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View Full Version : Leaving semi's for a pump

can'tthink of1
02-21-2004, 06:04 PM
Well after about a year of ballin, and putting about 1.2k in my gear and markers alone, I got sick of the pricetag. So I am getting a phantom, selling everything else. I really just got sick of trying to convince myself that the 1.2k I put into paintball was justafied. I'm not a tourny player, don't really want to be right now, and if I do, I'm not gonna get some setup that cost lots of $, for all I know it might be a spyder, mag(ule, logic frame, etc), or an omen, all with nitro, good barrel, and an egg. Well thats my plan, sound good?

02-21-2004, 06:08 PM
I don't usually like these types of plans. You say you have 1.2k worth of gear,resale on that should be half,if your lucky.

So you've lost $600 to save money.

Get the Pump if you like to play Pump,but not because it's a 'good deal'.

Pump is a blast by the way,even better when it's all pumps on the field.


can'tthink of1
02-21-2004, 06:21 PM
Nah I know I can get about 900-1k back, since most of it was bought used, in good condition, and for a cheap price. And thats part of the reason I'm selling it all, because it all has a good resale and I'm making most of what I spent back. Aside from that is there any bad parts if this plan?

02-21-2004, 06:28 PM
You'll still have those days you wish for a semi-auto marker. Maybe you should look for a cheaper 68 classic to run as a backup?

02-21-2004, 06:39 PM
i really want to pick op a traccer (or one of the same guns under the 5000000000 different names it has) but i will always have a semi on hand

02-21-2004, 11:31 PM
Welcome to the pump world, buddy.

Phantom phorum (http://pub15.ezboard.com/bphantomphorum75007)

Stock Class Paintball (http://invisionfree.com/forums/StockClassPaintball/index.php?)

PPIG (http://www.munkies.net/ppig/index.php?sid=26e73f439122fc76b695ef1142b16be5)

Are some nice places to start.

-mike, phantom and mag user.

can'tthink of1
02-22-2004, 12:36 AM
Thanks for the links buddy.

On a side not it looks like I will play for awhile and pic up a semi when I come across one that I must have or is a really good deal. But for now, goodbye everything. And now to pic up a few stock accesories and a new mask.

02-22-2004, 12:57 AM
Hmm seems ever since I got my vsc phantom every one else is doing it... Seems like pumps are making a comeback :D But then again what do I know, only had mine for about a week :p Heres a thread about mine if any one is interested or bord check out my Phantom (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=125096) :D