View Full Version : long, long time ago

02-19-2004, 08:04 PM
does anyone remember a really long time ago, before the emag came out, AGD made a little survey(sp) asking that if AGD was to make an electronic marker what would we like and pay extra for, such as materials, features etc. well one of the questions was, would you rather keep the current valve(that being the retro valve) or for the new marker to have a new style valve.

well if i remember correctly, i answered that i wanted a new valve, even though they tried to con ou with the fact that they already had the fastest reacharging valve in the world.

well evidently the polls tilted to the 'keep the retro valve' side. but what if had not went that way? what kind of gun would AGD had made if they strayed away form the 'AUTOMAG' type guns?

MR.Kay please fill us in as to what did you have in mind when you asked us that question. surely you had some sort of plan for if everyone wanted to dump the retro valve for a new system.

and what does everyone here think AGD would have made?


02-19-2004, 08:16 PM
We asked a whole bunch of questions to try and cover the whole picture. I don't think that we were actually considering changing the valve system back then.

If someone told me to make a gun for me I would make a millisecond reacting valve system that could take 4500 psi directly into the chamber to recharge.

If I had to make a gun for all of you I would make an electro pneumatic with a really nice body.


02-19-2004, 08:28 PM
well thanks for the super quick reply MR.Kay. so now that that is out, what system out there would you perhaps mimic, not to say that you think that it might be superior to the mags.

by the way
If someone told me to make a gun for me I would make a millisecond reacting valve system that could take 4500 psi directly into the chamber to recharge.

could this mean what you have in mind for the future for us, because not to doubt your abilities in any way, but that sounds like it would have a lot of wear on the moving parts, what little there may need to be.

02-19-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by AGD
We asked a whole bunch of questions to try and cover the whole picture. I don't think that we were actually considering changing the valve system back then.

If someone told me to make a gun for me I would make a millisecond reacting valve system that could take 4500 psi directly into the chamber to recharge.

If I had to make a gun for all of you I would make an electro pneumatic with a really nice body.


Wow, is it just me or is TK growing bitter. LOL jking kinda.

In reality, there are many of us still around TK that buy an automag not for looks but for function. The reason I have an e-mag and not an e-cocker revolves around you - the testing I am certain you put into the gun, the fact that the gun meets your requirements. If it was not your name behind it - your name being the testing you have done, the ideas you have brought, the trust I place in you to make certain things I know nothing about are right - I would have bought a cocker or other electronic gun. Simply down to it - a lot of us trust you to say "this is a good product" and beleive it. I don't trust SP to do the same, I don't trust the fad gun manufacturers to do the same.

In closing, you are an important part to the paintball community still, you are a leader to many of us out here. Yes there are those that chase fads, and those companies that cater to them, but will those companies be able to exist in 10 years, did they exist 10 years ago? You still have a valid business principle, even if the Garners do make more money. How many people appreciate the Garners - besides Dynasty?

Micromag man!
02-19-2004, 08:51 PM

How...... Heart-Warming... :D ;) :p

02-20-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by AGD
If someone told me to make a gun for me I would make a millisecond reacting valve system that could take 4500 psi directly into the chamber to recharge.

If I had to make a gun for all of you I would make an electro pneumatic with a really nice body.


Just to clarify, is the gun for you a "dream" gun b/c its something that would be extremely high performance, more accurate, more efficient, ect., but too expensive to build? Or is it that you couldn't sell it b/c people are too "sold" on low pressure, timers, IR, electronics, ect.?

Could you build your dream gun and still have the styling features that appeal to players (colors, milling, whatever)?

I guess I'm really not clear why "your" gun and "my" gun have to be mutually exclusive. With all the issues involving SP and the future of electronic markers, it seems like this could be a prime opportunity to build a high performance mech marker.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, you are really saying, AGD could build a mech marker with equal or better features than the electronic markers available now but the only buyers would be AOers (and you already sell your products to us!).