View Full Version : Help me Please

02-23-2004, 03:20 PM
I own a 68 powerfeed and use an OLD 68/3000 Max Flo (With the on/off KNOB, instead of lever) and the last time I played at the field they went to gas it up and it filled to 3500! They then bled the tank 500 to balance it out and when I went out to chrony I turned on the gas and in like 3 seconds all the gas was gone from the tank (so fast I could not see or feel where it was leaking from). It scared the crap out of me and I just put it up. Any help would be good. Thanks

02-23-2004, 03:25 PM
they probably broke the whatever its called at the top of the tank(drawing a blank)
and if this is the problem see if they will replace it for free because they broke it

02-23-2004, 03:36 PM
You mean the reg on the max flo?

02-23-2004, 03:59 PM
It sounds like it could be a burst disk, that will vent if it gets to too high of a pressure. It's for safety, rather that go, then the tank breaking

02-23-2004, 04:42 PM
yep, it sounds like the burst disk, but most burst disks on nitro are rated to 5000psi, even if it's a 3000psi tank. If that turns out to be the problem they are relatively inexpensive.

02-23-2004, 05:34 PM
cool my tank is pretty much up for testing anyway....btw do you know if the company that tests the tank will replace the burst disc when they test it?

Is there anyway to visually check the burst disc for wear and if so how??

02-23-2004, 08:23 PM
My impression is that when you hydro your tank, they take your reg off. They are not testing your reg, simply your tank.

Meaning that I doubt they would replace a burst disk.

02-23-2004, 08:28 PM
The burst disc is probably what has blown. As stated above, the fiber wrapped tanks are rated for MUCH higher pressures than they fill to for safty reaons.

In addition, there is a fail a safe port that will vent all the air out of the tank if it is filled too high. The bass (sometimes silver) nut (with holes on the side of it) that you see on the reg has a thin slice of copper metal that burst if the pressure on it exceeds around 3K psi.

You can have that little slice replaced for real cheap at most stores. Make SURE they get the right one for your tank. You dont want to get a 4500psi burst disc for your 3000psi tank...

02-23-2004, 08:54 PM
See that is where I was confused at because on the burst disc itself it is clearly labeled 5k and the tank only got to 3500.... I called Smart Parts, and, (surprise of surprises) the tech support didn't even know my model of Max Flo existed so once again their customer service falls a few miles behind airgun.... *sigh*

02-23-2004, 09:00 PM
my suggestion would be to just replace the burst disk and see if that fixes it. Like i said before they're pretty cheap. http://www2.888paintball.com/product.asp?plid=AIR+SYSTEM&icid=TANK+PARTS&scid=&csid=045688265075606841294835882563818908804186475 11822&andor=OR&lookup=burst+disk&code=37%2D1%2DB%2FO+DSK+UF+3K