View Full Version : AOL Users Please Read

02-19-2004, 05:39 PM
We've been told that the latest version(s?) of AOL by default require users to specify acceptable senders of email, and all emails not from those senders are shunted aside into a spam folder - or something like that. Not being an AOHell user, I'm not certain of the details. However, this system would explain why we have been having significant problems communicating with people with AOL email addresses lately.

If you use our internet store and are an AOL user, PLEASE be sure to add the entire airgun.com domain to your list of permitted email addresses. You might do this by adding *@airgun.com to the list if AOHell uses the common format.

You might also want to add ups.com and fedex.com if you want to have a better chance of getting your tracking numbers. :)


02-19-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by AGD-OfficeGal


I'm going to have to remember that one!

02-19-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by hitech


I'm going to have to remember that one!
Is that the first time you have heard that? LOL Heck, that goes WAY back. :p

02-19-2004, 07:11 PM
Better yet get yourself a REAL ISP and quit this AOL nonsense. If they can't provide a service the rest of the world is compatable with then I got no use for them. I have indeed run into people that rejected both my .EDU domain and my .Starband! And so I got NO WAY to email them. I figure its there problem, not mine...

02-19-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Is that the first time you have heard that? LOL Heck, that goes WAY back. :p

Yup. I don't deal with AOL very often. Those I know that use it like it. Not that I can figure out why. :rolleyes:

02-19-2004, 07:21 PM
i suggest a ban of *.aol.com from AO...AOL users shouldnt be on AO.

02-19-2004, 07:22 PM

the loop................hitech


02-19-2004, 08:19 PM
I can't tell you how many PO'd calls I get from my mom (with an AOL account) that I never contact her, I never sent her my flight information, etc. and she assures me that I am not trapped up in the spam-block filter.

Please, people, if you are stuck with AOL, get a hotmail or yahoo! account and use that. And while you're at it, close that stupid aol browser window and open up Netscape or IE...the world looks much better that way.

02-20-2004, 01:16 AM
I accidentally forgot to uncheck that "add AOL" checkmark on some obscure program ... took me a month and 2 formats to completey exercise that deamon from my machine!!!!

02-20-2004, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by hitech
Yup. I don't deal with AOL very often. Those I know that use it like it. Not that I can figure out why. :rolleyes:
Oh, it gets pretty bad. “We speed up browsing!”.. yeah, buy compressing everything with their own proprietary software. And if a site uses already compressed graphics AOL will cause them to look REALLY bad or have lines thought them.

I used to have AOL WAY back… when there was not much of a choice. And all the complaints myself and others had were ignored. AOL’s public answer was that they didn’t receive the complaints so the problems must not exist. Well….. when you call them up and are on hold for over 45 minutes most people tend to HANG UP. No kidding they didn’t get the complaints. :rolleyes:

AOL also used to (I don’t know if they still do) block competitors sites and sites associated with their competitors from being able to be accesses while using their service. The list of AOL problems is so long that it is best to just say they HAVE them. LOL

And AOL users are some of the most clueless people on earth (not all, but I think we know the ones I am talking about). And believe it or not a good many of them think when using AOL’s network they are actually using the “Internet”. Yes, they use the internet to access the AOL Network, but then they STAY there (except for the occasional site surfing).

I tell folks that if they have NO other way to access the internet, go ahead and use AOL. But ONLY use it as a way to gain access to the internet. Stay away from their e-mail, network, or anything else they offer (besides AIM). But actively look for a better ISP.

Sorry….. I need some coffee… and AOL is a touchy subject for me. ;)

02-20-2004, 06:56 AM
OOPS I forgot! More about their E-Mail….. Sending an e-mail and not having it delivered for several days if not weeks because “we have a lot of e-mail and our systems sometimes get bogged down”. And this was right after they announced they had expanded and put in all new equipment! LOL

02-20-2004, 07:01 AM
Ugh, my grandma just got a computer for the first time, complete with, you guessed it... AOL!!!! "User-friendly" my arse, I'm fairly computer literate I couldn't figure out how to do a damn thing with that crap... and much less my poor ol' grandma!!! *sigh* Yay for threadjacking.

02-20-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Well….. when you call them up and are on hold for over 45 minutes most people tend to HANG UP. No kidding they didn’t get the complaints. :rolleyes:

I was trying to diagnose a problem with AOL back in the Windows 3.1 days. I called AOL and the person on the phone had NO idea what they were talking about. When I called them on it they hung up on me! Never did get it fixed. :(

02-23-2004, 03:19 PM
Even on the Mac system where its hard to hide stuff, AOL is like a freaking worm, they install aliases and nuggets of itself all over the FREAKING place.

I like te idea above; Any AOer with AOL is banned! That kind of stuff is only suitable for PBN, and MAYBE PBN.

02-24-2004, 09:14 PM
GayOL, or AOhell :)