View Full Version : Me again !!!! LVL 10!!!

02-15-2004, 04:55 PM
I just recived my LVL10, but i didnt have the time to install it on my mag

When i opened the package i realize that the new bolt is a lot thinner than the old one, and the springs seems not to fit in the bolt, i have to press them to fit well, and the newer bolt seems like it is to fragile!!!
i dont know maybe i am wrong

i tell you more when i intall the LVL10 on my mag


02-15-2004, 05:00 PM
The bolt is thinner walled and milled to be lighter than the L7. Good luck w/ the install,don't be afraid to use enough oil and you'll need to break in the carrier o-ring to get best performance.Don't change it along w/ carriers,try and keep the same o-ring during the tuning process.

02-15-2004, 09:35 PM
why do i need to brake the carrier oring???
that part i didnt understand it verr well??

02-16-2004, 12:27 AM
Break in.

It will eventually wear in,that is,wear off the ridges and stuff from manufacturing.Once you set it up,just fire it a bunch,that will eventually wear it in.Usually when it does,it will start to leak down the barrel,just switch to the next smaller carrier w/ that o-ring and you should be good.

02-16-2004, 10:05 AM
Ok i just succesfully install my LVL 10
the only thing that it did to make the gun shoot was turn up the velocity
but right now the trigger seems more hard to push than with the older bolt

now i need some paintballs to test the speed and the rapid fire and whatever comoes to my head to useit as an excuse to play paintball!!!!

02-16-2004, 05:22 PM
Good for you!

The trigger will often feel harder since your raising the pressure in the valve to make the L10 work.

Let's us know how it works for you.

02-16-2004, 09:31 PM
wright now the configuration of the lvl10 es the one that tha manual recomends to set it up

Is it realy necesary to try smaller carriers, wil that improve the operation of the level X??


02-16-2004, 09:47 PM
No. Only go smaller if it starts to leak down the barrel,which it usually will do once that o-ring gets worn in some.But not until it does,if it does.

02-19-2004, 11:25 AM
Heres the deal

it looks like the LVL 10 is working fine

I crono the gun and it's shooting at 288 298 FPS

do i have to make any more changes to the gun or the configuration of the lvl10???

wright now is with the middle spring 2 shims and the carrier with 2 marks


02-23-2004, 09:44 AM
here is the deal

i install the LVL 10 with no problem, the shoots well ando the bolt stops when a ball interfiers.

Then i start to notice than every time that i leave the gun for more than ten minutes whit co2 the it wouldnt fire again
the only way thata i have to make the gun fire again is to turn up the velocity of the gun.

The problem is that during the sunday i turn up the velocity 4 times during the day, and if this things keeps doing the same i will not have more turns on the screw to make the gun works.

The gun is an AutomagClassic 68 whith CO2, i have this gun for about 5 or 6 years and i never replace an o-ring or a spring, the first time that i replace a spring was when o install the LVL10.

Do i have to buy the ULE trigger pull???


02-23-2004, 11:39 AM
Make sure everything in the powertube is well lubed up. I noticed that it needs more oil with lvl10. I had the same problem, but that was how I solved it.

02-23-2004, 03:06 PM
Thnks for the answer!!!
The problem is that before the game i lubed up the powertube

Could it be a friction problem? do i need to change to a bigger carrier?


02-23-2004, 03:12 PM
Go up in carriers until it leaks. I tihnk mine does what you're talking about, does it seem like theres no resistance on the trigger or on the velocity screw, until you turn it up.

02-23-2004, 07:15 PM
The trigger fell is like when you squezze some gum!!
before i intstall the LVL10 the trigger feel was more hard no this gummy feel

i will try both of the advices



02-24-2004, 09:38 AM
If the bolt is sticking, you may have to go up a carrier size. Hopefully it doesn't leak. Keep the bolt stem lubricated. Once the carrier o-ring is broken in, it will work much better and will allow you to use a smaller carrier with no sticking problems.

03-05-2004, 06:08 PM
I change the carrier and it seems that i solve the bolt sticking problem

When i pull the trigger in slow motion the gun crono about 260 FPS, and when i pull it in a rapid way it cronos like 280, is this normal?

wright now there are no shims and i put the carrier that has 3 grooves and 1 dot (ID 3.5) whith the medium Spring (the pink one).

Do i hace to go to the bigger carrier or should i stay with the actual configuration???

This MAG is a Classic 68 running on CO2

03-05-2004, 06:13 PM
That sounds more like you are getting liquid co2 into the marker. Do you have an expansion or antisiphon?

03-05-2004, 06:33 PM
i have an Aci SubZero 6 stage Xcahmber, gas thru t stock and a coiled hose remote

i dont think that liquid is getting into the valve

When i say that i pull the trigger in a rapid way i am not refering to shot 7 balls per second, i am refering in how i pull the trigger

thanks for the help but i ran out of CO2 :( :( and i can not do more testing

i think that during the weekend i will refill my tank and stat testing again

03-19-2004, 11:39 PM
Ok as the subject of the tread says

me again!!!!!!

The last time i make the LVL10 work i used the one of the biggers carriers, to be exact the 3.5 carrier with no shims and the middle spring, in that time the gun workd well, no leaks, and shoot great, this test was runned with co2.

Today a friend of mine bought his HPA tank, we put it to the mag and the gun start to leak from the barrel, i supose that its start to leak because of a lack of oil, so i oil the powertube and gas it up again, but the gus still leaks

Could it be because the HPA tank of mi friend has am output preset that is lower than 750 psi???

i am gojng to try to get some co2 to test the gun as it is

Thanks to everybody for the help!!!!!

P.D.: I have a realy important War-game in a few weeks and i need the MAG!!! and i realy need the MAG!!!!

03-20-2004, 03:11 PM
750psi is low and could affect the recharge rate but shouldn't affect the level 10 causing laks down the barrel. You are using a very large carrier. Try going to a smaller carrier since you are gradually breaking the carrier 0-ring in.

03-22-2004, 04:01 PM
wright now the setup of the lvl10 is like this
the carrier that haves 3 grooves 4 shimms and the middle spring (red one)

The thing that boders me its that with the 3.5 carrier i didnt use any shim at all, can any body tellme why whith this new carrier i have to use 4 carriers and with the old one i didnīt used any carrier??

Another thing, when i start to shoot the gun it looks that is working, but suddenly it starts to do some chufing!!(the sound that the gun makes when a ball its not all the way insithe the chamber) i keep pullting the trigger and after 10 or more trigger pulls it starts to work again, and then does it again, all of this without shooting paintballs, could it be because i am running out of co2??
it also do this if i put something in the way in purpose and keep it there for a long time shooting when i put out whatever i was using to block the way of the bolt it start to chuf again, and after a wile it stat to shoot again
why is doing this?? could it be because i block the way for to many time???

Hope that you guys understand what i am trying to explain, my english is not the best!!!
