View Full Version : 12v Revvy's with X-Board...Problems?

02-16-2004, 08:30 PM
It looks like I have enough left over from my upcoming gun purchase (Spyder Imagine (see my other thread if you have comments on this)) to buy a 12v Revvy w/ X-Board. But, in another thread, I heard about all sorts of problems people have had with them, like the feednecks breaking mid-game, etc. So, should I use the money to buy a revvy, or get something else instead (only have 50 bucks though), or what?


02-16-2004, 08:59 PM
yea they're alright, i believe BE just had a bad batch, iv'e alos heard the gem series(colors are weaker than black hoppers. I am not positive but i think BE fixed it, so they are a little stronger, but hey it's still BE.

02-16-2004, 09:03 PM
there still great hoppers.. just over time i think they start to ware down and crack. But i guess the good thing is shells are only like 12 bucks.

02-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Gotta love those pre-BE revvies! I put an X-board in it two weeks ago and its as good as ever. :D

02-16-2004, 10:03 PM
theres one problem with them... pretty big too

the shells BLOW ***!!!!!!! :eek:

any of the new shells will break if you drop em or whatever

get a ricochet if you want 11-12 bps feeding rate

they're lighter and have the best customer service out of any company i've ever known

something breaks? tell em, the only question they'll ask is "whats your address?" so they can send you a replacement part free of any charge (even shipping!)

02-16-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
theres one problem with them... pretty big too

the shells BLOW ***!!!!!!! :eek:

any of the new shells will break if you drop em or whatever

That's not entirely true. I've got 2 "new" one's here that are as good as day 1.

VL's constantly changing the plastic in an attempt to correct past probs.The new one's have a date code in them so they can finally track them for future performance since VL doesn't actually manufacture the plastic parts and have to rely on sub contractors for that.

I will however,second Ricochet for a great alternative to a Revy,an AK feeds as fast or faster the an X-Revy,is lighter and uses one less battery.Great cust service as well.

trains are bad
02-17-2004, 01:15 PM
Only thing i don't like about mine is I keep losing my squeegie since i never need it.

02-17-2004, 04:52 PM
k, Thanks for the info everyone...one more question: How's the noise level on these things? Are they loud, or very quiet, or what?


trains are bad
02-17-2004, 06:31 PM

02-17-2004, 07:05 PM
the noise is such that it won't give your position away if that's what you're worried about. The only time I've heard my revvy run was when there was a gap in the feed neck (duh), and that only occured WHILE I was shooting, or immediately afterwards. Either way, if someone was trying to track me down, the sound of my gun would be more of a give-away than the revvy ever would.

02-17-2004, 07:10 PM
I think you are better off with a reloader. Its the same price and it agitates every shot. Not just when there is no ball sensed in the feed tube. Plus, the shells are much better and they arent BE. :)

trains are bad
02-17-2004, 07:15 PM
I also have a reloader and the shells do seem tougher, (though I've never broken a revvy) But I prefer the revvy because it works WAY better when you get low on paint, and it doesn't spin every shot like the reloader does, and the reloader is noisy. Plus the reloader shuts itself off which sucks for scenario games. On my F/A feeding tests they both fed exactly the same (8bps dead relible, 10bps for medium bursts, and 12 short bursts.)

02-19-2004, 11:28 PM
i have a Pre BE revy and put an X-board in it last sat. b4 playin pb on sunday...and just..wow..:p
-Ryan F.