View Full Version : Something I thought I'd never say-

09-19-2001, 05:57 PM
I thoguht I'd never say this, but alas, It's true.

I played with an Angel LED for a considerable ammount of time of saturday. I loved it. Never did the day come when I thought I'd say I loved an Angel. I still love my mag. Always have, always will.

Now it's a consideration, IF i ever get done with my mag, my precious and loved mag, should I get an Angel?

09-19-2001, 06:03 PM
Blah. I've got about 20 hours play time on my buddy's spare Dark Angel... when my gun was in the mail, waiting for Centerflag to hook me up with a replacement frame. The Angel doesn't shoot any better, and it's bigger and heavier.

If anything, get an EMag... those things beat the pants off of Angels.

09-19-2001, 06:05 PM
have u ever shot an emag. i think they are better then angels

09-19-2001, 06:33 PM
*Cough* EMAG *Cough*. I like E-Mags better. They are cooler, better, and just shoot better!!

09-19-2001, 06:44 PM
I know and I'm like partial to mags. I love them.
I dunno why this angel thoguh..
I have shot an e-mag, but never played a game with one.. it;s time to call scott now..gotta see when i can burrow his.

09-19-2001, 06:54 PM
Ok, Ive seen and held both, the angels are nice and shiny, but E-Mags are MUCH better in performance, not to mention feel, plus they look better... and theyre from AGD, you cant go wrong there... plus the manual/hybrid/electro modes are just wonderful! :D

09-19-2001, 07:08 PM
Heh..I seem to be one of the few who would like an Angel.

I played a few games with a Dark & a 2k1 LCD, I LOVE IT! If I had the money I'd definitely buy an Angel. E-mag would probably be my second or third choice. Not saying they're bad guns, but I've heard they're heavy (how much heavier than a classic mag)? I still like the vertical feed from my old gun, so it'll take awhile for me to get used to the mag's p/f.

09-19-2001, 07:46 PM
Well if a Emag is too heavy....Get a SFL Emag!!! It weighs a little more than a classic with metal frame. And they look really nice. I think BBT is making them and will be out in a month or two.


09-19-2001, 07:50 PM
EMAG, i havent even shot, only seen 1 and am hooked, now if only i could grab some cash...

09-19-2001, 08:02 PM
Lets go to the chart,shall we?

MJS1214's paintball gun timeline

Spyder compact-1998------->automag classic-2000---------------------------->E-mag-2010--------->angel LCD-2024--------------------Repo ppl reposess angel----------------->MJS1214 gets a job and buys angel again-2032

the point being that the angel is a good gun,but it breaks balls and you have to get a weekend job to pay for it.Thus is the reason for my signiture:
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

09-19-2001, 09:10 PM
Hey, I will probably be playing at Alamo on Saturday if it isn't raining too bad. If it does rain I'll try again on Sunday. If you're there you can use my Emag all you want, I'll try playing with my Cocker. I think you will like it, even has the Rev running off the Emag battery.

See ya..

09-19-2001, 10:01 PM
E-mags aren't heavy. I know because I have one. If you haven't AT LEAST held one, or an Angel for that matter, why do you feel like you are qualified to comment on its weight or balance? Come on.

E-mags are not light, but few if any of the really high-end guns are. I mean, have you guys ever shot a Shocker with a 20 oz CO2 tank? That's heavy.

The biggest downside of the E-mag would be that it cannot be readily converted into low pressure operation for extra brittle tournament paint. Even that's not a consideration for most people, who, like me, don't really play a lot of tournaments,plus EVERYONE who has ever held my E-Mag (even people with Angels, Excaliburs, custom Cockers etc.) comment on a few positive attributes such as its compactness and ROF.

Angels ARE sweet, and so are E-Mags. My point is that you should shoot one before you fervently bash or promote either.

09-19-2001, 10:40 PM
that is great that you like the angel, but try an emag too. A suggestion though, try an emag, w and w/o a warp feed because I find there is quite a bit of difference with how it balances with a warp feed. I think that the warp feed and a aluminum barrel along with a good N2 tank that is reasonably light makes for a very well balanced gun. I don't care what anyone says it also makes for a relatively heavy gun. Although the balance is most important in shooting accurately, weight can be made up for with muscles :).

Bad Dave
09-20-2001, 03:29 AM
E- Mags shoot better?

No better with correct paint barrel match.

Angels break paint?

No more and no less than an E-mag.

E mags and Angels are both great guns, there is no need to bash either because open minded people will see how stupid that is.

Ultimately try them both but look at the overall package, eg support upgrades etc.etc.

09-20-2001, 08:15 AM
I've shot them both and I like them both!!
The bad thing I'm going back to germany in 3 month and in germany every paintball gun has to be tested and legalized by the government!
the e-mag isn't legalized there but the angel is so you don't have much of a choice!!
A question for AGD are you going to get it legalized in germany so that people over there can use it??

09-20-2001, 11:46 AM
Hey Thor,
What's the deal with the E-mag in germany? Where are you moving to? Coincidentally I'm moving to germany in another month...we should hook up, start an AO chapter over there or something.
Anyway, I'd have tears streaming down my face if I couldn't use my E-mag. I just bought an angel not because I love it so much, but because I want to carve the body. I've shot many an angel, and though they are very nice guns, they don't do it for me like a mag does.

09-20-2001, 12:05 PM
Hey Maghog,
I'm going back to Mannheim (where I'm actually from).
Thats in the south west about 1 hour south of frankfurt and about 15 min north of Heidelberg (in case you've heared about that).
By the way I'm going back there in about 8 weeks i had mistyped it in my last post.
Ok now to the e-mag in germany. Any paintball gun sold or used in germany has to have a "F" sign imprintet which means that it is tested and legalized from the german government for use.
To get a gun on the list of legalized guns somebody has to make a proposal to the german gun agency and give them a gun to test. If they say the gun is ok it goes on the list.
Once the gun is on the list a dealer can give you the "F" for a small fee on you gun if it is similar to the one tested.
To have a gun without an "f" is basicly the same than having a real gun. And for that the laws a really strict and you can go into prisaon if you don't have a wapons permit!
The last time I checked the e-mag wasn't on the list and I'm wondering if AGD (or AGD EUROPE) is even trying to get it there.

If you are an american and you only play on US-Army property you don't have to care about it because the german police can't enforce it there.

09-20-2001, 12:29 PM
hi guys. i just have one question about the emag. whenever i see people play with it they always have the stock barrel on. is there a reason for that? can you put aftermarket barrels on it? i just wonder because i dont really like how the stock barrel looks and also wonder why people dont change it.

09-20-2001, 03:03 PM
Becasue I don;t really. I think thier fine guns.
Sorry if you thoguht that I disliked them. I was saying that thoguht i like the emag, I too like the Angel, and is there such a crime in that? No one said that if you loves mags you couldn't like others.
Thank you for all your help thoguh guys.

Oh, and yeah, the Agel was heavy, but i haven't decided wether it the the 114 ci tank or not...

09-20-2001, 06:17 PM
hey andrew, your ? about the barrel, i just got my emag but had a 68 for a while before that, i bought a freak barrel system cause i was actually thinking ahead adn knew that they were interchangable between the two guns because both were agd, well anyways, i have the freak system and haven't even used it on my emag in a game, i thought i would but then i saw how accurate the stock barrel is, so i just kept it on there, plus it looks a little cooler.

Ni cD
09-20-2001, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
I've got about 20 hours play time on my buddy's spare Dark Angel...

I wish I had his kinda money. :(

I personally like the Angel better than the E-Mag, but thats simply because I love the way they look...as for performance, you'll get about the same either way.

09-20-2001, 08:22 PM
Ich weiss ganz genau wo Mannheim ist Thor, ich werde selbst in der naehe ven Freiburg sein. Ich bin nicht im Army, sondern wird eine Lehre als Werkzeugmacher anfangen.
Hoffentlich koennen wir uns mal treffen.
Bitte entshuldig mein schlechtes Deutsch, ich bin nicht aus Deutshland, aber hab dort schon studiert.

09-20-2001, 09:42 PM
Ich sprichen kein Deutche.

Ich habe mich vergessen.

09-21-2001, 06:35 AM
Hey Maghog!
Your german is pretty good!! I really don't wanna know how my english sounds sometimes!!
Hey Freiburg is only like a 3 hour drive from mannheim sure we can meet some times.
By the way if you are in freiburg you're pretty lucky. It's close to france and because the laws are much more liberal in france a lot of people go and play paintball there. There you don't need a "f" on your gun and you can schoot 300 fps (the german law says 220 fps I think)


09-21-2001, 08:49 AM
If you have an address Thor, or an e-mail where you know you can be reached, please send it to Dan@Triggernomics.com. I will be sure to get in touch when I have settled in.
As far as France goes, I already have a friends who have been checking it out, they say the same thing you do.
I was not aware of the 220 fps rule, this just keeps getting worse...how are you supposed to still enjoy the game with al these restrictions. I'm going to have to talk to some of the German legislators at some point.
The cool thing is that we'll be close to the world cup, that I definitely want to go to.

09-21-2001, 11:06 AM
Now they are trying to sell their angels to get an Emag. But they will loose some cash, i told them they should have bought the Emag first. Anyway, i let them play with my EMag once in a while, until they sell their angels. The good thing about it is the more i play with their angels, the more i like my Emag