View Full Version : Tip Of The Day, part 3

09-19-2001, 11:54 AM

One of the most crucial mistakes made when playing is reloading (at least at the bad time).

When you do run out of paint, pick a SAFE and SECURE location to reload. I have tooken out so many people after they emptied their paint and sat in the open while reloading their gun. This safe and secure location can be behinde your team mates or at the back of field, but only if it is away from the fight or if you are completely out of ammo.

I have however, received differing opinions as to when reloading should take place. I personally believe that you should only reload in the sub-10 round area simply because there is ALWAYS the possibility that you will run into another opponent after taking one out. Where there is one, there is easily 2. I used to use single shots as a rule to save paint,but I changed over when I felt my accuracy has suffered.


The key to winning on a beginner's level is the start. That is, move quickly and immediately.All experienced players start off moving FAST. They know where they are going when the game starts, and so should you.

09-19-2001, 01:12 PM
I've got another tip of you don't mind me barging in on your informative thread. My tip pretains to the "newbie fake" I've employed while playing tournaments. What we've done is, each teammate carries an empty JT speed pod in his or her (yes, we have a her) pocket. If at some point in the game out team and theirs has been wittled down to 2 or 3, we'll have a designated player yell out "I'm outta paint" (mind the boston accent), at which point we'll all set up coressponding shooting lanes around our "lame" player. Then, someone will throw a speed pod in his direction. At this point (it has happended EVERY time we try this tactic) a member of the opposing team will rush and attempt to bunker our player. Notice attempt. We usually have him once he leaves the safety of his bunker, but in two instances, our man has been able to shoot him as he came around/over the top of his bunker. Give it a try. It works out really well if you can do it 2 times in a row. BTW, I play novice, and we call it the newbie fake simply because, never, under no circumstance, should any player other than a newbie yell out "I'm out of ammo".

09-19-2001, 01:39 PM
That's a great trick. I think I'll have to use it on some of the teams around here that think they are the best and look down on all the teams just starting out. There is no way in the world they wont fall for it. Possibly even twice.