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02-21-2004, 03:49 AM
here are some firday night Texball pics.....Enjoy!!!

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Crayons.jpg" >

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/cryer.jpg" >

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Fridays_group.jpg" >

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Guts2.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Guys1.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Cryer.jpg" >

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Icecream_shots.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Texball1/Twins.jpg">

02-21-2004, 08:07 AM

02-21-2004, 08:39 AM
wow looks like a loud of fun, i gotta get myself to one of these AO days one day. Although i couldn't go to the bar, being 15 and all. OH well, I'll be on AO awhile.;)

02-21-2004, 10:27 AM
Hey is that the Jack Astors on Central and Parker Rd??? I am from Plano, and that is where that looks like! Hope you guys have a great rest of TeXball, I will be there next year hopefully!

02-21-2004, 10:32 AM
Check out http://www.paintballmedia.com for the up-to-date photos of TexBall.

02-21-2004, 11:26 AM
Wow, looks like fun!

Some of us from MI had our own little AO meet in my basement with Pizza and beers... multiplayer N64 on the projector... :D (Tater, Funk, Rachel, and myself)


We did the FIRST EVER REVERSE DRUNKEN MIDNIGHT PHONE CALL! by calling Muzik and chatting for a few minutes...

Cool pics!


02-21-2004, 11:39 AM
WWHHHHAAAAAA! We wanna be there! :( You guys all tip one back for me and Trina, OK?

02-21-2004, 12:35 PM
i hate you all

02-21-2004, 03:13 PM
Wow... Code_MA looks exactly like me...

02-21-2004, 03:22 PM
Wow pictures of a bathroom and 3 pictures of some peoples faces whom we have no idea are.



(this is to reference to the link)

02-21-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by quik
Wow pictures of a bathroom and 3 pictures of some peoples faces whom we have no idea are.




02-21-2004, 03:25 PM
One is of miscue. Others I'm not sure of.

02-21-2004, 03:25 PM
Very interesting bathroom :confused:

02-21-2004, 03:34 PM
I'm guessing the guys decorated Manike's bathroom with a pink theme. It's lovely, Simon. It's sooooo you! :p :D

Yeah, the one guy is Miscue, the other is edwierd.

Oh...I merged the two picture threads.

02-21-2004, 05:30 PM
Pics updated at http://paintballmedia.com/gallery/TexBall2004?page=1

02-21-2004, 05:39 PM
DAMN YOU ALL!!! Next year...

02-21-2004, 06:20 PM
Looks like a great time, great weather, amazing people. I wanted to go :(. Lets get some pics of whirly ball up. And if you go to any bars ;).

02-21-2004, 08:17 PM
The x-ball was great. Team 2 with surferboy, me, Capo, Havoc and some other people owned. It was a bunch of fun. Out of 145 pictures I am in 1...

02-21-2004, 09:12 PM


edit: hopefully :(

02-21-2004, 09:43 PM
ahhh Team two should just surrender to use now. :0

02-21-2004, 10:02 PM


paint magnet
02-21-2004, 11:04 PM
I regret I missed out on the chance to shoot all of you... do something stupid for me :D

02-22-2004, 03:37 AM

all your bunkers are belong to us!

Team 3 is going down!!!
And we will take the slow pokes on team 1 in no time :P

man Xball is a ton of fun....I will be adding my entire gallery of actions pics very shortly.....

Told you evan123 that I would make it to that center deredo(SP) pics of me takeing that deredo comeing soon!

And BTW Curtis,Misque,Clare and Fugi, are all playing awsome...Best time of my life playing with you guys!!!

02-22-2004, 04:25 AM
So is the tourney scheduled to continue tomorrow (Sunday)? I had to leave early so I didn't see how it finished out today.

02-22-2004, 04:59 AM
yea gonzo007 game contiunes on sun.

Action pics is was talking about.

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/50Deido1.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/50Deido2.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/50Deido3.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/50Deido4.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/50Deido5.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/me_weird.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Action_PIcs/Walk.jpg">

02-22-2004, 01:48 PM
I had an awesome time at Texball. :D

Unfortunately doing it again today would be risking my responsiblities of school(yea I actually have some). :(

Hope to see lots of pics of todays action and some stupidity (keep an eye on edwierd for this one ;)).

I have a few pics to share with everyone too if they can pm me a place that will host them. Nothing fancy but some of them are worth sharing.

Thx everyone for the fun time. :Dhttp://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

Aslo thx for signing my shirt, Chupas and the few other people that did. :)

02-22-2004, 02:22 PM
Any pics of the scoreboard and such?

02-22-2004, 02:46 PM
Score board was more of a laptop than a BIG score board your used to at football games. :\

But a couple guys from the okland assasins did a great job commentating. :)

02-22-2004, 04:40 PM
BE very sure you thank suzie for a good event I over heard some stuff lastnight between her and the oakland peeps sounds like the oakies are afriade we wont come back next year because they didnt have everything right and they argues with suzie and left very fast leaving her in tears.

Load SM5
02-22-2004, 05:32 PM
Well I just got back. How'd the rest of my team do? What'd we win?:D

02-22-2004, 05:39 PM
When is this? I might come! Why didn't anyone tell me about this? This looks awesome! Why are there missed calls on my cell phone from 4 am? Where is this going to be? :confused:

02-22-2004, 05:42 PM
man that was a ton of fun. TEAM ONE ROCKED THAT HOUSE!!!!!!!! ill give "cryboy" ;)surfer his due, he sure can argue!! for those of you who have not played the xball format, you need to do it. its a real blast. saturday was by far the funnest time i have ever had playing paintball!!! thanks again to everyone who ventured from so far away to play this, it was greatness.

EDIT: my sunburned neck is killing me, but its not as bad as gtrsi's legs. i cant wait to see that pic posted.

02-22-2004, 06:16 PM
Damn team 2. You lost

02-22-2004, 06:36 PM
Why wasnt my name mentioned on the list of "Out For Fame" Skyboy, batard! LOL Dont make me drive back up there and do you as you make for the plane! eheheh

Ausome time at TexBall, day one was ausome, kinda hard to beat, but day two was pretty darn good as well, Ive fallen in love with Xball...I will say that

I will have the few pics I had the chance to take up in a few hours... mabey sooner...

Had a great time guys and gals, mad props to Clare and Curt, as well as the guys from Fort and Bslap...yall ROCKED!

02-22-2004, 07:14 PM
C0de I tryed walking but when u got a 10lb mag it makes it that much harder

02-22-2004, 09:18 PM
ahaha mabey next time AGDlover

anyway, on with the pics, some are bigger then others and took forever to upload on dialup...but alais here are the decent ones I had a chance to take(some may load, others will load later when there fully uploaded ;))

http://users3.ev1.net/~generic0/code/team4.jpg (dont kill me if I mislabled this team ;))

I took a few others, but due to motion/glass causing flash issues...there not worth uploading... wish I had more room

full 5mp quality photos avilable upon request, but be nice, those take FOREVER to upload for me..LOL

Load SM5
02-22-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by CodeMA

http://users3.ev1.net/~generic0/code/team4.jpg (dont kill me if I mislabled this team ;))

That's me, and I was on team 3; you're so dead.;) Oh and http://users3.ev1.net/~generic0/code/team3break2.jpg is'nt us either.

02-22-2004, 09:29 PM
you left out the one where i flipped you off. :D good pics code.

02-22-2004, 09:41 PM
lol is streching at the 50 a new trend in paintball?


Load SM5
02-22-2004, 09:49 PM
Ed was the only one left was running the clock down. So he started stretching by the flag and goofing off. The funny thing was when he finally grabbed the flag and hung it he only had one second left on the clock. His screwing around almost cost him a point. Funny stuff.:D

02-22-2004, 10:02 PM
hmmm... I couldnt place a name with the mask ;)

and the second is team one...doh... KB should have givin that one away... but anyway... opps...Im not awake!

02-22-2004, 10:07 PM
HAHA I remember that. I asked him after why he wasnt doing the funky dance/walk he did before we all got organized haha.

*I still need hosting. I have pics of Ed's broke looking mag and of simons toy.....if I get hosting for them, Then I can share....

02-22-2004, 10:54 PM
LOL, When Ed was like "I CAN YELL LOUDER!!!!"

02-22-2004, 11:10 PM
I think I lost my blue JT IZE with a yellow lense that said CoFFeY. :(

02-22-2004, 11:19 PM
I lost a few things there too. My brand new dye barrel condom for one...:( My friend had 500 paintballs taken too.

02-22-2004, 11:29 PM
call fort tomarrow and see if someone turned it in...

and dont feel bad...I just remeberd I lent a barrel out to Chojin... and forgot to grab it before I left...arrg...

get with me about that btw Chojin...barrel or money..if you wanted to buy it ehehe

02-22-2004, 11:53 PM

<center>" Big Pimpin' "</center>

02-23-2004, 12:00 AM
I found a 720 video beannie next to my truck today (sunday) at the right end of the field (TEAM 1's side for the second half).
Also, FLASH! You left your Emag battery charger in my truck! I will send it out to you ASAP, when I can get ahold of you! If you read this, PM me with your addy and info. I'll also try and get ahold of you... (I'm assuming your AO name is Flash, too...?)

02-23-2004, 12:14 AM
Woot!! Found me.


I have to say that I ususally play rec/woods ball. This was my first tournament type event and I had tons of fun.

I thought is was really cool that even Mango said that I was hard to hit. If you were lying just to make me feel good don't tell me....

Hope to do this again sometime.

02-23-2004, 12:36 AM
Thanks for the great times everyone.

One thing I'd like to suggest is having a better rotation of players. Yeah we sort of made A and B rotations on Team 2 today, but there were times someone would get pulled in favor of a better player. Some of you on the team saw it happen once or twice I'm sure.

I got pulled once the first day, it didn't bother me. But anyway, back to the rotation thing. I'm not a very outspoken person... so I'm not going to raise a stink about it at the field.. but I think I played 4 times today on team 2, out of 21 games (12 to 9 right?). I played twice per half. -- Yeah I'm not the greatest.. but We were there for the fun right?

Anyway, rotations that assure people get game time would be nice.

02-23-2004, 02:51 AM
WOW man Texball was just awsome!

the best paintball turny I have ever played EVER!

Xball is the absoulte Shiznat!!! and im not shure if I could ever go back to regular paintball turny play...

defetly something im gona try to get into.

well every one played great it was awsome!


02-23-2004, 09:02 AM

Did team 2 lose?

paint magnet
02-23-2004, 09:40 AM
Coffey (I assume that's you in the pic you posted) - How are you liking that V Force Profiler?

/still regretting not going :(

02-23-2004, 10:24 AM
of corse we didnt ;)

We got what we wanted accomplished reguardless of points, thus we won ;)

We were "Out for Fame" and anyone who was watching noteably saw that :D

logamus, thanks bro, and ya, I didnt get a pic of that..I should of, but I couldnt quite put my finger on why you seemed quite ticked so I felt the need to not make it worse ehehe

I agree Skyboy, very ausome format, like I said, Im in love with it... blows standard 5 man out of the water...

there was a good pic in the gallery of me comeing out the left side posting using Fuji's warped Zmag(thanks again for the lender bro!, mumbles about tanks...) looking cool

then somewere else one of the Pride guys In the same bunker, exact same pose...ehehe great stuff there...

here is another KB's Gurl(err...AO name escapes me..) took


again, cant wait to see the dvd and the pics Fugi's wife(I think) took, she was takeing a ton of pics, Im sure there are others as well...

again, great event EVERYONE!!

Mindflux, ya, sorry about that, we should have been better about that, I was pulling and suggesting it some times, but getting pulled alot as well, I really didnt mind for the most part, about mid way in the first game of the semis I clicked fully into tourney mode, Im sure I was not the only one...

In a way Im glade we got lots of playing time vs team 1, great competition, made for really great play... I noted only standup ball, very little to no noticeable cheating(I think playing on was about the only thing, and not always on purpose)... was great

02-23-2004, 10:36 AM
wow that was fun, too bad no one got pics of me :( oh well maybe I'll be in the movie some. I loved the format even tho some of the refs were messing around too much it didnt quite seem professional with them acting like that. im glad i got my e-mag updated even tho I had to bug the hell outta miscue and havoc sorry guys but thanks so much. also clair the posters were great, my friend that couldnt make it almost cried when he saw that I got him one signed by you. he says thanks. simon was cool, someone that tall, and british playing paintball that well. It was amazing im glad he was on my team, and it was great when he started at the 50 that one game and took out almost everyone, and dang he shoots fast.

02-23-2004, 10:45 AM
Can you load a higher quality version of this one? Need it for something I'm doing in school. KThx :D


02-23-2004, 11:00 AM

Drop me a PM and I can email you a file. The original is about 3MB, so if your email can not handle attachments that large, let me know before I try and send it.

Also, just incase you didn't realize, if you click on the file again, it will increase the size again to 800x600.

02-23-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
wow that was fun, too bad no one got pics of me :( oh well maybe I'll be in the movie some. I loved the format even tho some of the refs were messing around too much it didnt quite seem professional with them acting like that. im glad i got my e-mag updated even tho I had to bug the hell outta miscue and havoc sorry guys but thanks so much. also clair the posters were great, my friend that couldnt make it almost cried when he saw that I got him one signed by you. he says thanks. simon was cool, someone that tall, and british playing paintball that well. It was amazing im glad he was on my team, and it was great when he started at the 50 that one game and took out almost everyone, and dang he shoots fast.

Actually man, there are a few pics with you in them in there; if you haven't checked the pics since the first day, you might want to check them again.

02-23-2004, 12:13 PM
Well guys...I made it home last night and I think I got all the "good" pictures uploaded while at the airport.

So, here is my take on the event....It was a blast!

For those of you I did not meet, I was the one in the orange with long air taking pics on Saturday. Just like every other event I did not play, and still had a blast.

Thanks to Manike for letting me crash at his place. Sorry about the mess...and the bathroom.

Thanks to Clare and Curtis for setting up the event.

Thanks to Dayspring for almost killing me...TWICE.

Thanks to Suzie and Fort Paintball for the use of the office and phoneline so I could upload pictures.

Thanks to the bar crew for being lots of fun in Deep Ellum.

Thanks for everyone else for showing up...it was a great time.

That being said. I did see some safty issues at the field. the laid back attitude about barrel plugs, masks up in areas where guns were being fired and shooting INTO staging areas seem to be a real problem. The fact that 1/5 of the field was netted in.

For instance...what is wrong with this picture?

Also...our own moderator "Miscue" got a 5 min major for playing on...you go 'cue! ;)

02-23-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

Actually man, there are a few pics with you in them in there; if you haven't checked the pics since the first day, you might want to check it again.

Alien, what were you wearing? I do have 300+ more pictures I did not post as they are not as good...maybe you are in some of them.

02-23-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Alien, what were you wearing? I do have 300+ more pictures I did not post as they are not as good...maybe you are in some of them.


I believe that's Alien in the back, and gtrsi in the front.

Don't quote me on that though!

02-23-2004, 01:08 PM
This was my first paintball game ever and I just wanted to let you all know that I had an awesome time! Shot 1400 rounds of paint, got hit plenty, took out some, overall it was a blast! I hate you all for getting me hooked on paintball! :)

Right now my legs are sore from all the running and standing (NO chairs anywhere, that sucked!) but I'm sure I'll be ready to play more soon!

There are 400+ pics and not one of me on pballmedia. I was on team 3 for day one and team 1 on day two. I'm the dude on the right in this pic (http://users3.ev1.net/~generic0/code/team3break.jpg) wearing dye blue C4 gear. If you find more of me, please post, my wife thinks I was goofing off and not playing at all. :D

02-23-2004, 01:23 PM
Sorry for not getting any pics of you. I'll look through the other 300 and see if I have any. I remember you, we were talking about ball detents and ACE on Sunday. I was the long haired guy both with the camera on Saturday and then just watching on Sunday.

02-23-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
When is this? I might come! Why didn't anyone tell me about this? This looks awesome! Why are there missed calls on my cell phone from 4 am? Where is this going to be? :confused:

err... we were, um, up early, yeah that's it! Up early and keen to get to the field on time... or something ;) Two nights in a row going to bed at 4.00am. Such fun!

Originally posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
simon was cool, someone that tall, and british playing paintball that well. It was amazing im glad he was on my team, and it was great when he started at the 50 that one game and took out almost everyone, and dang he shoots fast.

Thanks man, I had a blast playing with everyone. :D

G was so suprised it was unlike the NXL and no-one was cheating... so in our one game with 1 second on the clock to play, I broke out early... err about 2 minutes early and sat at the X waiting for game on. :D hehehehe

02-23-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by manike

G was so suprised it was unlike the NXL and no-one was cheating... so in our one game with 1 second on the clock to play, I broke out early... err about 2 minutes early and sat at the X waiting for game on. :D hehehehe

Wait....you started at the X? Did you get caught? I must have missed this.

02-23-2004, 01:54 PM
yeah he got caught, first person to get a penalty all day

02-23-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Sorry for not getting any pics of you. I'll look through the other 300 and see if I have any. I remember you, we were talking about ball detents and ACE on Sunday. I was the long haired guy both with the camera on Saturday and then just watching on Sunday.

I wanted to jump in here before this turned into a "where's my pic" thread and say that the pics you have up there look great; you did a great job of photographing the action.

As far as your discards go, I know you probably have your reasons for not putting them up, but there might be more going on in the "bad" photos that you may not realize. Maybe you could put them up in like, a 'factory seconds' folder or something so people can look for pictures which have significance to them. It's up to you of course.

02-23-2004, 02:53 PM
Mainly the reason I didn't put them all up was because of space. What I can do is toss up another gallery and put much smaller pics in it of the ones I did not post. If there is a pic you want, email me and I can email the image.

02-23-2004, 03:03 PM
Ok well, I'm finally done being sore from saturday. I don't wanna go back to class. I wanna play more. Stupid school and lack of funds...:( :D

paint magnet
02-23-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by GTakacs
This was my first paintball game ever and I just wanted to let you all know that I had an awesome time! Shot 1400 rounds of paint, got hit plenty, took out some, overall it was a blast! I hate you all for getting me hooked on paintball! :)

You mean you already knew what ACE and ball detents were, and had new Dye C4 gear before you even started playing paintball?!? And shot 1400 rounds of paint your first day? :eek:

Wow. That's kind of impressive. :) BTW, welcome to AO!

Load SM5
02-23-2004, 03:12 PM
So who won?

02-23-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Ed was the only one left was running the clock down. So he started stretching by the flag and goofing off. The funny thing was when he finally grabbed the flag and hung it he only had one second left on the clock. His screwing around almost cost him a point. Funny stuff.:D

Yep all in good fun...

started streching when there was like 40 seconds in the half left, and the announcers tried giving me a heartatack by counting down from 5 like 30 seconds early. We actually had 1 more 25 second game left after all that.

and yes I know I forgot to do the Zoidberg dance to bring home the flag... dont remind me

Um I REALLY need to get ready for work so Ill give my standard shoutouts and props post later.

BTW -=Team #1 4 teh WIN!=-

All hail us... the Undefeated champions of TeXball!

02-23-2004, 03:24 PM
:confused: What the heck??? No pic of Allen shooting Clare in the face?!? HAR HAR HAR! :D

Anyways, it was an AWESOME event that she and Curtis put together...my 1st AO meet and definately not my last! I'm absolutely hooked on the X-ball format...must play again, MUST play again!!!

It was also great meeting so many AO folks, getting to play with some and shoot the others (in the face, of course)! A HUGE thanks to Curtis, Clare, Richard and Gerald Garcia along with the rest of the Fort Paintball staff for putting this all together!!! I'll be dreaming about playing that dorito tapeline over and over again for weeks/months/YEARS! :cool:

02-23-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by FlashTX
:confused: What the heck??? No pic of Allen shooting Clare in the face?!? HAR HAR HAR! :D

2 in teh face! HEHEHE was insane fun :)

02-23-2004, 03:30 PM
see Im looking out for the under photographed folk after all ;) I knew yall kept me around for something...

Load, team one squeeked in the win over all(by like 3 points?) namely because some games were called in confusion and points were givin in pity of them early on, so they had a chance before they started wakeing up and playing there A game again...LOL opps

anyway, still fun...

great pics btw Jason, theres one really good one of me, so Im happy ;) and one were it looks like there was some paint caught flying infront of me when I was in the back laydown...and one off the break... cant complain too much...

unless theres one with me on the X or pulling the flag that didnt get posted...eheh..I might want one of those to hang on the wall...LOL

02-23-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet

You mean you already knew what ACE and ball detents were, and had new Dye C4 gear before you even started playing paintball?!? And shot 1400 rounds of paint your first day? :eek:

Wow. That's kind of impressive. :) BTW, welcome to AO!

He shot 1400 over the course of both days.


02-23-2004, 04:00 PM
This was my first AO event and my first time playing X-Ball and it was definately a blast! Between this and 10-man, I don't know what's better....Oh wait...X-ball rocks!! :p

Here are the shout outs.
1. Curtis & Clare - Not only did they put on an excellent event but they also put up with bunking and driving with Allen and me all over Texas. ;) You guys did a wonderful job and you should really be proud of yourselves. Cya in LA!

2. Fort Paintball and the Garcias - They're the ones that helped make this event so much fun. The Garcia's were hilarious, especially the play-by-play commentary. Great job to everyone!

3. Team #1 - The Texball Allstars! You guys rocked! This was totally a team effort and I was amazed at how everyone took it upon themselves to go out there and leave it all on the field. I was very impressed and I'm still extremely proud of everyone! :cool:

4. Edweird and Flash - These guys know how to coach! And a special thanks to Ed, who gave up playing time to coach the majority of our games on Sunday. It was because of these guys that we managed to get as many points as we did. Way to go!

And now, for my list of memorable moments.
1. Kaiser Bob running from the back center to bunker a player out of the snake. And then shooting out the last player from across the field! Not to mention that he was the only one left on the field and managed to win that point all by himself!

2. Cryer throwing up Powerade during the half-time of our first game on Sat. Gotta pace yourself dude!

3. Coaching Cryer in the snake and watching him wreck everyone! (Guess he got the Powerade out of his system) ;)

4. Going one-on-one with Simon with 2:30 minutes left in the 2nd match on Sat, keeping him from getting the hang and putting us in the championship game.

I'm sure there'll be more to come as I slowly recover from the massive amount of welts, bruises, and sore muscles. :p

Way to go everyone. Texball 2 anyone? :D

02-23-2004, 04:04 PM
Nice pics everyone, Glad you guys had a blast

02-23-2004, 04:16 PM
Thanks to everyone: organizers, participants, and spectators! It was truly a great time!

Ah, pics of me getting owned. ouch. Ooo, nice pics of me making a good foot slide into the snake! Me likey! Especially since Manike complimented me on the slide afterwards! :D

Heh, I'm gonna have to figure out some sort of 'Y' hose connector to feed the DOC9098 with the Warpfeed I won! Woohoo!

02-23-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
Team #1 - The Texball Allstars! You guys rocked! This was totally a team effort and I was amazed at how everyone took it upon themselves to go out there and leave it all on the field. I was very impressed and I'm still extremely proud of everyone! :cool:

our team was great. we all hung in there and fired each other up. i also learned quite abit in those two short days. thanks for making time in your schedule to be with us. (btw it was cryer not pyro) i dont think it can be said any better than than the way ed put it.

Originally posted by edweird
All hail us... the Undefeated champions of TeXball!

02-23-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

I wanted to jump in here before this turned into a "where's my pic" thread and say that the pics you have up there look great; you did a great job of photographing the action.

Oh I second that! The pics that are there are fantastic! I guess it's my fault for not being at the right spot at the right time :D. If you put the "rejects" up, with smaller res, that would be great though.

Originally posted by paint magnet

You mean you already knew what ACE and ball detents were, and had new Dye C4 gear before you even started playing paintball?!? And shot 1400 rounds of paint your first day? :eek:

Wow. That's kind of impressive. :) BTW, welcome to AO!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I have a great mentor (Mindflux) who loaned me his Spyder, mask, hopper, tank and pods for the two days. He also gave me plenty of info about paintball, gear, what to look out for in the games, etc.

I fired the 1400 rounds in 2 days. I only used about 400 on day one and 1000 on day two. I might have been a little trigger crazy the second day, but I felt I played better games too!

At any rate, I'm hooked now, I wonder if there are any fields locally that play X-ball on a regular basis, I really liked the game format and the fast pace.

Creative Mayhem
02-23-2004, 04:49 PM
Oh, man...

I made it back accross the border with minimal hassle(just said "How's it goin' EH?:D)

I had such a GREAT time, probably one of THEE best times playing ball EVAR! If you haven't tried Xball, it REALLY is a MUST!!

Thanks to Curtis, Clare, Fort Paintball, The Assasins(Garcia's), Texas Air Solutions(one of the best air fill setups I have seen yet) Manike for letting me stay at his house, and for the tour of his office and the National Warehouse, Dayspring and Muzik, for driving my illegal alien arse all over Dallas(and almost getting me killed TWICE too!), Muzikman for all the great pics(as usual) Scooter/Cootie and Chupas for letting me play some kickass ball with them in the finals on Sunday(you guys rock), Load for the stickers, Adam Shannon for taking all the video(can't wait teehee), all the other AOer's that made this event so much fun to attend, and Deep Ellum for being THE place to be in Dallas, too bad I couldn't bee there more:(.

My memorable moments:

HAving a God's eye view of a nasty car accident from the seat of my plane when landing in Dallas. Parts and cars flying/spinning eveywhere. Too funny..

Wyn just showing up outta the blue... good job EH?

Dayspring's "Birthday" present for the girls at Coyote Ugly

"Everything is better with midgets" conversation...

watching Chupas put his balls on Clare's face! JK, I still luv ya Clare :p

Having only a minute left in the second half of the finals, and having all but 1 member of team 2 charge towards the flag(and me) and getting mowed down by yours truly(sorry Skyboy, I hope it doesn't bruise too badly:p)

Watching Simon try to navigate the pothole infested road into Ft Paintball, with his brand new 'vette :eek:

The look on Simon's face when he saw his bathroom after the makeover... I cant believe you are going to leave it like that... LOL!

Whirlyball... who could forget Pug and his "VRRRROOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!"

Winning a PGI subscription, only seconds after I told someone that I couldn't find it in my area of Canada. Thanks again Clare!

Laning out Havoc, even though he did get me out in the snake. (we're even :D)

Watching Chupas hammer Miscue when he decided to take anap after exposing himself in the snake:p

There's probaly more... but I just can't seem to remember everything... maybe after I look at the pics again I will remember.

It was a really good, but VERRY long and tiring weekend, I am going to be sore for some time. Yes, I AM getting old... no need to tell me :( I'm sure I will think of more...

Thanks again everyone, I had a blast.

02-23-2004, 05:08 PM
holy crap!
Words do no justice to the awesomeness of texball...

This has to be my favorite pic:

This is miscue bunkering me.
Note 2 things:

1: the look on my face
2: The location of the paint hits on me


Chojin Man
02-23-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
3. Team #1 - The Texball Allstars! You guys rocked! This was totally a team effort and I was amazed at how everyone took it upon themselves to go out there and leave it all on the field. I was very impressed and I'm still extremely proud of everyone!

Ya good job team Sandbaggers. You guys owned everyone.

02-23-2004, 05:29 PM
Props first:
Claire, Havoc for adjusting the e's plunger, Assisins cute commentary, Fort PB, Miscue for flashing the E and all you guys that make AO what it is..... Xball is the BOMB. Heard any good rumors about Texball2?

Memorible moments:

Me, Cryer, Code/ma, and logamas talking till 2am (on some nights) about mags and the HES, yea were dorks.

Simon screaming "check h'is louda, check h'is louda!" My first time to hear "proper" english on the feild. BTW I dont think I have ever seen a gun shot that fast before!

Me, cryer, and logamas at Tom Thumbs, "Sir I just can't do that!"

My first time in the snake and for about 30 seconds I hear people screaming that I am going to be bunkered, 30 seconds later KB comes out on my right side and bunkers me. The whole time I thought everyone was jumping out of thier shorts beacuse the durirto on the otherside of the feild was hot.

Setting my emag aside and cracking azzz with the Classic all the while rep'n the "no pants" crew on AO!

In anycase a whole lotta fun. I think next AO I will try to hang out with everyone. It seems I only had time to chill with about half the group....

02-23-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Chojin Man

Ya good job team Sandbaggers. You guys owned everyone.


We rolled that first match. after that competition picked up fast.
Yesterday was absolutely nuts.

Go Team Sandbaggers!

Also, gotta say, I'm lovin the 3.2 software flash!:D

Q was using 4.01, the cheater:p

02-23-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
Me, cryer, and logamas at Tom Thumbs, "Sir I just can't do that!"

i will think of that and giggle everytime im in a tom thumb.

02-23-2004, 05:50 PM
I think my most memorable in-game moment was in the second match. We were playing Simon's team (gave him top billing cause he was railing ton that timmi like no other. A veritable hailstorm of Draxxus:eek: ). Anyways, we we literally fightin for every point we could get. It would go back and forth each game. neck and neck and the games were long because both teams were playing REAL hard.

At the half, with 35 second left, we get on the field and just ROLL over them Dynasty style. Hanging the flag at the VERY LAST second. It was nuts! All the other gave with them would last several minutes, and usually end up in a 1 on 1 or 1 on 2... This one, we CREAMED them:eek::D

35 seconds!

02-23-2004, 05:51 PM
that one and the one on one were just awesome games to watch. paintball was invented so we could play xball.

02-23-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by logamus
that one and the one on one were just awesome games to watch. paintball was invented so we could play xball.
Yeah, and Kiser Bobs bunker moves

02-23-2004, 06:32 PM
By the way, how do we buy a copy of the DVD's?

How much footage is actually on them?

Chojin Man
02-23-2004, 06:35 PM
I hate AO days!! I never want to play with anyone else besides AOers again!!! :p

Curtis-Thank you in advance for setting up my warp and for setting up an awesome AO day

Clare-Thanks for teh poster! It rocks! And for the Barrel Plug shirts.

AGD Pride crew- for coming out and owning me in every game I played against you guys. ;)

Creative Mayhem- Thanks for bringing along Captain Canuck. Too bad he only stayed for about one game. Oh and that pic of you sliding into the snake on yer butt with your legs spread eagle..priceless!

Evil Mangoo-Thanks for buying me that last drink on Fri. night!!! and Lunch too :D

Spraying Mango- Dude you and Lance are the craziest Yanks I have ever met. Move to Austin you know you want to!

Mad props to everyone who helped me setup my LvL10!:Fuji, Collin, Nick, SprayingMango and a few others I can't remember...I would have never gotten it to work without you guys!

Thanks to everyone who made this possible.


02-23-2004, 06:51 PM
ahah, I was there in tom thumbs too, what a shock that was early in the morning... ehehe... they did do it though, LOL

GT, GEEKS, not dorks...there is a diffrence ;)

Scooter, I thought it was Cryer who blasted the Powerade?

no matter...


02-23-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by CodeMA

Scooter, I thought it was Cryer who blasted the Powerade?

Yep, you were right. It's kinda hard to keep everyone straight. :D

Original post edited.

02-23-2004, 07:13 PM
got that right

*fends off Load with a soldering iron*

Evil Mangoo
02-23-2004, 07:29 PM
Oh man, what a weekend. I think this pic pretty much sums it up for me


And those of you who were there know, exactly what that girl said to me. WOOT!

All in all though, what a fantastic time.

Things I learned:

There are no winners or losers in paintball, only people with alot more welts! (I counted close to 30, if I shaved my head it would probably be 40)

If you registered in 2004, dont bother trying to talk to Mango, he already has you blocked.

Dont EVER,....ever ever ever ever ever ask Manike how much something is going to cost.

Dont block paintballs with the top of your head.

Apparently Clare does not appreciate a good mid-drift joke,...over and over and over again. ;)

Paintball is incedental. Its really the drinking that matters.

Days should be 36 hours long, so we can do everything we did AND sleep.

And I think, one of the most important things I learned this weekend was, Jeff Goldblum is indeed watching me poop.

Can I just tell you, Between boot town, boot village, boot city, boot country, world o' boots, boot r' us, and boot kidz, I dont think there are nearly enough places to buy boots in texas.

Oddly enough though, if you are ever in the market for "Nude Furniture" they do have that.

I cant say thank you enough to everyone who made this weekend such a great event. Clare and Curtis first of all for organizing the whole thing. Clare again for lending me her emag, just so I could play "play till you run out of paint" with Mango, and basically unloaded at each other from 15 feet.

Chojin and Manike, you two definately came through like champs for me all weekend long.

Chojin, next time we go out, I want to buy your first drink, not your last. Or get you to sign a waiver saying you dont hold me liable if you spend the whole next day puking :D

Also, for everyone who was at coyote ugly on friday, apart from the brutal beating Nick took, I think the funniest part would have had to be the guys I have dubbed "Nascar" and "superstar"

Nothing like watching two redneck guys dancing together and hearing one keep yelling "I TOLD YOU TO STOP TOUCHING ME!"

Manike, thanks again for the flaming shots which started off the weekend, and throwing it into 2nd and flooring it on the way to the airport which concluded the weekend.

I couldnt have asked for anything more.

02-23-2004, 07:48 PM
Well, I'm finally home and I'm looking forward to a few days of sleep to make up for this past weekend. I want to sincerely thank everyone for coming out to our AO TeX-Ball meet. We had people come out to our event from Canada, Chicago, New Joisey, Las Vegas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Virgina, Pittsburgh, Arizona, and more! A few things didn't run as smooth as we would have liked but it seems that everyone had a good time and that's all that matters! Keep an eye out in the future for another AO meet, Texas style!

Another huge thanks to Airgun Designs, Animal Paintball, Barrel Plug, Fort Paintball, and PGI for being our event sponsors.

Friday night at Jack Astor's

02-23-2004, 08:03 PM
Well i am finally returning to relative normality.

I want to thank dayspring for the tips he gave me not to mention the trigger job :)

and curtis for sodering my board and putting everything together this has to be easily the most fun i have had in awhile (btw it wont fire in emode now heh i am abotu to take it down tonight and redo it )

adam shannon for being that damn entertaining at dinner

and everyone else who really made this weekend happen. It was great

02-23-2004, 08:41 PM
Texball was great....
Thanks to everyone... you know who you are.

and to sum it all up, I have just one word.....


02-23-2004, 08:54 PM
You all suck!!!!!

Making drunk guy stay up till 6 in the morning waiting to talk to some equally drunk friends in Texas, only for them not even to call!!!!BAHHHHHH:mad:

02-23-2004, 08:54 PM
Id like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful people of Ft. Paintball and Curtis and Clare for throwing a great event.

I would like to thank simon for being the stand up guy he is... glad I got a chance to buy him a beer.

Id like to thank Muzikman for coming out and taking great pictures of the event, even if one of them is of me looking like Im in the special olympics.

Id like to thank the Wellesly hotel for putting up with people like us.

Id like to thank Captain_Cannuk for coming out and enforcing the laws of pacifism and alcoholism. There's a spot for you on the Justice League in my book.

Id like to thank everyone who came out and smiled for the cameras. If it wasnt for you guys, we would have just been filming empty bunkers, and that doesnt make for very exciting video.

Id like to thank the wonderful people at whirly ball for not kicking me out for:

1. Yelling VRRROOOOOMM at the top of my lungs as often as I could

2. Smacking the glass with my magic whirly ball stick as I drove past the spectators

3. Making fun of our ref when he was giving us the "Orientation"

4. Pretending to row with my stick and make the car move when the floor was turned off

If there's something I missed in there, Im sure Im sorry for it (like thanking the man who put the dance machine in the area most visible to all)

I would like to thank the girls of coyote ugly for the great time we had at the bar.

Finally, (yes, Im sure youre at the point of saying "damn, does he ever shut up?) I would like to thank the state of texas, for showing me that ther is such a thing as a stretch pick-up truck Limo. Go figure.


02-23-2004, 09:57 PM

Evil Mangoo
02-23-2004, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

HAHAHA Jeff Goldblum may be watching me poop, but the way Mojin is staring at Clare is definately far more troubling.

02-23-2004, 10:03 PM

Evil Mangoo
02-23-2004, 10:07 PM
yeah,....thats about right.

02-23-2004, 10:15 PM

02-23-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

Ok, either that was rigged for laughter on his part (the staring guy) or that's REALLY creepy! If it's tha latter... RUN CLARE, RUN!

02-23-2004, 10:33 PM

02-23-2004, 11:12 PM

02-23-2004, 11:13 PM

more pics to come later..

02-23-2004, 11:19 PM
Chojin is kinda creepy...I slept in the same room as him...thats whats even scaryer ;)

Hes cool though... weird...ok mabey just a little to go with the creepyness...but its all good... Hell I mean, look at the rest of us...LOL

02-24-2004, 12:02 AM
I forgot to mention all my thanks's.

Thanks to Curtis and Clare for putting on this kickin event!

Thanks to John and Lance for coming out and meeting your ole pal fluxy.

Thanks to Load SM5 for being the first person EVER to break paint in my RT Pro ;)

Thanks to GTakacs for letting me crash at your place and for coming out for the most fun you can possibly have while still staying legal.

Thanks to VF-XX for the orings and the chitchat :)

Thanks to everyone else who talked to me and gave me tips.

Kaiser Bob
02-24-2004, 12:08 AM
Actually I was the one who slept in the same room and chojin is cool. The only thing that shocked me was i didnt wake up with a sock stuffed down my throat for snoring

02-24-2004, 12:35 AM
just wanted to thank Curtis and Clare for the great weekend, and for letting me get the taste of X-BALL!!!
I am now hooked on it, I can't stop thinking about it and want more!!!! What a RUSH!!!

and even better, thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of whirlyball!!!
did some research, seems there are only two whirlyball courts in Texas and they are in Dallas and Plano....bummer

special thanks to the Garcia bros for running the game on saturday and the informative advice saturday evening, and the great "ANGRY X-BALL COACH" stories, still laughing about that!!!

Of course big thanks to the field and staff for putting up with us all weekend, and trying to keep the 'X' in the ground.

not to forget Adam and WonderPug....Texas is a safer place now that you went home :p j/k you guys rocked, looking forward to the video, don't forget to add the whirlyball footage!!!!

oh and Texas Air Solutions for the GREAT air fill station

A BIG THANKS to all of TEAM 4:
Colin aka captain - it's all your fault
and SNAKE - keep your pants on
and anyone else i may have forgotten, if i missed someone i am sorry, i took alot of shots to the head reffing the finals...
we were the underdogs, but we made them fight for it! you made loosing my voice worth it! RayU you are still my hero for the day !!!

and all the AOer's there, this was by far the best paintball weekend i have had in awhile, or ever for that matter, this weekend rocked!!!

and big props to curtis for having the best bunkering move of the weekend!!! the flying snake diver bunker taker!!! it rocked

congrats to TEAM 1 on a glorious victory, great coaching ED!

talk to you all soon
Manic Depression
Team 4's loud coach/REF

p.s. sorry team 2 for not playing with you on day 2, it seemed better to have a ref for you guys than to play, it was worth it, you guys rocked

02-24-2004, 12:50 AM


Having only a minute left in the second half of the finals, and having all but 1 member of team 2 charge towards the flag(and me) and getting mowed down by yours truly(sorry Skyboy, I hope it doesn't bruise too badly)

C_mayhem...what are you talking about?...I took down 3 people at the X that last game and didnt get shot once becuse game was called....its all on tape!

well anyway that was a awsome game...everyone played like GODS!

02-24-2004, 01:38 AM
TexBall ROCKED!!!

Three cheers for Curtis and Clare for organizing the event, ya'll did a great job.

It was great to finally meet JT (Mango), Simon, and Colin (didn't know who you were at AOAustin), and everybody else.

Go Team 2! Was a blast playing with everyone.

Ryan... Tracy, thanks so much for carting us around.

Thanks to Adam, Muzikman, and everyone else filming and shooting... ya'll really helped make the event special.

My condolences to Cryer's groin region...

Hurrah for Hookah and the Cell Phone Slide!

Stacy (Digi_Girl) got in a car accident on the way there and had her leg broke. We all wish her a speedy recovery.

02-24-2004, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Also...our own moderator "Miscue" got a 5 min major for playing on...you go 'cue! ;)

That was NOT me, I wasn't even in that game! Not once was I penalized for playing on. :p

02-24-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Miscue

Hurrah for Hookah and the Cell Phone Slide!


I am STILL laughing at that night. Wow is all I can say.

I would write a thanks list but I am dead tired right now and can't think. Here is a quickie:

Obviously thanks to Clare and Curtis for making it possible.

Thanks to Chojin Man for helping Evil Mangoo and I out bigtime with the car rides.

Manike, big thanks for having everyone over to your place and helping out with the ride for Evil Mangoo.

Everyone on Team 1, it was an honor and a privaledge to get to play some great standup ball with all of you.

Thanks to Miscue for being absolutley hilarious when he gets a few paintball sodas in him. *makes slow caressing motion*

I will write more later with some pics!

02-24-2004, 03:32 AM
mach ill see you a few weeken ds away. i cant wait to play some more with you :)

02-24-2004, 04:13 AM
Mannnnnnnnn.......... I wish I had da cash to git down to Tex for the festivities. At least Mayhem got my old Flatline in time, and put her to good use.


02-24-2004, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Miscue

That was NOT me, I wasn't even in that game! Not once was I penalized for playing on. :p

I had one for playing on, but it was because it was on the other side of my warp and there was no way anyone could notice it in game without a ref pointing it out.

Creative Mayhem
02-24-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by SkyBoySurfer
C_mayhem...what are you talking about?...I took down 3 people at the X that last game and didnt get shot once becuse game was called....its all on tape!

well anyway that was a awsome game...everyone played like GODS!

Sorry man, but I wasn't taking about the last game. It was third from last or something, not the last 9 second one, where you nailed Chupas and Scooter/Cootie after they ran through the X.(nice job BTW:cool: ) Your whole team charged up the lane where the flag was, to try and steamroll through with the flag, but your guys ran into a wall of paint. You popped up next to a bunker after 3 other guys had been eliminated, and I tapped you shoulder several times, hence the "sorry, skyboy, hope it doesn't bruize" :D Your team just got whacked that game... nuff said! :D

02-24-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Mok_Star
we were the underdogs, but we made them fight for it! you made loosing my voice worth it! RayU you are still my hero for the day !!!

Heh. I make one combo move, the entire thing coached by Mok, somehow pull it off (surprised myself!) and now I'm a hero. :D

Which team were we playing at that time and who'd I gogg? :cool: Being the "small, old guy" my memory ain't what it used to be... which wasn't much to begin with...

02-24-2004, 11:05 AM
After a weather induced delay, I got home last night, very tired but filled with lots of great memories of the weekend.

First and foremost, thanks to Curtis & Clare for setting up the event.

Secondly, thanks to Manike for opening his doors and letting a few yanks stay at his "flat." My appologies for the pink bathroom. It was all Load's idea, I swear! :D

Thirdly, to Muzikman, Adam Shannon and Wonderpug for being the great media machine. Those pics came out great and I can't wait to see the DVD!

It was a pleasure to meet many new AO friends and to put face to name for some older ones.

Some special shout outs-

Scooter & Chupas from Pride- was a pleasure playing against you & look forward to the opportunity of playing on the same side soon. Also, you two were whirly-ball killers.

Manike- For showing us around Deep Ellum and for my special birthday present at Coyote Ugly. :D

Lance & Mango- as always, an absolute riot.

Mayhem- a pleasure as always. "Dude, it smells like maple syrup!"

Wyn- f'n awesome surprise entrance. Remember, "Midgets make everything better!"

Load- just remember- "You're not hitting anything!"

Adam Shannon- the only man that tried to get us kicked out of EVERY restaraunt in Texas.

02-24-2004, 11:56 AM
Wow! Looks like everyone had a great time both on and off the fields! So when's the next one? :)

02-24-2004, 12:06 PM
Team 1 brethren: It was a high pleasure and honor to play and coach for a mob of guys such as you. Hands down this has been the single greatest experience of tourney play and I learned more as a player thx to this as well. (btw coaching 23 seconds of dynasty ball was awe-inspreing )

Curtis + Clare: As always you cwazie kids put on a fantastic event... even though we did have a couple snags you guys smoothed it all over and made it all betters. (Curtis) IM STILL LOUDER THAN YOU! (Clare) Our end game 'battles of the mid players' are something that I will always remember... well that and allen putting 2 on your gogs. its okie we still wuv you.

Mangies: Dude as always a it was a riot... from the dorito humping, the zoidberg danceing, to the way to late texmex menu reading its always a highlight to my trip to have someone to get all wyld and cwazy with. JoO Te mi Budgsphay?

Chupas and Scooter: It was an absolute pleasure geling with both of you and making an effective squad with absolutley no friction and absolutley having the best time ever.

Logamius: I dont think we could of drafted a better mid guy to support us... always a pleaure switching up with ya. (and thx for the pods :P)

Team 3:(Hereby known as "Team fasionably late") It was a absolute grinder playing you all in that last game of day 1. Honestly when you all showed up and got drafted by team 3 I knew we had a a uphill climb ahead of us. It sucked that simon's sholder was bothering him I would of liked to play you all again. In fact Ill take any chance I can get to bird-dog out any of ya again from the coaches bench.

Simon: I was honored to bs with someone with the credentials that you so swavely butcher ppl with. Via our conversations ive gained a new respect/understanding for the big scene event, and was happy to see some of the mechanical geekdom that I hold in its infancy exists in others in a more productive state. Thx for the good times and the heads up about the 720 cameo I made.

The guys from Oakland assassins: I know they might not be on the boards but they may come by to check out the after footage. Thanks for the sideline action and the counter-coaching. I wish we would of had ya for sunday morn as well but lets just say you all were missed.

Skyboy: Last but definatly not least... thanks for being a hella cool roomie for this deal. and lets hear it for the pre 7 pm noise complaint on friday :P

Wellesley Inn and suites: Um yeah thx for putting up with us and all our crazieness.

02-24-2004, 01:08 PM
well that and allen putting 2 on your gogs. its okie we still wuv you.

Hey! You all love to bring that one up to death, huh! How come everyone fails to mention the times I shot him out before he actually shot me in the face? It never would have happened if Curtis hadn't coached me to run up even if I knew that I was going to get shot. :p

02-24-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
...3. Coaching Cryer in the snake and watching him wreck everyone! (Guess he got the Powerade out of his system) ;)

I had never played snake but maybe a couple of times in misc tournies. Being the designated snake man really turned me on to it tho. I think I found my new home:D
Thanks for all the great coaching Scott! Ed, Flash, you too!

Yeah, and no more blue power ade for me... at least not in that quantity:o:rolleyes:p

Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
Texball 2 anyone? :D
Hell, yeah. I'm there!

In retrospect, if I took one thing from this meet that I feel can be applied at future AO meets, its: Adam Shannon and Darwin shouldnt set next to each other at the dinner table...!:eek:http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/wuerg/vomit-smiley-024.gif

02-24-2004, 01:15 PM
Yeah clare we do like to bring that up...

vs team 3 the chant was "Lane Simon! Everyone lane Simon"

vs you guys on day 2 it was "Shoot em all in the face... shoot clare 2x in the face!" it was more we shocked it actually happened when we directly called for it.

Load SM5
02-24-2004, 01:18 PM
What?! I was'nt threating enought for you guys to shoot at me? That hurts. I thought I capped a few people.:D

02-24-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
What?! I was'nt threating enought for you guys to shoot at me? That hurts. I thought I capped a few people.:D

Oh, I definitely know one person you capped :p

*rubbing bruise on head*

02-24-2004, 01:46 PM
Sorry man, but I wasn't taking about the last game. It was third from last or something, not the last 9 second one, where you nailed Chupas and Scooter/Cootie after they ran through the X.(nice job BTW ) Your whole team charged up the lane where the flag was, to try and steamroll through with the flag, but your guys ran into a wall of paint. You popped up next to a bunker after 3 other guys had been eliminated, and I tapped you shoulder several times, hence the "sorry, skyboy, hope it doesn't bruize" Your team just got whacked that game... nuff said

OHH ya that one...ya my sholder took the same hit 11 times threw out the day....by the time the 5th ball had hit the same place i wanted to cry :(...its like 11 welts stacked on top of eachothere.


I would like to thank:
Ed - dude awsome roommate you are the deffenition of good people

Curtis - for playing balls out and helping me out for all kinds of stuff

Brian - for liveing in the same city as me (i dont know if i would have even gone if i didnt have brian with me)

and man Brian you played awsome considering you haveint played for 2 years...and your gun didnt shoot air before that untill last june...

Ryan(Fugi) - what a awsome guy...I love people from phenix..Ryan...dude your my hero.. Thank you so much for puting up with me and lending me your HALO B...

Cryer - awsome down to earth dude....will never forget how you can walk barefoot on ANY serface.

Clare - It was a pure pleshure to play with you. I always wounderd what you played like and it was awsome to play side by side with you. Thanks for actualy lissing to all my coaching.

AGD Pride guys - you guys are the coolest....thank you so much for the great great games....

Jayson - for the grate pics...sorry I beat you so badly in air hockey. =P

the Jersy guys(mago and mangoo) - you guys are a frekin riot thanks for leting me sit next to you...

Adam - thanks for that barrel cam thing...it was....intersting to play with....but I cant wait to see the DVD...

A big thanks to everyone....you guys are the coolest guys I have ever seen before....and it was great meeting all of you!

more pics still comeing...I have 350 pics of goodness

02-24-2004, 01:52 PM
Hurrah for Hookah and the Cell Phone Slide!

Holy crap, Brian! Sunday night was one of the funnest nights ever! Hurrah for the Windex spray, floor love, and caressing moves!

Evil Mangoo
02-24-2004, 02:15 PM
ugh, I think the only bad thing about this weekend, is I am now forever known as man-goo. Although funny when mocking mango on the forum, it isnt nearly as ammusing having to introduce yourself like that,...outloud and in person.

"yeah,...Im mangoo,....I have 12 posts"

02-24-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Evil Mangoo
ugh, I think the only bad thing about this weekend, is I am now forever known as man-goo. Although funny when mocking mango on the forum, it isnt nearly as ammusing having to introduce yourself like that,...outloud and in person.

"yeah,...Im mangoo,....I have 12 posts"

16, putz ;)

02-24-2004, 02:22 PM

02-24-2004, 02:25 PM

02-24-2004, 02:27 PM
Clare I think you may have already answered this, but there isnt going to be a music video of this meet is there?
I dont remember if you said for-sure, but I dont remember you haveing alot of time to take video.

Perhaps Adam would let you borrow like 3 minutes of footage to make a video... Like a trailer for his DVD...

02-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Cryer: No, I didn't take any video since I will using some of Adam's video footage for the music vid. :)

02-24-2004, 02:33 PM
Awesome! what song do you have in mind?

02-24-2004, 02:41 PM
My vote is for one of the songs of the Jet album "Get Born". Or maybe domething off the new Darkness album. But then again, that seems to be the only "new" music I like right now:)

02-24-2004, 02:49 PM
I think Jet would be good... Or "Lightning Rod" or "come out swinging" by the offspring. Maybe "Rock and Roll" by Led Zeppelin.

Thunderstruck by ACDC (I like SprungMonkey's cover of thunderstruck alot, too)!:eek: :cool:

02-24-2004, 03:12 PM
I haven't made a decision but I'm leaning towards Out of Control by Hoobastank

02-24-2004, 03:17 PM
Team 1
Team 2!!
Team Fashionably Late (3) not pictured

02-24-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I haven't made a decision but I'm leaning towards Out of Control by Hoobastank

Thats a good one, too.

My radio station here overplays everything...:(
But yeah, thats a good choice...

Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Team Fashionably Late (3) not pictured

LOL! that just sounds funny!

02-24-2004, 03:23 PM
Thanks to all who made it possible and all those who attended... For those of you who didnt attend, well that's punishment enough ;).

If this was your first AO meet, now you know that they are far better than any tournament.

I'm still kind of sore from all the running/sliding/diving, but it was well worth it. I have NEVER had this much fun playing paintball.

I can not wait for the DVD, make sure to get your hands on one too.

I do have one regret however, I was always either so tired or busy running back n forth for something that I didnt get to spend anywhere near as much time as I would have liked to with most of you, for that I'm sorry :( ...

hrmm.... TeX-Ball 2 huh? interesting.....:cool:

02-24-2004, 03:30 PM
Did anyone staying in my room leave an ACDC adapter? We picked it up when we checked out on Monday.

02-24-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

That dolphin got more than it bargained for that day. I thought I'd be nice and gentle after what it had to endure from Wyn. :p :D

02-24-2004, 03:38 PM
I haven't seen any footage or even know what to expect, but I think some good songs you could use for the video are:

1) Hate Breed - Below the Bottom
2) Sum 41- Hell Song
3) Nickel Back- Never Again
4) Korn - Right now
5) Mudvayne - Silenced (Done for the first AO Austin vid, but it's still great).
6) Slipknot - Left Behind (Not the best beat, or lyrics, but works with the hardcoreness of Xball)

They may not fit at all since I don't know how the footage looks or the way people played (super aggressive, sarcastic fun, no idea). But they all have good 'video' ability and I think that's a BIG part of good music in a video. Anyways, good luck!

Chojin Man
02-24-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Evil Mangoo

HAHAHA Jeff Goldblum may be watching me poop, but the way Mojin is staring at Clare is definately far more troubling.

yeaaaahhh... I think I had a little to much to drink that night...

Evil Mangoo
02-24-2004, 04:15 PM
I dont care if only me and 4 other people here get this. This is hilarious.


02-24-2004, 04:17 PM
I think Deftones - "Change in the house of Flies"

or mabe

Mudvayne - "World So Cold"

would be perfect for all our Xball action.

I wish I had taken some video to make one...but I was way to bisy playing or fixng our teams guns.

Chojin Man
02-24-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Evil Mangoo
I dont care if only me and 4 other people here get this. This is hilarious.


HAHA That is so funny! I was thinking about making it say Jeff Goldblum is watching you bonus ball, but that is not nearly as funny as that.
I watched those Ali-G vids that Mango had. Those are awesome!

Originally posted by CodeMA
Chojin is kinda creepy...I slept in the same room as him...thats whats even scaryer ;)

Hes cool though... weird...ok mabey just a little to go with the creepyness...but its all good... Hell I mean, look at the rest of us...LOL

I'm not that wierd...I'm just so quiet that you never know what I'm thinking..*evil laugh*

Cryer: I thought that I was the only one barfing up Powerade at the field. Mine was red though. Surprised no one has any pics of either of us.

Does anyone have a pic of that over turned car that was in Deep Ellum on Fri. night?

Creative Mayhem
02-24-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Team 1
Team 2!!
Team Fashionably Late (3) not pictured [/B]

Hahahaha, fashionably Late does apply soo well. We were calling ourselves Drunken Fury though, but I think this is better.

Load SM5
02-24-2004, 04:39 PM
We were fashionable?

I had no idea.

Evil Mangoo
02-24-2004, 04:49 PM
I think Mayhem was pretty fashionable with his canadian flag cape. Kind of looked like a super hero.

02-24-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by SkyBoySurfer
Mudvayne - "World So Cold"

would be perfect for all our Xball action.

That song is WAY to light and slow for Xball action, good artist though.

02-24-2004, 05:29 PM
I think we had like 4 guys on sunday from team 3 who actually made it to the feild.

Cant wait for Texball II


02-24-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I haven't made a decision but I'm leaning towards Out of Control by Hoobastank

I just listened to this song for the first time, DEFINATELY the BEST song for it, im with it 100%.

02-24-2004, 05:58 PM
Chojin- You can bet that if Adams camera's were rollin, we'll be spewin on the DVD.

I had blue powerade. I downed like a whole bottle between games as the flag was hung I started feeling it. I tried to get off the field ASAP because I knew if I was on the field, there was a better chance that I would end up hunched over hurling bloo spray on a Texball DVD.
However, with my luck, it'll be on the DVD cover

02-24-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by edweird
the dorito humping

Hes not lying on that, I have a pic of that.....:eek: ;)

*asking again if anyone is kind enough to host a few pics....have some good ones that I dont think any body else got pics of early saturday....

Chojin Man
02-24-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
I knew if I was on the field, there was a better chance that I would end up hunched over hurling bloo spray on a Texball DVD.
However, with my luck, it'll be on the DVD cover

Whats wrong with being on the cover puking?:D I actually threw up like 3 times at the field on Sat. Too much Texas Tea for me on Fri. night:D

Which reminds me thanks to Simon for taking everyone out to Deep Ellum, and those flaming Samboca(sp) shots! Oh and Simon when does that new marker come out and how much will it cost? :D ;)

Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I haven't made a decision but I'm leaning towards Out of Control by Hoobastank
Actually that is fitting especially since Hoobastank is from Dallas.

02-24-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Chojin Man
Whats wrong with being on the cover puking?:D
I still had my mask on

02-24-2004, 06:42 PM
*asking again if anyone is kind enough to host a few pics....have some good ones that I dont think any body else got pics of early saturday....

I can do it for you, just pm me.

yeaaaahhh... I think I had a little to much to drink that night...

02-24-2004, 06:58 PM

People had to much to drink at TexBall? Say it ant so? :D

02-24-2004, 07:16 PM
My favorite set:
This is me and Jon/XPM on the break:
(Man, I'm loving the snake after this weekend:D)
Pics from Muzikman

02-24-2004, 07:33 PM
look down the snake, not at the camera! :p

Here's my vote for team 2 MVP! :D


adam shannon
02-24-2004, 07:34 PM
i just got home. i would have been here 2 hours earlier but texas didnt want to let me go.

exibit A...bald white guy with bad sunburn driving late model really dirty sedan with 800 lbs of gear weighing the trunk down north on I 30.

the first guy tried to make it sound good...

ofc i stopped you for following too closely.
me ok
ofc where are you coming from
me plano
ofc what were you doing there
me playing paintball...so what i lied.
ofc whats that pink stuff all over your car
me paint! duh.
ofc im gonna have to search your car...pop the trunk son.

the second guy was just plain blunt...

ofc i stopped you because it looked like your taillight was out
me but its not out
ofc your right boy, but as long as i got you stopped im gonna have to search your car.

and no im not kidding. i guess i look like a drug mule.

02-24-2004, 07:36 PM
Adam I feel for ya man, but thats funny as hell...:p

02-24-2004, 07:37 PM
Ya.... ummm....Adam, I think we forgot to tell you that like EVERY single vehical they stop on 30 is getting searched for the next couple of weeks...LOL opps

but ya.. the weighed down back prolly helped them deside to stop and check you...gotta love our law enforcment tatics some times...

02-24-2004, 07:41 PM
you should have replied
"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Cause they are not allowed to search your car unless they have a very good reason or you give them permisson.

All they can do is sit in the driver seat and search where ever the driver can reach from the seat.

02-24-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
look down the snake, not at the camera! :p

I was.... um... looking at .... my coach! yeah!

nah... I'm just vain and an attention whore:p:cool:

Originally posted by Havoc_online
Here's my vote for team 2 MVP! :D


Who, Mindflux?;)

but, yeah... She's damn hard to hit being as small as she is... Many times it came down to her vs one or two others.

02-24-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Cryer

I was.... um... looking at .... my coach! yeah!

nah... I'm just vain and an attention whore:p:cool:

Who, Mindflux?;)

but, yeah... She's damn hard to hit being as small as she is... Many times it came down to her vs one or two others.

Cryer, admit you <3 the flux!


Lance might come chant that later in thread.

adam shannon
02-24-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
you should have replied
"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Cause they are not allowed to search your car unless they have a very good reason or you give them permisson.

All they can do is sit in the driver seat and search where ever the driver can reach from the seat.

im well aware of that, but i find its easier to just agree with them and let em search. the second guy was 7 foot tall...8 with the cowboy hat, wasnt even carrying a gun..he just had an axe handle he kept poking me with, and there was a drug sniffing wolf in his f-150...yeah everything is bigger in texas.

02-24-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Cryer

but, yeah... She's damn hard to hit being as small as she is...

She's hard to hit cause she's freak'n GOOD!

02-24-2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon

im well aware of that, but i find its easier to just agree with them and let em search. the second guy was 7 foot tall...8 with the cowboy hat, wasnt even carrying a gun..he just had an axe handle he kept poking me with, and there was a drug sniffing wolf in his f-150...yeah everything is bigger in texas.

Somehow I don't think that was his axe handle ;)

02-24-2004, 08:05 PM
ahaha... poor Adam... you must have really had alot the night before and not enough sleep... LOL

thats hal-ar-ious!

and yes, Clare is very good, and makes a great back player(I still say if she was feeling better coaching would have been a great thing, the voice really stands out)
She made a great partner to bump with as well as closeing games(when one managed to stay in with her) was ausome!

Did I mention the croud, coach, and PA system REALLY helps and pumps you up? Cuz if no one did...it REALLY did make a differance!

02-24-2004, 08:17 PM
I have a question about the DVD, is it gonna be a real DVD, like a mainstream DVD such as smoked, etc for like $20-$30. or an AO sold DVD for an unknown price? I'm just worried that if I buy it on AO, the border fees are gonna make it costs like $60, it will be worth it, just REALLY expensive.

adam shannon
02-24-2004, 08:20 PM
its going to be an ao only dvd. it will be sold on ao, and maybe in the agd store. it will be $25 + shipping. i ship vids to canada all the time you shouldnt even be taxed on it.

02-24-2004, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
its going to be an ao only dvd. it will be sold on ao, and maybe in the agd store. it will be $25 + shipping. i ship vids to canada all the time you shouldnt even be taxed on it.

K thanks, the second it's available, I'm buying it. Is it just the xball? Or the whole Texball weekend, even at whirly ball and the bar?:confused:

02-24-2004, 08:31 PM
there were cameras at whirly ball, I know... JT (mango) had one strapped to his head...:D

02-24-2004, 08:40 PM
All the photos I took are now up.


These are the ones that I did not post before for what ever reason. The quality and resoultion is bad on these pics, but it will give you an idea. If there are any that you want, please email me the file name at [email protected]

02-24-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
there were cameras at whirly ball, I know... JT (mango) had one strapped to his head...:D

I am not responsible for what commentary follows that video clip. I had NO idea that it was recording audio!!

02-24-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa


oh man, he got hit with orange paint. I gogged him....I was shooting orange paint :eek:



02-24-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online

She's hard to hit cause she's freak'n GOOD!

Very true, she can hand my *** to me easily if we were on opposite teams.

02-24-2004, 10:22 PM
part of Team 2

02-24-2004, 10:36 PM
Just figures of the rejected pictures thats were most of my pictures are. :p

Whoever took all the picture, great job and thanks!

02-24-2004, 11:03 PM
well monday i was at te linkin park concert where story of the year, and pod, and hoobastan were playing. hoobastank ended with outta control and let me tell you, IT WAS F'ING CRAZY! that song rocks! good choice. cant wait to see the music video.

02-24-2004, 11:09 PM
lyrically "out of control" fits very well... hence why clare is considdering it.

Just like when we had Ao Austin last year and due to everyones insane love of the slidability of his feild we went with the Fatboy slim cover of steppenwolfs' classic song "Magic Carpet Ride"

Just cause a song is hard it does not mean it fits the event. and also think of clare... after she edits the vid she will be so damn sick of the song it will be forever ruined for her. Also im sure that Slipknot, Hatebreed, or any other insanly hard song (that I enjoy btw) would turn our clare into a angst ridden kill machine and possibily make her kill us all.

02-24-2004, 11:12 PM
these next 8 pics belong to Rather


02-24-2004, 11:17 PM

02-24-2004, 11:19 PM
whoa... Um lets just title that second one in the post 2 up "Ed Loves Xball to much" Yeah... that is the ticket...

and Um you bastards with photoshop... remember that I load and PROGRAM air munitions/ and the delivery systems for them and I do own a GPS unit.

Chojin Man
02-24-2004, 11:31 PM
haha still worried about that ed?

Nice pics Rather especially of that guy humping the dorito! Man someone could do a great photoshop of that guy.;)

02-24-2004, 11:38 PM
nice pics, keep em comeing!

/me *checks map to make sure I dont live intirely too close to Chojin incase Eds GPS unit desides to not be intirely accurate*

02-24-2004, 11:43 PM
TY Chojin. :)

Oh and I have higer resolution version and a moderate amount of learned Photoshop.....1+1=photoshopped soon..... :D ;)

*Hides from Ed before he kills me with his 'ran over by a car' mag* :p

HEHE, only kidding Ed.....at the most I would do it, and put it up on fark, instead of AO. ;)

...Ok fine I'll only pm it to people that ask for it....

...Kidding again....

Dont kill me. :(

*looks up places that can't be found via GPS*

02-25-2004, 12:10 AM
note** BIG THANKS to miscue and havoc_online for going out of there way to get my e-mag updated because I couldnt make it to the second day and I had to go then. I really apreciated that guys. also I just put 2 hoppers through it today, and it riped so hard. I outshot my x-board revvy with 6 blade impeller <u>EASILY</u>. also no chops no barrel breaks or anythign (but thats cause of level 10 really...)

also guys I played the whole weekend without a fommie on my level 10 bolt and I didnt see a diffrence, incase anyone was wondering. I dont really see the need to put another fommie on.

02-25-2004, 01:01 AM
Still tired, will post later, here's a sample of what I gots.

Left to right - Fuji, AdamShannon, Miscue, Edweird's nose


Fuji pushing Ed around in the parking lot


Left to right - AdamShannon, SkyBoySurfer's Back, Havoc, Fuji

Oh yeah. My vote for the song is either P.I.M.P., Thoia Thoing or any other song that they played there like 10 million times. *Ducks thrown pods, packs, flying Canadians*


02-25-2004, 02:32 AM
Ill leave it too you guys to do the caption...

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/Curtis.jpg">

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/P1000633EE.jpg">

02-25-2004, 02:42 AM
Ok it's a bad photochop but I was tired and couldn't help myself.


02-25-2004, 02:44 AM
Curtis to be on American Idol?

Sing "She Bangs" Curtis! j/k :P

Edit, /unpacks GPS and heads to work...

then again its mango and well with the stupid stuff we do at AO meets that id pretty tame.

02-25-2004, 03:17 AM
I have like 6 more on Ed..Post Whore!!! ;)

<img src=http://members.cox.net/iamjack/P1000432E.jpg>

<img src=http://members.cox.net/iamjack/P1000433E.jpg>

<img src=http://members.cox.net/iamjack/P1000434E.jpg>

02-25-2004, 03:56 AM

I somehow avoided every action picture taken. beat that!

Team 4- Yes it was my fault... but it sure was fun being faulty. hehe

Mok_Star- thanks for filling in the coaching duties on saturday as well as the reffing on sunday.

Ed- IAO man.. IAO.

Lassie- come home!

Brian- thanks for not snoring.. too much. :)

Tony- I'm taking you with me next time.

Sleep- I dont need you.


02-25-2004, 12:44 PM
I snore? Doh!

02-25-2004, 01:05 PM
Ok for the record guys Miscue did not recive a penalty EVER.....the guy who got us a penalty in the last game was chinese...and wareing almost all black...

and he had a terrible attitude...

just seeting the record strait.

02-25-2004, 01:35 PM
Like Nicad posted, a SERIOUS THANKS needs to be pointed in the direction of Flash & Mok_Star for giving up thier own play time to help out with some straight up awesome reffing!

All Hail Flash n Mok!

Chojin Man
02-25-2004, 02:17 PM
Anyone see a blue Barrel Plug shirt with Old School on it? I can't find it anywhere :mad:

02-25-2004, 03:01 PM
Chojin, no... but shoot me an email about the barrel you still have of mine ;) [email protected]

yes, mucho thanks to the mok and flash for the reffing, they did a killer job, much better then the remaining deaf, little ones reffing and running the board...arrg

*waits till I get home so I can see the posted pics cuz school doesnt like yalls pic server...*

02-25-2004, 03:18 PM
Thanks to everyone for a great weekend. I had a blast.

Now for my list of thanks

Curtis- thanks for putting this whole thing together. Thanks for the tour of Ft. Worth, and definatly for telling Clare to come at me so I could SHOOT HER IN THE FACE:D :p :D .

Clare- Thank you also for putting this whole thing together. For the pink headband I wore all weekend and for driving out to Dallas on Saturday. And of coarse for not shooting me in the face but you did light me up the game before I got you.:p

Scooter- It was fun. Good job with the one on one with Simon.

Simon- Thanks for letting us party at your house and taking out us out to downtown Dallas.

Ed- Great job coaching. You helped us so much on the field.

JT- good job taking care of the dorito side of the field.

Kaiser Bob- Great job bunking take guy out of the snake. You held the back in every game.

fryer- good playing all weekend. Also thanks for puking right by or start station. :p

The rest of team 1 (sorry I'm really bad remebering names)- It was so great to play with you all. this was a total team effort and everyone did there job.

Creative Mayhem- Thanks for joining us on Sunday. And thanks for letting me shoot the Canadian flag.

Well, I can't wait for another AO meet where we play X-ball.

Once again this was so much fun. Thanks to everyone who was there.

Creative Mayhem
02-25-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Chupas2
Creative Mayhem- Thanks for joining us on Sunday. And thanks for letting me shoot the Canadian flag.

Thanks for having me on your team. I had some of my best games with you guys backing me up.

My flag was covered... red white and orange:confused: :D

02-25-2004, 10:28 PM
More pics!
I promise I'll be sending those disks out tomorrow! Oh and Curtis... I'll be sending a little something to remember me by.

Miscue throwin paint from the snake using a warp the right way.

Ed chewing off the other half of his squeegee.

02-25-2004, 11:18 PM
actually im sad about breaking YET ANOTHER friggin squeegee

well sad and exausted that is

Chojin Man
02-25-2004, 11:34 PM
Ya look at ed he is so sad about his squeege:( I feel your pain ed.

02-26-2004, 12:54 AM
now after playing Xball with you guys i can only imagin how much we would rock at IAO....

I think im gona have to start saveing....

02-26-2004, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by SkyBoySurfer
now after playing Xball with you guys i can only imagin how much we would rock at IAO....

I think im gona have to start saveing....

It was fun, too bad I paid cash to sit around and watch others play. I wasn't bitter about it when I was there but I am now that I see the lack of funds in my account.


I guess that's what I get for not being OMG SO KEWL at paintball.

02-26-2004, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Mindflux

It was fun, too bad I paid cash to sit around and watch others play. I wasn't bitter about it when I was there but I am now that I see the lack of funds in my account.


I guess that's what I get for not being OMG SO KEWL at paintball.

jeez man, let it go.

02-26-2004, 10:07 AM
Somebody want to fill in the back story for some of us?

02-26-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Mindflux

It was fun, too bad I paid cash to sit around and watch others play. I wasn't bitter about it when I was there but I am now that I see the lack of funds in my account.


I guess that's what I get for not being OMG SO KEWL at paintball.

Whaaat?! Everyone got as much playing time as they could. It was fair. What are you talking about specifically?

02-26-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by logamus

jeez man, let it go.

Unless you were on my team, which I don't think you were. I suggest you get more info on it before you go telling me to let it go.


A) PM me to find out more


B) zip your lip

It's quite simple.

There ARE other people on my team that have already PM'd me and said that they too saw people get bumped, or a lack of a fair rotation or whatever. It wasn't just me, I just happen to be the one speaking up about it.

How about YOU tell me how many games TOTAL you played over the 2 day event, and then I'll tell you a drastically lower (but real) number of games I played.

02-26-2004, 11:16 AM
Curtis and I were on Mindflux's team and we always asked if everyone was getting equal playing time and if you hadn't, to jump in the game. No one really ever spoke up. I also sat out a lot of games when people rushed up to get the 5 that we needed and in hopes that everyone got a good turn. Neither of us ever pulled a player, either. So, not quite sure what happened there.

02-26-2004, 11:47 AM
***I need the winners of the PGI subscriptions to give me their mailing addresses! So far, I only have 1 person's info.***

02-26-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Curtis and I were on Mindflux's team and we always asked if everyone was getting equal playing time and if you hadn't, to jump in the game. No one really ever spoke up. I also sat out a lot of games when people rushed up to get the 5 that we needed and in hopes that everyone got a good turn. Neither of us ever pulled a player, either. So, not quite sure what happened there.

No, neither of you did. That's right. It was someone else which I'm not going to name because anyone on team 2 will already know.

I'm pretty soft spoken in person until I know everyone, and I didn't even know everyones name on the team. I knew Curtis, Clare and vf-xx (Frank I believe). By name, that's it. If I don't know you well enough, I won't speak to you. That's just my nature. I didn't speak up because frankly I felt it wouldn't have mattered.

**Edit: Saturday's games were fine, I got in enough. It was Sunday when everone was in kill kill kill mode. We had 21 games that day, I played 4.

Chojin Man
02-26-2004, 11:59 AM
Ohhh I know who you are talking about now. I was on Team 2 on Sun. What were you wearing/look like?

You should have said someting to Clare or Curtis in private. Trust me they would have done something about it immediately.

02-26-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux

No, neither of you did. That's right. It was someone else which I'm not going to name because anyone on team 2 will already know.

I'm pretty soft spoken in person until I know everyone, and I didn't even know everyones name on the team. I knew Curtis, Clare and vf-xx (Frank I believe). By name, that's it. If I don't know you well enough, I won't speak to you. That's just my nature. I didn't speak up because frankly I felt it wouldn't have mattered.

**Edit: Saturday's games were fine, I got in enough. It was Sunday when everone was in kill kill kill mode. We had 21 games that day, I played 4.

Ok, Glad that you got enough on Saturday. I know what you're talking about tho. Just gotta kinda force yourself into a set rotation.

02-26-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux

If I don't know you well enough, I won't speak to you. That's just my nature. I didn't speak up because frankly I felt it wouldn't have mattered.

Ok then seriously, whose fault is that?! They did thier best to make sure everyone got games in. If you just stood there and didn't say anything then you have no one to blame but yourself for letting it happen.

02-26-2004, 12:13 PM
I hope you're not talking about me. I think I pulled someone off in order to rebalance the team once. And that was due to the fact that we had no snake players. ( I think I subbed in SkyBoySurfer )

As far as playing goes, I played a fair amount on day one and a fair amount of the first half of day two. But, I played about 2-3 games tops in the second half of day two. In fact, I did quite a bit of coaching on both days. You can even ask GTRSI, I bought an extra case in the second half and never got to shoot it.

I do remember Curtis and Clare asking if anyone needed more playing time. *sigh* Well, I guess next time just step up and let people know what's going on. Perhaps let the person who was hogging time know that they need to let others play.

( OT - Clare, Ed, Miscue the CD's are enroute expect 2-4 days for delivery. Clare, if you're wondering what the other "thing" in the package is for, give it to Curtis and ask him why I am sending him one of those. ;) )

02-26-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango

Ok then seriously, whose fault is that?! They did thier best to make sure everyone got games in. If you just stood there and didn't say anything then you have no one to blame but yourself for letting it happen.

I guess if you want to put it like that yeah it's all my fault.

Perhaps there should have been fair rotations, I'm not one to force my way into a game. Again, I saw two other teammates play very little sunday too, and if they walked into the group to be the 5 out on the field, i wasn't gonna go "hey wait a sec".. cuz they were in the same boat.

So, if you look at it.. I was trying to let the other people play more too, otherwise you'd be hearing them gripe too. Don't get me wrong, meeting everyone was fantastic, and everyone was nice and fun to chat with (those I did chat with). But There should have been Team 2 Group A and Group B period, no substitutions where Group A people FELT a need to cut someone from group B out because 'we needed that point'.

This is not just about me.. there were others on my team equally as frustrated. Wether or not they speak out, I'm speaking for them too.

Are you saying I should have been more ascertive and pulled other people off the team like said member?

02-26-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Fuji
I hope you're not talking about me. I think I pulled someone off in order to rebalance the team once. And that was due to the fact that we had no snake players. ( I think I subbed in SkyBoySurfer )

As far as playing goes, I played a fair amount on day one and a fair amount of the first half of day two. But, I played about 2-3 games tops in the second half of day two. In fact, I did quite a bit of coaching on both days. You can even ask GTRSI, I bought an extra case in the second half and never got to shoot it.

I do remember Curtis and Clare asking if anyone needed more playing time. *sigh* Well, I guess next time just step up and let people know what's going on. Perhaps let the person who was hogging time know that they need to let others play.

( OT - Clare, Ed, Miscue the CD's are enroute expect 2-4 days for delivery. Clare, if you're wondering what the other "thing" in the package is for, give it to Curtis and ask him why I am sending him one of those. ;) )

It wasn't you Fuji.

It wasn't Clare or Curtis either.

Whatever, I guess not important. Apparently being passive about it is my fault.... as someone is blaming me for it.

I don't step on peoples toes.

02-26-2004, 12:27 PM
Standing up for yourself is not stepping on toes. If you felt you were not being rotated in to the game in a manner that suited you, speak up.

Technically, it wasn't your fault b/c you weren't the person or persons that were playing more often. However, you're a big boy and can speak your mind. your lack of action is your fault. The lack of play is the consequence of both actions.

02-26-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango

Ok then seriously, whose fault is that?! They did thier best to make sure everyone got games in. If you just stood there and didn't say anything then you have no one to blame but yourself for letting it happen.

It's a situation that most A-teamers would not understand, or at least recognize.

I know Clare and Curtis were vaguely aware of what was going on. This wasn't their fault, and it wasn't isolated to Team 2 either. I know more people noticed it without saying it, so it's not just "Mindflux's own fault".

If you really are interested, you can PM me.

Otherwise, thanks to all involved in organizing the event. I'd credit you guys with a 'win' on this one.

02-26-2004, 12:49 PM
Ryan, I played plenty. Since I realized I was getting so much game time, I kept asking and asking if anyone wanted my spot(As Clare did too), If player x pulled you off, you should of just asked Clare or myself if you could take our spot like we were offering, we would have been more than happy to let you on the line.

It has little to do with player X, since we were offering openly and almost never got responses, it's no one's fault but the ppl who didnt speak up. You(or anyone else on the team) wouldnt of been getting in the way or stepping on our toes, you would have been playing since we openly offered our spots constantly.

If something is wrong at an event, or you think things could be going differently, you have to tell Clare or myself, we cant do anything about it now, but we would have helped you then.

I'm sorry that the event ended sour for you. You DO know ME and you DO speak to ME. Please, next time tell me whats on your mind in private and I'll make sure you get the good treatment.

02-26-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Standing up for yourself is not stepping on toes. If you felt you were not being rotated in to the game in a manner that suited you, speak up.

Technically, it wasn't your fault b/c you weren't the person or persons that were playing more often. However, you're a big boy and can speak your mind. your lack of action is your fault. The lack of play is the consequence of both actions.

Well, It's not like I wanted to play in all of the games, that's silly. 3 more games would have probably sufficed, 1/3 of our total games played. But then again, if I had been on a REAL rotation, I would have had atleast half of the 21 games played, so we'll call that 10.

I'm not being unrealistic, atleast I don't think.

02-26-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
Ryan, I played plenty. Since I realized I was getting so much game time, I kept asking and asking if anyone wanted my spot(As Clare did too), If player x pulled you off, you should of just asked Clare or myself if you could take our spot like we were offering, we would have been more than happy to let you on the line.

It has little to do with player X, since we were offering openly and almost never got responses, it's no one's fault but the ppl who didnt speak up. You(or anyone else on the team) wouldnt of been getting in the way or stepping on our toes, you would have been playing since we openly offered our spots constantly.

If something is wrong at an event, or you think things could be going differently, you have to tell Clare or myself, we cant do anything about it now, but we would have helped you then.

I'm sorry that the event ended sour for you. You DO know ME and you DO speak to ME. Please, next time tell me whats on your mind in private and I'll make sure you get the good treatment.

You know what though... I wasn't really peeved that day. It was when I got back here and posted my post 4 PAGES ago about the unorthodox rotation, and then people PM'd me to say "yeah that WAS bunk it happened to a few other Team 2 players". All of them on the "B" rotation (which by the way I was never officially deemed part of any rotation).

Just so people know, I'm not ANGRY or pissed at ANYONE, I'm just trying to make NEXT YEAR's event better!

It's all good people, it's just a game.. It's a game I enjoy and you all enjoy immensely. Players shouldn't be pulled (i saw a few pulls, and was pulled myself once on saturday). Unless the player says "i cant go, not ready" or "i'm too tired to get another one in let me sit out 10".. they should go out! The A and B rotation, IMO should be enforced unless the player in the rotation cannot play and needs to be subbed.

Maybe I'm wrong.. maybe the "all stars" should play more, like Shaq or Kobe. They're in the games longer than anyone else..

It's all good, just letting people know *I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE HAVING THE PROBLEM* :)

02-26-2004, 12:58 PM
Just one more reason I quit playing tournaments...even pickup teams can't agree. On Sunday when I was just walking around and hanging out I did notice that the one team was taking things WAY more serious than the other. I thought this was kinda odd as it was for fun (or was it?), but then again once in tournament mode, it's hard to get people to relax.

02-26-2004, 01:01 PM
Well, as Curtis said, we can't do anything about it now. You can take this to pm's with the person who is at fault, though. Crowding the thread with the same thing over and over isn't going to solve anything. We're sorry that this happened but honestly we couldn't keep track (and can't read minds) of who got what playing time, so we just asked time and again and no one said anything. Next time, please don't hesitate to come up to one of us with any problems that you have and we'll see to it that it gets solved.

02-26-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Well, as Curtis said, we can't do anything about it now. You can take this to pm's with the person who is at fault, though. Crowding the thread with the same thing over and over isn't going to solve anything. We're sorry that this happened but honestly we couldn't keep track (and can't read minds) of who got what playing time, so we just asked time and again and no one said anything. Next time, please don't hesitate to come up to one of us with any problems that you have and we'll see to it that it gets solved.

I'm trying to get my point across to people but I keep getting blamed for being passive.

Again, if I had said something and got put in more someone else who didn't play when I did play would be speaking up. I suppose I was the gopher this time around.

I'm done with this topic, people are pmming me to apologize, others are pmming me to tell me i'm a complete asshat. I went out to have fun over the weekend, it worked out pretty well.

Oh, apparently I'm hijacking the thread now.

Again, I'm done with this topic.

02-26-2004, 01:21 PM
Guess I didn't miss much by not attending...

02-26-2004, 01:27 PM
actually, you did.
Iv seen how you play and I think you would have LOVED Xball.. I know I did.. :)


02-26-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by kenndogg
Guess I didn't miss much by not attending...

No, you definately missed a fun event.

It was a blast for sure, just more of a blast with more game time :D

02-26-2004, 01:39 PM

Less whine more pictures!



02-26-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux

No, neither of you did. That's right. It was someone else which I'm not going to name because anyone on team 2 will already know.

I'm pretty soft spoken in person until I know everyone, and I didn't even know everyones name on the team. I knew Curtis, Clare and vf-xx (Frank I believe). By name, that's it. If I don't know you well enough, I won't speak to you. That's just my nature. I didn't speak up because frankly I felt it wouldn't have mattered.

**Edit: Saturday's games were fine, I got in enough. It was Sunday when everone was in kill kill kill mode. We had 21 games that day, I played 4.

Curtis asked the team a half dozen times if everyone was getting enough play time and everybody was fine... maybe you weren't around or something. From my observation, nobody was hogging play time - which is very difficult to do anyway with the X-Ball format because 2 minutes between games isn't enough time to play over and over. I personally played about every 2.5 games because that was about as fast as I could handle. Getting to play was a matter of: Being the first 5 up on the field ready to go was how people ended up playing. There's no way any of us could keep track of everyone's play time, heck there were people playing on our team that I didn't even realize until later (Sorry Coffey :) ).

If you didn't understand how this was working, I apologize. But you do have a duty to speak up if you're not getting in like you would like, you can't expect us to remember who's been in and who hasn't. Well, besides this I hope you had a good time... and next TexBall... Speak Up! Get on the field quick! Hehehe. We want everyone to get in some good play time.

02-26-2004, 01:57 PM
<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/IMG_1057Fry.JPG">

Frymarks amazingly awsome work of art....1 0f 6 I hear.

<img src="http://members.cox.net/iamjack/IMG_1062Welts.JPG">

they are waching YOU!

02-26-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally ranted by DennisLeary
Pull up your pants!

02-26-2004, 03:23 PM
Mindflux, Im not going to lie and say there wasnt alot of rearangeing going on, there was... I admit I was party to it, but I was on both ends, and most the time when I went to pull someone I MADE SURE they were getting playing time first, and if they wernt I would walk my happy arse back off the feild happly and coach from the sidelines or behind the net, get ready for the next time out etc... I wasnt the only one doing this exact same thing, I dont think anyone FORCED anyone off the field to sub, was it asked? Sure... we wanted the right players on the feild for the right situation(3 back 2 front, one of those being a snake player if I rember correctly?), or if someone wanted to try something special(out train attempts, etc) it was all good, I didnt mind that...

anyway...Ive said my peace, thats about all Im going to say, It's no one persons fault, end of discussion, make sure it doesnt happen next time...

on that note... WERE are the rest of the pics? LOL

I know I saw more camera flashes and people walking around with Cameras then that...

and has anyone else notice in like every pic Im in I have a mask on or on my head in some form...arrg...heh I guess its better then forgettign were I set it or leaving it on the ground to be subject to the abuse of paint flying under the net...

Creative Mayhem
02-26-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by edweird
actually im sad about breaking YET ANOTHER friggin squeegee

I just bought a brand new squeegie before I left, and I broke it before I even used it... :mad:

02-26-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Creative Mayhem

I just bought a brand new squeegie before I left, and I broke it before I even used it... :mad:

what do you need a squeegie for if you have level 10? :) i had a squeegie you could have borrowed, i dont need it having vision and all. ;)

Creative Mayhem
02-26-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by logamus

what do you need a squeegie for if you have level 10? :) i had a squeegie you could have borrowed, i dont need it having vision and all. ;)

Barrel spooge... don't you hate it when you spooge your barrel? :D

02-26-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Creative Mayhem

Barrel spooge... don't you hate it when you spooge your barrel? :D

more than you can imagnine. :)

02-26-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
***I need the winners of the PGI subscriptions to give me their mailing addresses! So far, I only have 1 person's info.***

Clare, my friend sent a PM to Havoc early this evening about the subscription.

02-26-2004, 09:20 PM
I have this tendancy to shoot my barrel condom onw out to the feild... so there for ive yet to retire the barrel swab

chops arnt the issue... shooting the proverbial load into my Barrel Blocking Device is

Load SM5
02-26-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by edweird

shooting the proverbial load into my Barrel Blocking Device is
