View Full Version : Jeff was fired??

09-18-2001, 09:14 PM
Is this true? Was Jef fired from Airgun. Ny room mate just told me he was and he's pretty good about keeping up with paintball rumors. Can anybody confirm or deny it?

Tom, please tell me you guys didn't let go the best representative you guys had in paintball.

Jeff has always done the best automag work in the business. He even let one of my team mates use his personal Emag for a game in Atlantic City when one of our angels went dead in the flagstation. None of us even knew him. He just told us to buy real guns. His gun rocked!

I bought an Emag the next week. It doesn't shoot as well as his, but I was hoping to get him to work on it.

Infamous G

09-18-2001, 11:06 PM
Jeff was not fired he was laid off along with three other people the same day. Unfortunately the economic slowdown has forced us to do this. Jeff is a very dedicated paintball player and a long time friend of ours. He has to leave 6 times a year to play tournaments. When he does, repair guns and final testing of Emags gets backed up for weeks and puts a major strain on the company. We would have had to tell him that he couldn't go to tournaments anymore and he wouldn't be able to do that so this was our only choice. We are talking with other paintball companies in the area to try and get him a job. He can now collect his profit sharing money without penalty to get him out of his financial bind.


09-18-2001, 11:09 PM
Rats... good luck to ya'll.

09-19-2001, 07:23 AM
Never fun making the decision to lay people off. I feel for you Tom.


09-24-2001, 08:41 AM

It is too bad that a slow down in your company forces you to fire
(ok, "Lay Off") (good cover)
the best representitive your company has had.....

As far as Jeff traveling to tournies 6 times a year and work backing up,
it sounds like you dont like tourney players.... If that was truly the case
when the dates are set at the beginning of the year for the NPPL tournies
that Jeff plays, there is a very simple and easy plan for that... It is called
planning ahead.... No, when you talked about that, it showed your true

Jeff, has been the best AGD rep you could ever ask for.... There are too
many times and incidents for me to list them all to do justice to the good
will that Jeff has earned for AGD....

Even when at tournies, Jeff "worked" for AGD... He was a "True" company
man... I only wish I had employees as good as Jeff is....

It is a shame that you let a slow down in your business practices to allow
a good employee like Jeff go.....


09-24-2001, 08:52 AM
yes, this really sucks that jeff was "laid Off". especially considering he has continued to use your product even after the fact. The thing about it is though, now that he doesn't have to worry about Tom getting mad at him anymore, Jeff will now be able to do customizations to all peoples guns, for a reasonable fee of course, and do to the guns what no other man has been able to do. One more thing...Jeff has worked at Airgun for over 8 years now, and he has left for tournaments an estimated total of 45 times or so correct? EVERY TIME has he not been able to either A. Get work done BEFORE he leaves, or B. Work extra hours the day that he returns? interesting there has never been a problem before...but its ok. Jeff will be makin some phat cash as soon as those Custom Schreiberized Emags and RTs start rollin off the lines.

09-24-2001, 09:00 AM
I don't know Jeff or Tom personally but... everyone should give Tom a break, he has a company that has to make money and he gets our input like I have seen no other company do. He doesn't have to explain himself either but he did.

Secondly, I have only heard great things about Jeff, so with all the good will he generated for himself and AGD products I am sure he will have plenty of business, if he sets up shop Schreiberizing mags.
Economic slowdownds suck for many people but unless everyone goes out and buys a ton of AGD paintball stuff, to support Jeff and the other laid off employees then I guess it is this way.

09-24-2001, 10:22 AM
The best thing we can do for AGD and the economy is to keep spending. But make your decisions on what you spend and buy wise ones now. No more 50,000 Eddie Bauer Edition Ford Expedition that drinks gas faster than a frat house drinks a keg.

Make good informed dicisions rather than hasty ones. But don't have fear of an economic slow down either.

After all the economy just expanded fast than ever before in the past 10 years. It had to slow down sooner or latter. But it doesn't have to stop!

Yes it sux that Jeff was layed off, but Tom had to make a "BUSINESS" decision for the better good of the company. Would you rather that AGD keeps paying them there wages and stop coming out with inovative new items?

Or would you rather this board become a pay membership?

09-24-2001, 10:55 AM
Am I the only one that thinks we should not be discussing AGD's Personnel situations here? Tom was open enough to give you an explaination even though he didn't have to. Now let's keep it a private matter for the both of them.

Case closed.

09-24-2001, 01:52 PM
Uhm, this is an Automag Owners discussion board. AGD is a company. It is there decision to do whatever is best, and not ours to criticise it. I think a mod should lock this..

09-24-2001, 02:09 PM
I agree...