View Full Version : Arafat's wife under investigation in France!

02-14-2004, 08:08 PM
Ah the corruption that is the Palestinian authority knows no bounds. You know it is bad when the FRENCH are investigating their buddies for money laundering. While Arafat is pleading poverty, his wife and daughter are living the high life in Paris on the Palestinians dime. His wife is now being investigated for money laundering.

Oh yeah, Mrs. Arafat blames Sharon for the investigation!:rolleyes:

Link to story! (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,111354,00.html)

02-14-2004, 08:22 PM
is she as butt ugly as he is?

Arafat reminds me of Chet after he was "dealt with" by Lisa in Weird Science...

whoa, just noticed that link was to the Number One Evil News Network as voted on by Commie-Libs everywhere.

Must mean that story is bogus...:rolleyes:

"French officials describe the transactions as "weird, suspicious and bizarre."

As opposed to the "normal" French types of behaviour??

02-15-2004, 12:01 AM
Arafat is a terrorist, and has been for many years. One does not simply become respectable becuase they weasel their way into office. Peace in Israel can not happen while Arafat breathes. How can such a low-life get a peace prize. Shpws the great qualifications of that prize.

02-15-2004, 12:14 PM
If you edit Rooster's comment right you can make it sound like he's talking about Bush...

One does not simply become respectable becuase they weasel their way into office. How can such a low-life get a peace prize. Shpws the great qualifications of that prize.

02-15-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Zygote
If you edit Rooster's comment right you can make it sound like he's talking about Bush...

Or we could ignore you alltogether for your ignorant post. :mad:

For once I agree with Rooster WORD FOR WORD!!!!! For peace in the middle east to ever be a reality, Arafat must be history!!

02-15-2004, 12:51 PM
Ignore it if you like, but don't pretend it's because of my ignorance. That word gets thrown around so much its lost all of its original meaning. Now it just means "I disagree with you". For the record, I don't disagree with anyone's comments about Arafat. I just thought it was funny that many of the same statements can be applied to our president.

02-15-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Zygote
Ignore it if you like, but don't pretend it's because of my ignorance. That word gets thrown around so much its lost all of its original meaning. Now it just means "I disagree with you". For the record, I don't disagree with anyone's comments about Arafat. I just thought it was funny that many of the same statements can be applied to our president.

Except that you are comparing our Commander in chief to a terrorist murderer. Arafat had civilain blood on his hands from purposeful terrorist attacks. You can not say that about Bush.

Arafat is the lowest form of scum. I would not comapare him though to any american president, not even Clinton.

This thread was to show how corrupt and scummy Arafat is. Not to start a political thread.

02-15-2004, 01:43 PM
That's why I didn't quote the part about terrorism or peace in Israel. I don't think Bush is a terrorist, just a crappy president.

02-15-2004, 04:50 PM
while arafat is scum ... i dont believe the conflict is all one fault. there is plenty blood on both sides hands. Arafat is openly supporting terrosists ...and Israel is basicly oppressing the palenstinians.

by the way fox news is pretty crappy, look at normal fox programming... not exactly quality.

CNN and NPR are the best sources for information in my opinion.

02-15-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Zygote
If you edit Rooster's comment right you can make it sound like he's talking about Bush...

If we edit zygotes comment right you can make it sound like a whiney liberal...

oh wait, I guess you don't have to do any editing....

sorry, my bad.