View Full Version : dynasty on pbnation

02-19-2004, 04:50 PM
well today i cruise on over ot pbnation to talk to some AOers,Well i look and it says pro teams, then under it dynasty. You can talk to a couple of the dynasty players, one of them being todd martinez(i think). What do you guys think about this?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-19-2004, 05:11 PM
blah who cares, we got tom kaye, clare, jon, etc.

02-19-2004, 05:35 PM
and me...can't forget me

02-19-2004, 05:42 PM
Big whoop? I don't give a rats rear about "pros", sure it might be nice to chat with them but I am not going to get all orgasmic about it.

02-19-2004, 05:49 PM
I rather like the paintball personalities here.

Tom, manike Clare, all the agd techs, the few guests we've had, all present a very friendly, wholesome and positive image.

After playing with some of the so-called "pros," even the ones on this particular team, I really can't say the same.

02-19-2004, 05:53 PM
yea dynasty is kinda bleh, and pbnation is kind of the stuff i find under desk at school.

02-19-2004, 06:12 PM
why would u wanna talk to dynasty n e way since they became front runners and are now endorsed by sp

02-19-2004, 08:13 PM
Some of the Dynasty boys seem like cool guys, and it'd be cool to talk to them. But, then again, PBNation sucks. It's harder to find a post with decent spelling and grammar at PBNation than at a pre-school.

02-19-2004, 08:20 PM
they may be cool, even nice guys, sure... but what do I have in common with them?

other than paintball, probably nothing...

people on AO on the other hand, are a much closer bunch, and one of the purposes of this forum has become to make friends, and meet all over the country to play paintball and have fun...

Does PBNation have Meets where folks in the industry of various levels of notoriety show up to kick back, chill out, and play some friendly ball? doubt it.

They can keep Dynasty


02-19-2004, 08:28 PM
hmm...PBNation pandering to the mindless mainstream misinformed moppets? say it isn't so. :rolleyes:

02-19-2004, 11:50 PM
we have way more people in this board that have greater importance that inturn influence the sport.

02-20-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
blah who cares, we got tom kaye, clare, jon, etc.

I have to agree with with Sn Y p ER here, plus how many people on PBN are actually nice people?