View Full Version : Anyone that can appraise an older Evo Autococker?

02-15-2004, 08:17 PM

To make a long story short, I lived in New Zealand for about 2 years and during that time became friends with the captain of their national team. He cut me a deal and sold me the following gun, though today I have no idea what its worth. It is 4 years old, though I have only played with it probably 6 times since I have owned it. I believe he played with it around 6 months straight before I purchased.

Anyway, the gun:

Bob Long Evolution Minicocker
-made by Budd Orr USA & custom machined by Belsales U.K

Custom machining, custom left hand feed, green colour anodizing.

Modified Unireg Regulator incl. Tourney Cap

Vertical ASA Adaptor & Quick Couplings

Nelson spring Kit & adj 3-Way Valve Rod

12" Green Anodized All American barrel
12" Perfect Bore Ceramic Series (maker unknown)
10" Perfect Bore Ceramic Series (maker unknown)
10" Stainless (I believe) barrel (maker unknown)

The (maker unknown) barrels all look identical to All American's, though I do not believe thats what they are (the first one is though).

These, along with a VL2000 PowerSeries hopper, al fit into a custom sized/foam cutout case.

Any general IDEA of what this is worth would help. Honestly, I cant find a single pricing (or this gun for that matter) online. I know its a bit older, but it has run pretty well since I have ownedi t.



02-15-2004, 09:03 PM
if you can post pics, that would be great. I doubt it will fetch much, atleast here in the usa, for the fact that it is side feed, and really, no one wants that any more. sorry man. despite it being an evo cocker, i think you might fetch 200 stateside, just for the fact that it is side feed, and it does not have an electro frame

02-15-2004, 09:05 PM
ouch. thats a lot lower than I expected. double ouch.

thought evo cockers stock went around the $800 new. At that price, would it even be worth trying to sell? There is no way in hell im going to find a gun better than this for $240.

02-15-2004, 09:09 PM
Not US$200. With kit, US$400 maybe, depending on the look.

02-15-2004, 09:30 PM
pics can be found:

here (http://somegeek.homestead.com/paintball.html)

only real sign of cosmetic damage on the whole gun is the black paint showing silver underneath next to the barrel screw-in.

02-15-2004, 10:40 PM

02-16-2004, 12:41 AM
a nice old cocker to be sure, probably shoots excellent, I dig the left feed. The problem lies in the market being so oversaturated with used cockers, and new ones for that matter, and that one is 4 years old...

keep it, it still looks great, and probably will perform just as good as a newer model... it just doesn't have the bells and whistles that the buyers want to pay for these days.


02-16-2004, 12:49 AM
thoes barrels were made by PMI.


02-16-2004, 01:33 AM
nice gun bro

02-16-2004, 03:33 AM
its nice
i wouldnt like the left feed
but im sure it shoots great keep it as a back up

02-16-2004, 06:30 AM
Thanks for the help guys. And I REALLY appreciate you telling me who makes the barrels chester.

02-16-2004, 06:41 AM
so, likely no chance of finding a buyer around $400? That is the only price I would consider selling it. Otherwise, I'll throw some mods on it and keep it running till it dies.

02-16-2004, 09:15 AM
Chances of finding a buyer for 400 is very slim, even with the barrels.


02-16-2004, 09:30 AM
(looked at wrong picture)

02-16-2004, 04:35 PM
If I decide to keep this, b/c I can only get $200 for it, can anyone recommend any upgrades? Obviously I need a nitro bottle (always borrowed one), and a dropfoward setup. Are there parts on this gun that could be replaced with new ones that would DRAMATICALLY increase performance without costing big pennys? I'm sure in 4 years something has come out and started to drop in price. I'm actually fine with staying with this gun as long as I can get it up to par with the gun I WANTED to get (RT Pro).



02-16-2004, 04:38 PM
left feed = warp ?

02-16-2004, 04:54 PM
ick. I cant stand the look of that thing =D it would annoy the crap out of me, for sure. I know thats what supposidly everyone who has tried it said, but meh. Also, for the price, would it make THAT huge of a difference? I'm honestly curious here as I have no clue.

EDIT: I just noticed, were you asking me if my left hand feed meant that I had warp? B/c the answer would be no =D The original owner had it custom machined to run down the left side so it didnt block his view on the right.

BTW, this gun has a regulator already on it. Does that mean when I get a nitro tank I dont NEED a regulator for the nitro, or are they two completely seperate regulators? If this is the only one I need, is it something worth looking into upgrading?

I'm looking along the lines of bolts, 3ways, etc. that seem to make cockers do what they do. New bolt designs seem to come out every year and improve quality dramatically. If this is the case, there should likely be some new bolts that would help a lot since 4 years ago, correct? I wouldnt mind a new grip either =D.