View Full Version : Is the 3.2 worth it?

02-23-2004, 10:07 AM
What do you guys think about the 3.2 software? Is it that much better than the 2.4? Will i notice the difference??

02-23-2004, 04:54 PM
yes depends on ur shooting style my teamate has a emag(ace'd) and recently got 3.2 he couldnt notice much diffence b/c he only walks it when i picked it up n raked it it was a lot faster

02-23-2004, 06:01 PM
Quote from the emag ROF thread:
"The older software had a cap of 16 BPS. Now emags ship with 3.2 software which is capped at 20 BPS."

So yeah there is a moderate difference

02-23-2004, 06:16 PM
It smokes if you ask me.It makes an E/Xmag at least as fast as any legally set up,WAS board equipted gun.I can now shoot my Xmag faster than my WAS'd Timmy since I like the trigger better on the Mag.

02-23-2004, 06:57 PM
My 2.4 or whatever software my X-Mag has in it shoots at 20 bps according to the LED display. Is the 3.2 ROF higher than that or are there some other advantages??

02-23-2004, 09:25 PM
3.2 adds shot buffering technology.With out it it's not possible to hit the ROF cap.You'll lose somewhere around 2-4 shots for a given cap.So if your X is set at 20 at best,you may get 17-18 and likey less.With it,it's possible to slightly exceed the ROF cap,so for arguement sake,if you "could" shoot over 20,w/ 20 as a cap your likely to get ~21.So at 'best' case,there could be a 5-6 shot difference.That is one of the factors that have made WAS Equalizer boards so fast.Now we have it too.:D

02-24-2004, 02:19 AM
I got my board flashed on my EMag a couple of months ago by Tunaman and it wails!!! I personally think that it makes it way easier to hold a nice rhythm in your shooting. I had the old 1.37 program on my board and the 3.2 was a huge difference. Also a friend of mine had an old EMag and didn't realize you could get the software upgraded and he had 1.37 also and hated his EMag and wanted to sell it, but once he got to try mine and got his board flashed he loves the gun.