to bleach my hands with some clorax. With my dyes I washed them twice before my first time using them and they have hardely bleed on my hands at all. I just washed that again because they were dirty so I'm hoping they won't stain my hands at all.

02-14-2004, 07:41 AM
i wore my c4's for a couple days straight (excluding sleep) just screwing around shooting my guns and crap and it never bleeded black onto my hands or anything and still hasnt (i still havent used it in a game... but im thinking it wont happen because its not the same material if i remember)

02-14-2004, 11:03 AM
I was using 03'sand they bleaded black into anything I touched haha

02-14-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by nippinout
Well... I can't speak for the DYE gloves, but I bought JT Rave600 gloves back in 1998 for $40. They still work great. $40 well spent, I say. PICTURES! :D

My dye gloves havent ever stained my hands during there 2 years of use :confused:

02-14-2004, 11:17 AM
I got some from Tuna in December. I love them. The sensi-touch is sweet! They are more comfortable then my other Dye gloves.

PM Tuna,
He sells Dye products.

02-14-2004, 01:35 PM
I would recommend not getting them. C4? I mean who wants their hands exploding 1/2 way through their game...


02-14-2004, 02:10 PM
most comfortable gloves by far...

02-14-2004, 05:40 PM
I've got a pair coming on Tuesday... I can't wait

02-14-2004, 06:00 PM
Gloves.. why do you wear them anyways?

I don't wear gloves, I cant stand them, then again I wear short sleeves. I know at IAO I am going to have to have long sleeves, tell me gloves are not required to.

02-14-2004, 06:08 PM
Ehhh, I liek gloves because I'm crawling around a lot and my field is dirt flooring so my hands get really dirty, really fast and personally I don't want to have completely dirty hands. Also, if you got shot in your hands without gloves it hurts a lot and bleeds the few times it has happened to me. Since the gloves are padded it wont leave any blood or anything and it takes away the pain a litte. Also, I wear a long sleeve shirt because I don't like getting hit in my bare skin, in the summer I wear short sleeve but why in the winter/spring/fall? I'm assuming this because you are from michigan.

02-14-2004, 06:16 PM
Theres three feet of snow and no good indoor fields that I know of.. I haven't played since Nov 9th

On the plus side, there are rumors floating around that Colors may be considering an indoor field in Fremont. Pretty good rumors.

02-14-2004, 09:01 PM
i dunno yet if i can't get used to the sensi touch, i might cut off the fingers
for those of you who cut it off do the threads liek becoem lose and stray strings happen often where the gloves unravel slowly?

sorry for hijacking a thread with this question.

02-14-2004, 11:55 PM
That happened to my brother, but I can't remember what kind of gloves he had.

02-15-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by f3rr3+
most comfortable gloves by far...

They feel the same to me as the core 03's. I have a pair of core 03's, and love them. I would recommend getting a pair of C4s if you don't already have a good pair of dye gloves, but if you have a pair of 03's that are in good condition, then don't waste your money by spending it on C4's. Not until your 03's wear out.