View Full Version : AAHHGH Emag Probs...

02-24-2004, 09:04 PM
Okay, heres tha deal...
I have an Emag with Xvalve, ULE body, Air America adjustable tank set at 700-750 input press & 1.37 software. It was shootin great in manual & electro last time it was cleaned & tested.
Just got a new C&C batt pack & Battery. also tried adjusting trigger stroke length & firing point as per instructions on Havoc-online.com.

Heres the problem...

Pre-lubed & Aired it up & it shoots great in Emode for 20-30 shots then "clik-clik-clik" the trigger is activating but not firing the marker. shots are registering on the counter also. Switch to manual & it shoots fine. Switch back to Emode, it fires fine 6-8 times then "clik-clik" again. Switch to manual & repeat...

could this be a low battery prob? From what I understand 1.37 has a low-batt indicator, but I got no such indication.

also tried readjusting trigger back to where it was & same prob.

Again, was working great before the new batt & trigger messing.

All help GREATLY appreciated.

02-25-2004, 10:16 PM

02-25-2004, 10:26 PM
That sounds like your battery might be dead or not holding a charge. You said you just got a new battery, charge up your old battery over night and try that. to my knowledge 1.37 doesn't have a battery indicator. I could be wrong, as I only have 1.35... yes, us canucks are being left in the dark as far as flashing locations go. Hopefully my sponsor will be able to change that soon.


02-25-2004, 10:29 PM
Its really hard to tell over the internet what might be causing that. It very well may be a low or bad battery. Try charging it up and see if it does it. If the battery is that low, it may be regaining a slight surface charge when you switch to manual...enough to fire it a few times and then quit. If you cant get it working I would be more than happy to fix it for you. Send it here if you get stuck.;)

02-25-2004, 11:05 PM
Thanks Tuna
Btw- does the 1.37 software have a low batt indicator?

02-26-2004, 04:15 AM
if you hear the solenoid "click" and it is still not firing, I would check the solenoid plunger length. It might be a little long keeping the sear from tripping consistantly. I do not know the length, but it is posted somewhere (you sould have to search for it)