View Full Version : cocker owners, need help

02-15-2004, 03:10 PM
hey, which electro grip is better, race or e-blade?

02-15-2004, 03:28 PM
From a complete technical standpoint, if you evaluate each and compare. Race frame is better. However honestly the "benefit" it has is so minute that it's not enough to say "Race frame blows away the E-blade" or visa versa.

You'll like either one more than likely if cockers are your thing. Though E-blade tends to be a cheaper model and more supported it seems.

02-15-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Meph
From a complete technical standpoint, if you evaluate each and compare. Race frame is better. However honestly the "benefit" it has is so minute that it's not enough to say "Race frame blows away the E-blade" or visa versa.

Honestly, I don't really even think you can say one frame is better than the other. The race battery lasts longer, and is rechargable, but the eblade will take rechargable 9v's and will last plenty long. I think the only real benefit to the race is that the eyes are breakbeam... though I'm sure you could mod the EBlade to accept breakbeam eyes.

02-15-2004, 04:29 PM
There are two advantages to the Race over the E-blade.

Battery efficency: You will get 20,000+ shots with one recharge. With an E-blade, I've heard a case of paint or so per battery. The way the solenoid activates on the race frame is much different, and so, it requires much less battery power.

Eyes: The Race eyes are beam break, the Eblade ones are reflective. Beam break is much better in detecting if a ball is the breach or not. E-blade eyes are also more affected by being dirty, and so, people tend to have more problems with them.

As for the rest of the features, the Race frame can be adjusted by your computer or by a palm pilot. This is only an advantage if you already have a palm pilot or a laptop you want to bring to a field, otherwise the e-blade wins in adjustability. The grips on the race are standard 45s, but the e-blade has more of a *90 feel to it although you can't replace the grip (as of yet). The races tend to be more expensive, and don't always include eyes (although the ANS version does), so cost is a factor.

02-15-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by FlameboyC11
. . . . . . Battery efficency: You will get 20,000+ shots with one recharge. With an E-blade, I've heard a case of paint or so per battery. . . . .

I beg to differ on this one sir.

I have an EBlade, and so far, it has gotten ~10,000 shots per battery. Now I can't say that I have shot a million rounds with it, but I have shot about 8 cases on two batteries (still using the most recent one).

While 10k is still half of 20k (lol, I can divide :D ), it is far more than a case.

I wish people would only comment on things they had actually used, instead of just posting things they heard somewhere this one time from this one guy. (Notice I didn't say anything about the Race? I've never shot one.)

It sways choices for no reason, and just seems kinda silly to me. :confused:

02-15-2004, 05:07 PM
I have only used eclipse's

The bad:
reflective needs to be adjusted for different shelled paint

The good:
Insanly fast

Besides you can get "blem" frames from eclipse for like 270 bucks. go to thier webpage or hit the cocker forum on pbn, they have a nice thread on them..

02-15-2004, 05:07 PM
If i'm not mistaken.. doesn't the RACE frame HAVE to be adjusted by a computer or palm device? And I have shot dozens of cases with my eblade and zero chops, so saying one eye is better than the other is pretty much a moot point, if the both do their job 100%..

Bushwood Bill
02-15-2004, 10:45 PM
I just recently sold my cocker with a race. I had it and the A.C.E. installed Jan. 2003 and when I recieved it back from Freeflow I noticed it ran off a 9v instead of a rechargable. I called them and they told me that all the new races ran off a 9v.

I don't know what battery they come with know, but mine would shut down by itself after about every case of paint(most of the time in the middle of a game). I would put in a new battery and it would be fine for another case or so.
I don't think many people had this problem.

When it comes down to which of the two to buy, you can't go wrong with either one, but it's pretty funny that Freeflow is using Eblades on all there new cockers.
If you go with the race make sure you get one with a rechargable battery.

Nick O time
02-15-2004, 11:33 PM
Race kicks arse. i would take it over eblade any day. eblade sucks. the new eblades are capped at i think like 13 or sumtin like that without the eye and 10 with the eye on. wtf is that all about? the race may be fugly with the pin, but the pinless one is coming out soon so it will look uber sexy. race frames kick arse.

02-15-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Nick O time
Race kicks arse. i would take it over eblade any day. eblade sucks. the new eblades are capped at i think like 13 or sumtin like that without the eye and 10 with the eye on. wtf is that all about? the race may be fugly with the pin, but the pinless one is coming out soon so it will look uber sexy. race frames kick arse.

WTF are talking about?? Eblades capped? pftt...right, maybe you shouldn't comment on something you know nothing about. Its really preference, some like the magnetic trigger on the eblades while others prefer the race's trigger. Personally I can rip mad paint with an eblade while being pretty slow on a race.

02-16-2004, 04:50 AM
hmm... I am confused...:confused:

02-16-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Bushwood Bill
I called them and they told me that all the new races ran off a 9v.

Well, that's a bunch of BS... the OLD frames use 9v's... the new ones are the rechargables.

EBlades are not capped... the craptastic Xonix frames are though.

Bushwood Bill
02-16-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by FallNAngel

Well, that's a bunch of BS... the OLD frames use 9v's... the new ones are the rechargables.

EBlades are not capped... the craptastic Xonix frames are though.

Then I guess I got ripped when they installed mine and told me that new ones had 9v! :eek:

02-16-2004, 11:14 AM
Yep... pretty sure the new firmware isn't 9v compatible either :eek:

02-16-2004, 11:43 AM

You're comparing two excellent and similar products. They do the same job and they both do it well.

My suggestion: try both. Decide on ergonomics and trigger feel. The rest of the differences are relatively minor, IMHO.
