View Full Version : 6 Mag???? Huh, no 6-Pak

02-25-2004, 03:58 PM

Just for starters this is ClassicMagger's son. So please bare with me on this post. Dad is out of town.

Well, Dad gets a big box in the mail today. Being such a great son and all I think, he has his cell phone with him. I can call him and ask to open it. He says sure and tells me to open it up while he is on the phone. (I was figuring that it would be his new Pug). Well surprise surprise it isnt. It is a 6-Mag. Now it looks IDENTICAL to Dad's and MY 6-pak but it says 6 MAG. Is this one pre- 6 pak, because it doesnt have serial numbers?

Please any of the great AGD techs or even Mr. Kaye, if he has the time. Answer why it is different.

I would be very appreciative. (Dad said it was probably pre 6-Pak but wasnt for certain.)


ClassicMagger's son

BTW- I did get permission to use his name.

02-25-2004, 04:43 PM
Post a pic this sounds interesting.


02-25-2004, 04:46 PM
wbat is a 6-pak or a 6-mag. Did I miss something I am confused.

02-25-2004, 04:48 PM
Hmm...if Tom is stumped...this is going to be interesting. All I can say is after sending a few emails back and forth with ClassicMagger he has a collection that rivals Tom's.

02-25-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by coolcatpete
wbat is a 6-pak or a 6-mag. Did I miss something I am confused.

A 6-Pak+ is a 12gram changer that AGD use to make.


02-25-2004, 04:57 PM
ahh yes I know those I just did not rekinnize the name. Silly me.

02-25-2004, 05:11 PM
let me be the first person to give you a rediculously low price for your 6-mag.

02-25-2004, 05:15 PM
Do you know what one is? I never heard of it. Also, after hearing a few of the items in ClassicMaggers collection, you are no longer my idol!:)

02-25-2004, 05:18 PM
really? well that sucks... if it's any consolation, I still covet your stuff.

And no, I have no idea what it is.

02-25-2004, 05:41 PM

Just to let everybody know. pputkowski will be posting pics of the 6-Mag. I am no good with computer stuff. Just to let you know the pics he posts are of DAD'S 6-Mag. If needed I can take pics with it against a 6-Pak. Let me know if you want that type of pic.



02-25-2004, 05:47 PM

02-25-2004, 05:52 PM

Captain Obvious strikes again, but. None the less Pics are officially posted.

02-25-2004, 05:53 PM
hmm that is cool I would hold on to that.

02-25-2004, 06:03 PM
ill take your other 6-pak then since you obviously dont need it in the presence of this ubar 1337 one :D

anyway i have no clue either looks interesting though (and rusty!)

02-25-2004, 06:06 PM
Hey TK. did someone do a knock off?

02-25-2004, 09:26 PM
Is that rust on that poor thing? Egads.

Wes Janson
02-26-2004, 12:53 AM
Now that you have three, can I have one of the normal ones? ;)

Chojin Man
02-26-2004, 01:36 AM
I would guess that it is a clone.

02-26-2004, 02:02 AM
Well its one of ours. It appears that someone powder coated it and added 6Mag as a sticker. We laser engraved the logo into the metal.


02-26-2004, 09:07 AM

Thanks Mr. Kaye. I just got back home last night late. Well, it doesn't look quite as bad in real life as those pics make it out to be.

The one thing that doesnt seem to work is if they did in fact powder coat it. They put ALL of the original things back. It has on the bottom of 6-mag RIGHT where the one on the 6-Pak says, "AIRGUN DESIGNS Wheeling, IL." In italics. And you can't see the LOAD HERE mark or the FULL ------ line to well in the pics, but it is in fact there.

Thanks AGD. I am sure you are right. But I do find it funny that they put everything back on it.



02-26-2004, 10:12 AM
Either that or someone broke into AGD's headquarters and h4x0red all the computers to print 6 mag on the 6 paks instead of 6 pak! :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-26-2004, 01:00 PM
yeesh a HaXXoR job like at that year would require something like 1200 punchcards or a 40 pound stack of them 5 1/4 inch disks.

nice 6-pak tho

02-26-2004, 01:47 PM
That thing needs to be polished! Get out the dremels!

02-26-2004, 02:05 PM
i didn't know powdercoat would bubble like that...

02-26-2004, 02:32 PM

Ran across my OLD 6-Pak, that I got in Nashville, today when I went digging through some crates in storage. This one is for sale. If anybody wants a 6-Mag. I will post in USED Misc. Later. Or maybe I will make a package with my other two Level 3 Automags. Let me know if any of you are interested in a Package with a Level 3 AUtomag and this or just this 6-Mag.



02-26-2004, 02:36 PM
muzik, you got your wish.

02-26-2004, 03:44 PM
/me raises hand....though, this might be a bad idea as of tomorrow I might not have a job:)

PS. Anyone want to hire a Network Analyst/Administrator?:)

10-26-2004, 05:17 PM
I am new here but someone told me about this thread over on Mcarterbrown and wanted to ask a question.
I picked up another 6pak a few months ago but it turned out to be a 6MAG, I dont think it is the same one classicmagger was talking about. The 6mag is not engraved in the body but seems to be something painted? on.
My 6mag came from overseas but would seem to have come from whoever did the other one, any new ideas?

10-26-2004, 05:23 PM
jincay welcome to ao !