View Full Version : Big game today...bunch of stories w/ the mags today, really good, and really bad>

02-22-2004, 08:40 PM
Hey everyone!

Well got back from the Panzers in the Snow big game which for the most part was a blast! went from 10-3:30 and had a bunch of fun. I think I was the only mag user there:) ...well, besides my buddy, to whom I lent one of my mags:p

Ok, about the mags...I brought two mags w/ me...my black n' blue w/ intelliframe, Emag valve, no-rise, halo, etc...and my other mag- Z-grip, warp, revvy, etc.

To start the day off, both markers had issues. I'm not sure why. Even on the chrono my black/blue one chopped a bit (it does have L10 w/ med-long spring)...which was really surprising because everything was tested a day or two before to perfection, and nothing was wrong. I have no idea what was physically keeping the balls from dropping in the hopper (its not nubbin issues) however after the marker got warmed up it functioned flawless the rest of the whole day. :confused:

The other mag had a ton of problems. It kept chopping. Yes, it only has L7, but I don't that think that required the marker to chop all the time. I had done everything yesterday I thought I could w/ the marker before I took it out today...ironed out all the nubbin issues (a BIG issue when using a warp) and all the fine little adjustments...and tested it with the most horrible paint I had, and it functioned flawlessly. However I think it like that paint better than the field paint:p

It chopped and chopped and chopped and I was getting so frustrated...not because there was something obviously the matter, it was because I couldn't figure out a thing! I would watch the balls feed through it...and either balls would just explode, or *somehow* get jammed and chop. I played w/ the powerfeed plug adjustments, and had it set up exactly how Rob shows in the tech forum...perfect. And yet it would chop when shooting more that 3 balls per second. Then something I tried was a continous feeding from the warp, and even with the thing spinning constantly, it was slacking off and would allow a break between the balls every few seconds. I just dont get it...spinning fast, fresh battery, not over shooting the revvy on it...I am just lost here.

I don't know if its the warp or what. I don't think it was my adjustments of it...because I worked on my other mag and it was totally rocking. Its just like *anything* I would do with this marker made it chop. I was thinking as I was going through this 'I now know why people say mags chop' because I was spending more time working on the thing than any sane person would:p

I found myself asking 'is it worth it?' which is scary because I have been a hardcore mag shooter for almost 3 years. I don't think its that mags chop...its they just chop soooo easily...even w/ level 10. And now...I'm wondering what I should do. Sell the warp? Every time I've played w/ it, it has chopped...usually only once, but still, every time, with different paint, different barrels, different adjustments, and with fresh batteries.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I like figuring all this stuff out, so I don't think I'm gonna give up on her quite yet. Its just so frustrating...especially when there are just groups of enemies running around in front of you, then pow! all you see is the tell tale puff of paint out of your barrel. I even held down the continuous feed button on the side of the warp when shooting and (with a classic valve) shot no faster than 6 balls per second...did pretty much nothing...chop chop chop.

Thanks for ya'lls input!:D


02-22-2004, 08:43 PM
if this post is actually more appropriate under the tech forum, sorry for the inconvenience!

02-23-2004, 02:37 AM
Do a bounce test on your paint, it probably wasnt chopping but blowing up in the barrel.


02-23-2004, 02:51 AM
One thing I saw early on with my ULE body was the detent was in too much (used a 2nd oring but screwed it in too tight) and you'd get chuff chuff splat, chuff chuff splat, because it would be smacking the paint against the breech twice before each shot then fire, and a Lvl10 set up to be a little harsh would chop soft paint. Just a thought. If you dont use the ULE, ignore that, but maybe check the wire nubbin to make sure it's not cutting into the paint. Seen that before, but it's not too common.

02-23-2004, 03:01 AM
maybe your warp discs were messed up and not gripping the paint right?

02-23-2004, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by Dave
....... However I think it like that paint better than the field paint:p

It chopped and chopped and chopped and I was getting so frustrated...

You've got the answer right in front of you. It was the paint. You said tested things the day before.

1) It was different paint.
2) I bet you tested it inside where it was warm.

I'm sure it was the combination of flakey field paint and cold.

02-23-2004, 10:11 PM
see, I did do sort of a bounce test on the paint...and it actually faired pretty well. My friend commented to me that he thought it was less brittle than he thought. I threw it against a table top 5 or more times, and it was fine. I don't think it was the paint because my other machine went through it w/out issue...and it was shooting very fast indeed.

It might be my warp plates. I think they are catching paint. I spun the warp w/ paint in it, and the belt pulley inside spun, and the disks did not...so I know they were grabbing paint...maybe something was causing the rubber belt inside to slip around? It was just frustrating because of all the years I've worked on mags and stuff...I was just completely dumbfounded to see paint getting chopped when everything looked perfect. I kept wondering what the heck is physically stopping that little ball from getting all the way in...lol. I will try to do more testing...but I do believe it was a deeper issue than the paint.

02-23-2004, 10:16 PM
Btw it was both cold where I tested the marker the previous night, and also during the day when it was used.

Also...it might be easy to say that it was bad paint...but what makes it bad? What makes bad paint nessessarily chop? I don't believe the paint was brittle...I saw absolutely no incidences of paint breakage in anyone elses marker, and I got several bounces. Also, the paint was well round...not dimpled. Does paint just become more sticky when it is 'bad'? How does it have a harder time entering the breech when it isn't the same quality?

Thanks for everyones input. I'm so close to selling the warp...but I love the thing:D and I really don't want to:(


02-24-2004, 09:18 AM
Dave what was the brand of paint? Some of the dry paint(less oily) sometimes have trouble feeding the warp correctly.