View Full Version : automag 68 general questions

02-24-2004, 10:56 PM
what is the optimum output pressure for a classic 68? what kind of reg do you reccomend? do i need a reg? what is the optimum fps to get the top speed without losing accuracy because of the balls darting to the side? anything else that i need to know before using my new, old automag for the first time? don't know what year, older, i bought t new parts kit for it.

02-24-2004, 11:59 PM
the input required is about 450 maybe a bit higher, u dont need a reg cuz it has one already, keep the fps legal and it will be perfectly accurate all the time, thats bout it, it is best to use nitro even on the 68 classic cuz mags really dont like co2

02-25-2004, 12:35 AM
700psi is about the lowest input pressure you should go. Most people run 800-850psi. Most preset tanks output at 850psi.

Like he said above me, you dont need a reg b/c the valve has a reg built into it. Adding a reg, especially a crappy one you're risking shootdown.

Most fields for recball set the limit at 280 while tournies sometimes allow up to 300. I set mine to about 285~290 depending on the limit.

Mags are great guns when you buy them used, partly because its extremely hard to break one. If it leaks, its an oring usually. If you ever put in Lvl10, you'll prob need the new reg piston so it will handle the higher pressures required for Lvl10.

Thats pretty much it, anymore questions just ask.

02-25-2004, 12:36 AM
Mags will work perfectly fine on CO2. They were using CO2 before Nitro even came out for paintball.

Mags need a MINIMUM input pressure of ~600psi.

No need for another reg. Introducing another reg will actually give you flow problems and shootdown. (aka- BADNESS)

02-25-2004, 09:32 PM
does anyone have the ule trigger on an older mag? does anyone have the ans phase two on an older mag? how do these perform? i've heard good and bad.

02-25-2004, 09:53 PM
I've got the ULT on my "older" mag. The serial of my valve is 18000's so its not toooo old...

here's a link to the thread about the classic and ULT...


and here's a link to a video of it working on 2 AIR valves...


02-25-2004, 10:16 PM
Stay away from the ANS crap. All it does is takes $ out of your wallet.

Originally posted by jkemp9
does anyone have the ule trigger on an older mag? does anyone have the ans phase two on an older mag? how do these perform? i've heard good and bad.