View Full Version : AGD Looking for AO Historian

09-20-2001, 11:57 AM
AO Family,

I have noticed that on many occasions people come back here after only being gone a few weeks and are completely lost as to what is going on. I think it would be a good idea to have someone keep a thread that we can stick on the historic forum that keeps a running account of what happened here in the fast moving world of AO. I would think that a sentence or two every week would be fine, something like " Winner of the Intelliframe Package Contest Announced" or " Terrorist Attack Thread gets 5000 views". Something so people could come back and get reoriented to what's going on. When I see long time members show up and ask "what's an Intelliframe?" it takes a long time to get them back up to speed.

So I am looking for someone who would be interested in the job and would do it reliably every week.



09-20-2001, 12:11 PM
I think that would be a great idea, if it would be used. I however have a feeling that the work someone would put into it would be for not……

Look at all the great information you already HAVE on both this site and your Main Site, and all of it right out in the open. People still refuse to use the basic tools and features you provide them with. Then they get insulted when the tools are pointed out to them, as well as STILL not using them. It is a no win situation.

I think that people will still come to the Main Forum and ask the same types of questions they have been asking. And anything short of you calling them up and updating them personally will be ignored and be a waste of your time and resources… as well as the one who volunteers to do it for you.

Look at all the changes you have already made for people.. Adding the OT Forum, Adding new Features, etc. And people STILL refuse to read the simple rules for posting that YOU yourself posted. They refuse to follow even the simple Forum Category Guidelines you and your staff have posted as well. And there are other things.

So, with all due respect, what you suggest is wonderful if it would be used the way you envision it. But I doubt it would be, and would be willing to put money on it.

(added note: My point has been proven yet again, even since I first posted this. ;))

09-20-2001, 12:37 PM
I'd be more than happy to do it. Let me know.

09-20-2001, 02:08 PM
and here I thought you wanted a dissertation on the Battle of Waterloo...

Heck, I check the forums almost every hour or less during the day. Night I tend to burn out, but... let me know.

09-20-2001, 02:30 PM
I suppose it would be easier to do it as a Moderator. So I can give it a try if you like. LMK.

09-20-2001, 03:12 PM
I think, in order to avoid burnout which was mentioned earlier but not in this manner, there should be one historian per forum. Asking one person could be a tad bit daunting.

09-20-2001, 04:45 PM
I am thinking we track the main forum only, the OT forum wanders around randomly and I think it has more regulars there. I want people to come back and look at the history first to see what's been happening. I want them to say "look they had another contest!!" instead of them missing it all together.

Any other comments?


09-20-2001, 04:46 PM
good idea, if it is done by someone unresponsible it would be a horror. i think phil could handle it.

09-20-2001, 05:12 PM
I'll do it if ya want. :)


09-20-2001, 05:12 PM
other comments...
"will work for food." microwavable and instant also accepted.

A few things, Tom.

The "classic" posts really irk me. They're on the same list as the non "classic" posts, and I understand they're meant to grab attention, but there are too many of them for me to really continue noticing them...

Is there a way you guys can seperate the classics from the normals with a nice maroon bar or something of the sort? Maybe I'm the only one, but... I think that might be a step in keeping people in on what the hot topics are. It's the little things... :)

09-20-2001, 06:52 PM
I'd do it if you like. I am not a big poster here but I read a lot of the info and posts here. I usually visit here a couple times a day. Let me know if you'd be interested in me doing it. Thanks!

Peanut The Paintballer
09-20-2001, 07:14 PM
Im up for the job. i browse the boards like every half hour so I dont miss much.

09-20-2001, 07:56 PM
Shartlely, I dissagree with you very much so.

Yes, not everyone (and for that fact many) would go there to look for news, however, if someone asked "hey, who won this contest? When is tom gonna tell us more about the new..........." we could easily respond with a link to the forum that would have that info, which is easily accessible to everyone. Like tom said, it SURE would take alot less time to post a link than actually type out a explanation. Shartely, I am sure you would love to not have to explain yourself as much as you do, right?

As for who should be historian, I can't really sugguest anyone that comes to mind, just make sure someone who really wants to help out w/ automags.org's forums.

I guess its time I throw my name into the hat for names of sugguestions, but it's of course upto AGD, and all thier mods and members to decide.......

Might wanna have a poll.........about it....

09-21-2001, 10:00 PM
Ok well it seems like we should try this and see what happens. Let's say it's a 3 month job and then we rotate someone else in so it doesn't get too borring for the same person.

Series since you stood up first you can have the first job. Lets start a thread called "Here's What's Been Happening on AO". In the first thread we state that this thread is only for you to update with weekly reports all other posts will be deleted. Write a new post each week.

We will modify it as we go, I'll see if Webbie can get you excusive access to post on that thread.

Thanks everyone!