View Full Version : Need help with a paintball club.

02-19-2004, 12:43 PM
I just got passed down the responsibility of starting a paintball club at my school. The princepal and other peep didn't like the idea but I brought them my junior paper (which evedently was on the safety of paintball) and it changed their minds.

I am expected to creat a store that the club members are going to buy from and I need really nice hook ups and prices. I will probubly need a sellers permit and other legal stuff.

I am also going to be the captain of the team.

Basically, I need lots of help becasue even though I love paintball and play often, I am not too street wise (if you know what I mean).

I would apreciate it if anyone could give me any information or great buisness store names or maybe even some sponsorship opportunities. Thanks.

PS. This is going to be huge in Medford and surrounding area.

02-19-2004, 01:32 PM
so ...wait your schools letting you start a paintball club....and letting you sell PB gear in the school....and letting you have a school PB team?.......i want to go to your school......no way in hell would my princeple let me start a PB club .....well he would but he wouldnt let a marker within about 59387589398 feet of the school
damn dude in jelous

02-19-2004, 01:34 PM
Get hooked up with PMI if you can. They are our dealer at Blackrainn Paintball, and they've been better to us than National has. Good people.

02-19-2004, 01:34 PM
If I were you I'd start out by getting some names of people who will be joining the club, lots(100+)of different people, and their parents consent (because they are minors).

get some information on the paintball safety classes that are offered, each referee should take these classes this will lower your insurance costs.

Then take that information to the principle to show your overwhelming public support. From here you can work with the school and if you are lucky the park district to begin setting up or planning a paintball field. show them some pretty pics of airball fields (3000-5000$), and safety netting (aprox. 1500$). you will need a air station for filling N2, you can get a compressor and a booster for aprox. 2500$.
getting paintball supplies is the easiest part, buying bulk amounts of field paintball gear is really cheap, you can get 10 tippmans with masks and tanks plus for about 2000$ thats a pretty big savings:

Setting up your own store is just as easy, all you need to do is make a web page and link it to a paintball store that you have an affiliation with, on average you will get 5-10% of all sales or save 5-10%.. however you want to look at it. example:

it will be easy because it is fun, good luck!

02-19-2004, 06:19 PM
what school do u go to soo i can transfer and give u guys a great tape player