View Full Version : After the game- NorCal AO Somenumber ( :P )

02-21-2004, 09:19 PM
Post your pics and comments, I have some pics of Z-Man, and a story...

02-21-2004, 09:34 PM
This is Zak after a game they call "Kill the President". The game is that there is one guy picked to be the president. He gets 5 or so bodygaurds to protect him from one place to another, and anyone the president shoots is automatically a bodygaurd. So the bodygaurds can't get out until they can't take pain of getting shot or have taken 2 shots to the Mask. Zak was a body gaurd, and the only one left against 75 or so people:p He was in a mesh tent/box thing that he could shoot out of. Here are pics after the game...

Can someone host pics for me? too big for uploadit...

02-21-2004, 09:36 PM

Extreme PB, great refs

Mighty Mike- that halo was great!

Z-Man for letting me use his pack

Anyone else I might have forgotten.

More later- gotta do something.

02-21-2004, 11:38 PM
good day

Eatem Alive
02-21-2004, 11:43 PM
highlights...z-man, the human rainbow paintsponge, steelrat breakdancing in the snake, me not pushing the camera button, wasting carbons beautiful slide through the doo doo mud, getting to play with fellow ao'ers. oh yeah, the clouds parting and nothing but sun for the rest of the day 'til it was time to leave. as carbon put it "ao goodness"

Dutch Baller
02-21-2004, 11:51 PM
i had fun today. Playing snake was fun 4 games in a row lol I needed a bath. Then i had to go home then the sun shows ahhhhh damn you weather!!! lol It was fun to play with u guys.

02-21-2004, 11:58 PM
Great day, thanks to everyone that made the long drive. it was great to have our own ref and play as a private group - we sure got a lot of games in.

The play of the day had to be Zman's last stand - imagine one guy against about 100 rec players. Here is the aftermath:


Firepower was not an issue:


And the motley crew:


Mighty Mike
02-22-2004, 12:09 AM
Great pictures and another great day of paintball with AO-NorCal!!

I want to vote for Z-man as AO's Paintball Player Of The Year!! Z-man, alone w/ his SFL Emag, fought off 80+ players all by himself in what has to be the most exciting paintball battles of all time!!! Zak...you are the man!!!!

02-22-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Mighty Mike
Great pictures and another great day of paintball with AO-NorCal!!

I want to vote for Z-man as AO's Paintball Player Of The Year!! Z-man, alone w/ his SFL Emag, fought off 80+ players all by himself in what has to be the most exciting paintball battles of all time!!! Zak...you are the man!!!!

every seems to forget that i was still in the game at that point. jeez, you dont get shot 50 billion times and its like you dont exist. :D

02-22-2004, 03:17 AM
awesome day. we gotta do it again sometime.

Eatem Alive
02-22-2004, 03:25 AM
i almost forgot my low point...2 ball on 1 ball. i still have a stomach ache. it probably didn't help that i took an opposing team members stick there in my hockey game tonight. the count is now 2 balls and 1 strike.

02-22-2004, 07:02 PM
Another great NorCal day! Not a good day for me equipment-wise, but its always fun when the norcal bunch gets together.

-Good company
-Good field, and the refs were great
-Bunkered someone in one of the first games, cant remeber who
-Made it to the snake!
-Eatem alive made it!

-Gun problems galore
-A tad wet
-Aegis kept shooting me. Payback time is a-commin'
-Got shot by Mighty Mike after making it to the snake.

Looking forward to the next one.

02-22-2004, 08:46 PM
steelratt what kind of gun problems, im curious to know?

Eatem Alive
02-22-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat

-Bunkered someone in one of the first games, cant remeber who

that was me. you left a nice little welt on my side. but in my defense, i was at your 30. regardless, you got me.

02-22-2004, 10:30 PM
LOL. When you are carrying as much bulk as me, bunkering anyone or anything is an achievement. Im sure you visited paintball death on me in several games. And boy, you sure can move. You kept magically appearing at the 50 almost every game.

02-23-2004, 01:15 AM
uggggg. I just now got in from my weekend. Major thinks to the Millin family who put up with us for 2 evenings. Yeah that last game kinda hurt. I think the hardest part was just trying to see people, they were everywhere but I had no clue... spray and pray.

I can tell you that after taking something like 70+ shots to your body and having to get up at 4am the next day to play a tourney... you are a little tired. I think Ill sleep this one off and talk tomorrow but I will say this:


02-23-2004, 01:20 AM
Dont leave us hanging!!!! How did you do!!?!?!?!?!

02-23-2004, 01:26 AM
oh yeah sorry.

Short answer- we did not win first 2nd or 3rd. We were 10 points away from the semi finals.

Longer answer- WE HAD A FREAKING BLAST! I had no idea what to expect but Carbon can tell you all more as he did as much work and probably more than most of our team. The reffing was excellent in general, the teams were honest and the field was small but well balanced. Carbon taped all but our first game and I just watched it to see it all. GREAT JOB MAN!

Anyhow, I think we won 5 of the 8 games points-wise and dominated 3 of those games. There were 21 teams out there and it was VERY fast paced. Our first game lasted around a minute. Ill compose my thoughts tomorrow and perhaps put in a few clips on my site so people can check it out.

Thank you all again for all the work in making this possible.

02-23-2004, 01:33 AM
Im glad your experience was better than mine. Maybe there is hope, after all.

Good job Zak!

02-23-2004, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Steelrat
Im glad your experience was better than mine. Maybe there is hope, after all.

Good job Zak!

perhaps team justmetintheparkinglot needs to reform for some tourneys...

02-23-2004, 04:13 AM
I had a blast playing with you guys on Saturday. And nice meeting you Z-man, I will e-mail you soon. I look forward to playing again some time soon.


02-23-2004, 04:13 PM
Ahh yes, the days after AO Days, what can i say Aleeve and beer? Once again, a posterior kicking good time made possible by the Norcal Ao cats. So here my big up and downs.

Big ups:

Aegis-for getting the ball rolling on Norcal AO Day. Thanx to the Millin family for putting up with Zman's and my stink for 2 days. They are good people. Thnx to Mrs. Aegis for the pasghetti and laundry, next stop Kareoke Train!

Zman- thanx for the ride and the tourney "experience". Once again, great Zman energy all the way through. That president game was a sight to behold, mad props for 50+ Vs 1.

All the AO folks who made it to the field.

CableDawg - One of these day im gonna have to make it to a scenario game, seismic detectors, Night vision oh man...

EatemAlive: It was great meeting you for the first time. We are sitting at the pball store getting paint, then this fella turns and goes "you guys from AO?" and all our eyes light up! handshakes and greetings. Priceless. Thanx for taking those "action" pics for me. Big time props for doin AO Day hours before a hockey game. You are true baller!

-Brakdancing Ryan
-Great weather, its like god loves AO'ers and wants us to ball. The clouds did part.
-Killer fields, although no air ball, the Hyper pipe fields are awesome.
-Sliding into doo doo mud, i havent been that much fun being dirty since 12yrs old. Apparently the field was formerly a corn field, i guess the rains just brought the fertilizer flavor back.
-Being pod boy for Zmans teams at the tourney. gave me a chance to see fast paced, small field action. The whole time im video taping i wanted to do slides, run throughs and yell "G's".
-Nice Scenery on the drive up.
-Run throughs
-The AO Vibe.
-Free Fries with my drink.
-Guiness, Coors, Sam Adams...what agreat bunch of guys
-DPB sessions

Big downs

-Doo Doo mud. Although playing in the mud was fun,it would of been funner without the stench.

-the car ride back in Zman's now doo doo mud laced air freshner.

-Cleaning off doo doo mud, if there was a human size dish wares i would have been in it.

-getting bunkered. While crawling in the snake and being rash i crawled too far up, then, kapowww.

-Getting bouces while trying to bunker soemone. Had the drop and all, needless to say i payed in full.

-$2.00 a gallon for 89.

-Bunker collapse. I have this special talent of getting behind bunkers that magicaly unroot themselves.

well thats all for now. Some Pics should be up soon. Once again, Thanx yall!

02-23-2004, 09:57 PM
wut can i say except that was the most fun in the mud ive had since i was just a kid (well i guess i am still a kid but wut ever).
Zak i bow down and kiss ur feet. even though that might be gross, but one heck of a man this guy is let me tell ya.

-Zak taking the total amount of pain
-Mike letting me use his Mighty Mag as we know it by.
-Rick for letting me use his mech cocker.
-Uncle Brian for picking me up, and letting me crash at your house.
-The great amount of time playing DPB
-The "my new RT Pro is the best"
-Great refs
-Awesome slides
-witnessing Carbon's superman
The two boxes of Mountain Mikes pizza totally demolished

-The massive amounts of puddles
-The air guys not knowing how much air was in ur tank(dumb guys only filled it to 2250 every time.)
-Having to put a one metric ton hot yub into Ageis' back yard, then not being able to sit in it and relax in the heat.

But all in all i had the time of my life.
Anyone or anything i forgot sorry.
It was nice meeting all of you and will hope to see you at Valley Thunder (our next AO day supposply)

Eatem Alive
02-23-2004, 11:17 PM
hey carbon, you gonna post them pictures?

02-23-2004, 11:46 PM
A few thoughts on the day:

Thank god the weather cleared. I was sweating it, having talked everyone into driving out to east egypt to play. Thanks for making the trip, it was nice to get you all to our home field.

Geting shot in the side by Dutch every time I got to the 50 was a bit irritating, considering how rarely I make it that far. At one point he shot me in the back, he was so far up the field.

It was fun trying to lane in the morning while it was really muddy. You get a lot more hits when people are tiptoing through the slop.

Having Zman and Carbon as houseguests was interesting, my wife was a helluva sport when she got 4 muddy, paint-covered fools coming home instead of the usual 2. We did a lot of laundry and gun cleaning that night to make sure Zman hit the field in style. Finished in time for them to get 4 hours of sleep, even. Of course that ran late because I wouldn't let them back in the house until we got the jacuzzi unloaded. Thanks for the help, that was a lifesaver.

I still think they should have let the entire AO crew be bodyguards.

02-23-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Eatem Alive
hey carbon, you gonna post them pictures?
The pics are currently with Aegis and LPB. So go ahead and load em up guys.

02-24-2004, 01:55 AM
Forgot about those, here you go.

Everyone thinking "Rain, Rain, Go Away"


Carbon laid in the mud to get this shot - left to right it is LPB's feet, me, Blennidae, Dutch, Mighty Mike and ?


Carbon in the mud along the tape


Eatem Alive working the snake


Steelrat shows grace under fire - see the guy at the 50?


My favorite shot - during the "headshot only" game. After a little while of this I could see Zaust's barrel sticking around the corner. Eric saved Zaust from certain death by gogging me from the snake at that moment. "The Wall" could bring you into some up close and personal moments.


And last but not least, a small part of Zman's welt collection:


The originals are a whole lot bigger, let me know if you want one.

02-24-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Aegis
My favorite shot - during the "headshot only" game. After a little while of this I could see Zaust's barrel sticking around the corner. Eric saved Zaust from certain death by gogging me from the snake at that moment. "The Wall" could bring you into some up close and personal moments.


i beg to differ![/end black woman voice]

Mighty Mike
02-24-2004, 02:50 PM
Thanks to Aegis and LPB for setting up AO Day Modesto. I liked the fact we got to play w/in our own group and have our own referee. That was cool. Extreme is a fun field and I'm looking forward to playing there again.

Some memorable moments of the day:
-It’s always a blast playing w/ the NorCal guys.
-The sun coming out and the rain stopping as soon as we were all strapped and ready to play.
- Shooting my new Lasoya. This gun rips, but i think it can shoot faster.
- Watching a two can stack slowly tip over when Carbon slammed into it from the break, and then seeing Carbon run for his life as myself and 4 others unleashed hell on him. I still have no idea how Carbon made it back to the rear bunkers alive, but it was definitely the funniest play of the day. :p
-Shooting Ryan’s Viking for the first time. Now I understand the hype!! I swear I’ve used toothpicks bigger than the Viking’s trigger.
-Best bunker move of the day goes to LittlePaintballBoy. A couple minutes after the break, Connor casually walked by our 50 and took out Aegis, Blennidae, and another unexpected player. Talk about stealth!!
-Dan aka Paintballa44 – it was good to see you on the field again!
-Eatem Alive - meeting a fellow Palmer Pursuit enthusiast!
-Watching Aegis taking the 50 every time I was on his team.
-And of course, Z-man vs. everyone!!

Not so memorable moments:
-Waking up at 6:45am while Blennidae waited for me on my driveway at 6:30am. Sorry again Rick.
-Extreme hotdogs. I should have eaten the pizza instead.
-The very few times I tried to take the 50, I would see Zaust’s barrel pointed right at me. =(
-Getting shot inside my hopper by Carbon while trying to load some paint. Thanks again Carbon. :mad:
-Because of the scenario game, not having Z-man join us for the 2nd part of the day. That sucked!!

02-24-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Aegis


seriously if any of you ***** about people not having their barrel condoms on in other pics posted on this forum...your goin to hell:cool: ;)

02-24-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by ZAust

i beg to differ![/end black woman voice]

yeah you were dead cracker!

Dutch Baller
02-24-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Aegis

Geting shot in the side by Dutch every time I got to the 50 was a bit irritating, considering how rarely I make it that far. At one point he shot me in the back, he was so far up the field.

lol ya it was fun in the snake. I dive in and a wave of water comes up. Fun times

02-24-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by dansim

seriously if any of you ***** about people not having their barrel condoms on in other pics posted on this forum...your goin to hell:cool: ;)

Hehe, that was after everyone left and it was just us and a cuple of refs, I think we are safe for now:p

02-24-2004, 11:23 PM
:D Somebody put up the group picture where Blennidae was in front, it looks like I'm trying to block him from the picture

Eatem Alive
02-24-2004, 11:32 PM
in the morning pic, you're way in the background..."hold on guys, not without me"

02-25-2004, 12:18 AM
great pics.. even though i dont think i knew about the morning pic. o well

Eatem Alive
02-25-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by paintballa44
great pics.. even though i dont think i knew about the morning pic. o well

"attention automag group...flag pole, 5 minutes" that was the call.;)

02-25-2004, 11:30 PM
i think i listen to my radio to loud