View Full Version : TSA or Reloader?

02-16-2004, 03:09 AM
My Halo is temperamental, to put it mildly. It made my team forfeit 2 games in a tourney on Sat. (long story). 2 out of 4 times I've used it, it has just made soup out of whatever was in it. So I need something else in case it goes down again.
I'm looking at the Reloader and the TSA and since they're the same price, and I want to know which one is better. I'm leaning toward the TSA because my friends has one, it keeps up with his RT and I never liked my old revvy. Anyone know which one is faster? Opinions on both and sites to cheap prices for either would be much appreciated. Thanks.

02-16-2004, 03:24 AM
i have a reloader and it is great its faster and more reliable then a revi ...hell in my opnion its the best loader on the market in an all around sense

02-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Someone on my team had a TSA, and out shot it every 3 seconds. I wouldnt recommend getting it. If you are going from a HALO, why dont you sell it, and buy an Evo 2? I've been very happy with mine.

02-16-2004, 01:44 PM
On what site are they the same price? I ordered my Reloader from paintball gateway and it was $40. The TSA was $70.

02-16-2004, 02:03 PM
mrkbik - http://countypaintball.com/product_overview.asp?from=products&category=4&subcategory=3

02-16-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by ramenjames
i have a reloader and it is great its faster and more reliable then a revi ...hell in my opnion its the best loader on the market in an all around sense

I agree. I put Reloader internals into my pre-BE shells and popped in my E-mag and it runs fine. I recommend the Reloader.

02-16-2004, 02:28 PM
I have the TSA and it has never let me down. The feedneck is cracked a little but that was from a teammate dropping it but it still works great.

02-16-2004, 04:05 PM
If you get the reloader, you should get it off paintball gateway. Its only $40 there.

02-16-2004, 05:10 PM
If you dont get force feed, why not try the new ricochet apache?

02-16-2004, 05:15 PM
I have the TSA backman LCD, even though I play abit mroe mid and at the 50'. Its an awsome loader I like the higer capacity loaders, especially at the begining of the game when you have an extra 30-40 balls while other guys are starting on there first pod.

Big advantage of the TSA is that it will rotate the paddles according to what direction the gun is facing. It also has adjustments for paddle speed, paddle duration, force applied to the balls, game timer, voltage display, ball counter, and a bunch of other really cool stuff...

paint magnet
02-16-2004, 05:20 PM
I recommend the Re:Loader as well. Very light weight and speed isn't too bad either.

gtrsi - Only the LCD version of the TSA has the adjustable speed, force, sensitivity, etc.

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-16-2004, 08:06 PM
What software do you have on your HALO? Even though that shouldn't make a difference, it might be the problem. Also, it is a HALO B right? You aren't still using one of the original HALO's, are you? If so that is your problem right there.

02-16-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG
What software do you have on your HALO? Even though that shouldn't make a difference, it might be the problem. Also, it is a HALO B right? You aren't still using one of the original HALO's, are you? If so that is your problem right there.
It's a Halo B with TE. I'm thinking of selling it and getting one of the Empire sound activated ones, so I don't need to worry about eyes.

02-19-2004, 03:29 PM
why? are you having troubles with the eyes in ur halo or something?

02-19-2004, 09:49 PM
well, I have had halo b for a while, experience with a teammates TSA, three eggs, teammates reloader, 12v revvy, x board revvy, jmj x revvy, and a ricochet.

Out of them, Halo=Bad.

The ricochets are so so, mine had problems, but three people I know haven't had problems. But even if they do break you can get a new one no questions asked.

Eggs and revvys are your responsibility if broken. I personally use an egg, and had a pre-be x as a back up.

Reloader, I'd assume the same thing. As far as speed, a teammate wasn't having problems to my knowledge outshooting his Reloader on his gabriel lcd.

I'd suggest a Egg2, Ricochet Apache (depends on how they are, and price), or the Reloader.

Also- were you using dark-shelled paint in the halo? I couldn't use marbalizers with the one I had.

02-19-2004, 09:55 PM

02-19-2004, 10:35 PM

02-19-2004, 11:00 PM
I have a realoder doesnt let me down hell i will never buy a halo or egg i just like the reloader. Or maybe ill change my mind when the reloader B comes out??

The TSA i have never used it but a guy that i know has one and it has giving him allot of problems.

Go with the reloader.

02-20-2004, 01:05 AM
id get a reloader and put it in pre- BE shells......come to think of it...that is what i did:)