View Full Version : Can some one explain what a rail system is?

02-21-2004, 08:36 PM
Alrite, I really want and on/off valve for my drop forward.

I have a CP Flame dropforward, and on the bottom, not online does it have inline holes but it has little grooves that go in to a point and then back out. Is this a rail system?

If so what On/Off is a good/cheap one?

02-21-2004, 08:49 PM
Yes. You are correct. That is called a dovetail. If you open your kitchen drawers, you will see that the joints holding the corners together are also dovetails. This is done because the dovetail joint has the most contact area than other types of joints and in inherently stronger by design. Most dovetails on paintball marker parts are 3/8". Not all manufacturers choose to use 3/8". Some on/off's like the System X use their own size and therefore won't fit other drops. Get a CP, Kapp, or Benchmark on/off ASA. These are proven designs and will always work. Try to stay away from the cheapo ones...they will only ruin your day for sure...;) :D

02-21-2004, 08:56 PM
Shocktech makes awesome on off asa's. I also really like cp ones. And yes on off asa's are very expensive for what you get. I mean some are more expensive then the drop was, but really its paintball so you can't complain about prices:D

Mag Master 04
02-22-2004, 12:07 AM
BUT be carefull when u try to match dovetails to on/offs cuz i know that they are not all the same, my shocktech on/off WOULD NOT FIT on my CP rail, and the CP on/off was loose on the shocktech rail, even with the screw tightened, so my point is if you have a CP drop get a CP on/off, and a shocktech drop then get a shocktech on/off and so on...

02-22-2004, 12:15 AM
oh yes, my cousin had this same problem. I never used a shocktech asa on any but a shocktech drop. I would go with the cp asa.

02-22-2004, 10:17 AM
I just put a KAPP on/off ASA on a CP rail with no problems. I have used the KAPP's with DYE and Warped Sportz drops also with no issues.