View Full Version : Emag/Xmag question

02-23-2004, 10:23 PM
I am in the market for a new marker. right now i have a 68 classic, i want to go electro. my mag has never let me down, expect on C02(bad idea), so i would never get rid of her. Sence it has never let me down, i would expect the same from my next marker purchase, right now the cyborg is on the top of the list. But i am adding an emag/xmag to it.

now what i need to know is, how is the trigger pull on them? are they as lite as bushies, can they be made that lite? i was shooting my teachers bushy last week, i was surprised on how the trigger was, i was ripping on it. so if i can get an emag trigger like that, i would deffinitally go with the emag

02-23-2004, 10:38 PM
The trigger ican be adjusted so light that it would shoot if you blew on it!

I love the trigger in my emag ... soooo easy to walk.

02-23-2004, 10:48 PM
awesome..exactly what i wanted to hear, now im just wondering how much tunaman sells the karta emags for. im going to have 980 very soon, so i can always save a little more if needed

02-23-2004, 10:49 PM
The trigger on an E/X-Mag is crazy adjustable. Add or remove magnets to adjust the stiffness, adjust the mode cam? set screw to adjust the amount of travel. It's pretty sweet.

If you can't get the E/X-Mag trigger like that bushy, no other trigger will be able to feel like it.

Good Luck ~ Dave

Tim Taylor
02-23-2004, 10:50 PM
Look at link from Frag Tech (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64957&perpage=30&highlight=straw&pagenumber=3)

02-23-2004, 11:03 PM
wow that is amazing..now i just need to get the money for an emag!