View Full Version : X Valve bumper

02-26-2004, 10:34 PM
After about 4000 shots my bumber is chewed up. AGD recommends replacing this once a year? Mine didn't make it a month. Why would this happen so soon? It's a new RT ULE from AGD with the works, using the short LX spring. Bolt and reg surfaces look smooth. Any ideas or is this the norm? I would hate to think that I have to replace it every two days of play.

02-26-2004, 10:40 PM
OK...the powertube is machined with a little lip on it just above where the bumper sits. Just take a piece of 600 grip wet or dry sandpaper and smooth that edge out a little bit. Smear a THIN film of good glue on the new bumper and slide it on. Wipe the powertube first with alcohol to remove all traces of oil first. You will probably never need to change it again after doing this. Mad props to BlackVCG for coming up with this mod. It works.;)

02-27-2004, 12:37 AM
Thanks tuna, all done. I also polished the inside lip of the bolt face as it to had an sharp edge. From the looks of the bumper, it was the bolt lip cutting it.