View Full Version : Questions on building a mag...

02-18-2004, 09:10 AM
First off, can the Karta body be used for any marker othger than the x-mag, or not? I believe cphillip used one. Am I wrong?

Second, the logic frame...I googled for this thing, but I can't find anywhere to purchase one of these. Where can I get one? And from what I've read, it's just a kick-a$$ 90* mechanical frame with intellifeed option. Anybody know of anyone who's put a board in one to make it electro?

02-18-2004, 09:19 AM
Well Colin designed the Karta to go with the RT Pro/Emag type rail. So he does the milling of the two together.

His other body the Dallara is very nice and similar in some respects and its designed to mill the standard Mag rail with it.

All are designed off the Sluggo body so yea they would fit anything but the way he carves the rail into it all is the difference. And there are slight differences in the Karta for the Emag and the Karta for the RT Pro. Because of the slightly different nose on the rails. Not a lot of difference but some. Thats why its good to have the rail milled also because they blend together better.

The logic frame and even the Deadlywind body information is mostly contained within threads in the Dealers Forum here on AO. If you go there you will find all the answers to your questions and how to purchase them.

Coolhand is indeed working on trying to electro that frame.

02-18-2004, 09:25 AM

Now my only question is can I get the foregrip set up like it is on my current mag (right in front of the trigger guard), and not spaced far out front like on the RT pro.

If that would be the case, I'd be rockin a mag like this as soon as I could get my hands on the cash for it.

I'm thinking a "viagra" blue ano karta body/rail, black logic frame with blue grips, blue intellifeed revvy, black foregrip, black freak kit, x-valve, and black Iron cross ball detents (they are the same threading as the WDP Angel Speed, correct?).

02-19-2004, 01:11 PM
Ok, question for those of you with logic frames:

Does the frame move the drop forward mouting point forward considerably? It would be nice not to have to change drops just to accomodate this new frame.

Thanks all. Waht do you think of this porject idea?

02-19-2004, 01:22 PM
Yes it will swing the drop farther forward. The bottom of the frame has to be farther forward to cut down the angle. It would be like taking a standrad frame and pivoting it about the trigger guard until it is vertical. To check, just drop a line down from the back of your trigger guard. Now measure from that point to the front of your existing frame, that should get pretty close to the difference in positions.

The difference will be pretty close to an inch, if I remember correctly.

Good luck with your project.

02-19-2004, 01:37 PM
You mean something similar to this?


02-20-2004, 11:28 AM
Good god yes.

I'd like to replace the detent with a Warped Sports Iron Cross detent, and have the body anoed a nice rich purple tinged blue, with gloss black logic frame, freak kit, foregrip, drop, and locking feed collar.

Probably going to run me somewhere in the neighborhood of about 600 bucks for all the parts I'm guessing (I'll just add them to my current mag and then use the leftovers to build ANOTHER one :D)