View Full Version : rate paintballs

02-27-2004, 05:57 PM
what is your favorite brand of paint and why? i am lookin at big ball vs blaze specifically, but if you have any other choices let me know, i am lookin to spend around 35 to 50 a case, and want to know if there is that big of difference? if you choose other, what kind is it and how much does it cost?

02-27-2004, 06:05 PM
Why do you have mostly lower end paint, which comes at a lower end price in the same poll with higher end paint such as Marbs and Evil?

Secondly, there are about 5 lines of Nelson paint, ranging from field seconds to top quality Anarchy.

You can't compare Evil and Anarchy to Big Ball and Blaze. They're intended for two different price ranges and consequently perform likewise.

02-27-2004, 06:49 PM
Kickin - though I like the XXX Nasty best that they make they do make some more economical paints that I have never been unhappy with. Spend the money, buy the good stuff, why would you invest several hundred or more in a marker, ditto that on gear, your time to get to th field, and then have a day potentially ruined by bad paint?

02-27-2004, 07:04 PM

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-27-2004, 08:44 PM
big ball has worked great for me, it's round and it's cheap.

Though the best paintball in taste is BE Afterburner. It has a sweet taste to it...wonder what the ingrediants are

02-27-2004, 09:23 PM
My fav is Nelson Anarchy.Awesome paint with screaming fill.Impossible to wipe,or wash out for that matter.

Now for paint under 50 a case ....

I found this new "white box" stuff called Bigfoot that is awesome.It flies and breaks really well.The only drawback is the thin fill.

I used to find this Venom "white box" that was really good.Had a clear shell and the fill was like snot.Haven't seen that around in a while.I think it may have been a test market thing.

02-27-2004, 09:50 PM
well i use great american in my new ULE custom... why do i use that paint?... well it shoots great with my barrel... the barrel i have is the stock ULE 2 peice, which i think is a J&J.... AGD sells it with the ULE mainbodies cause they have to use cocker threads not the twist lock style... once you get beyond paintballs that are sooo cheap they are grossly out of round, or will break really easilly, you basically have the same, liquid filled hemispherical gel capsule that wouldnt even go straight in a vaccuum 50% of the time... lol ... 50 bucks a case, 80+ dollars a case- its all the same to me... take your barrel to the store and ask them to open a bag and see if the paintball to barrel match is good... thats how you can get closer to "Shooting darts"... ha

-kyro in ca

02-28-2004, 12:39 AM
Wow. I learned something new today.:rolleyes:

02-28-2004, 12:51 AM
I love Zap paint. You forgot to list any of them.

Ultimate Chronic 420- Thick competition fill. So think it's not allowed for NPPL.

Chronic- Thick fill shoots straight.

Primer- Cheap shoots straight fill is waxy stays on top jerseys does not soak in.

Chronic is about 40ish

Primer 25ish

Duke of Lawnchair
02-28-2004, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by LeatherPants

Primer 25ish


02-28-2004, 02:37 AM
Evil always worked good for me fresh or not. My second favorite and a cheaper alternative to Evil is Severe. Alot of people bash severe around where I play, but I have never had any trouble with it.

02-28-2004, 03:01 AM
brophog, what a waste of a post, to the other guys, thanks, i'm lookin at this lower end paint cause i am trying to find a practice paint for my team. right now we are not sponsored and money is tight for some people. i am thinking of goin with bigball, its good paint, i have used it before and liked it, it is just for practice so it doesn't have to be great. i usually buy my paint from local stores in my area, have any of you used an online store for buying paint and have you had any problems with it?

02-28-2004, 04:27 AM
No, in its current form its a worthless poll.

To compare something, items have to be of a like nature. Don't compare a mag to a tigershark. Don't compare a rental mask to an Invision.

It is simple logic. Your trying to compare seconds paint to top end paint. Not only is there a 50% or higher price difference, but a load of quality difference too.

You flat out can't compare big ball and evil. Two different paints made for two different reasons.

02-28-2004, 11:57 AM
PMI Premiums
I Love Them, Thay aren't greasy and they are round. Great paint if you can find some.

02-28-2004, 12:18 PM
Blaze and Evil always shoot great all day w/ my markers. I love blaze w/ boomys :)!

02-28-2004, 08:34 PM
I kinda agreee with Brophog.

If you are looking for practice paint for your team then you should do a poll for price matched paint.

You are trying to find good cheap paint yet include higher end paint. It's like shopping for a car under 15k but asking people if they like Mercedes or BMW better.

02-28-2004, 08:47 PM
I've been shooting Zap Spank, www.firstcallpaintball.com $35 a case if you buy 4 of them. Its treated me great. Very consistant shells, 0.690. Thick goopy pink fill that is hard to wipe. Only draw back is that the shells are dark green, so they are hard to trace.

02-29-2004, 03:32 AM
thanks for the help and opinions guys

02-29-2004, 12:14 PM
ZAP all the way baby.. $8.95 for 500 at your local sports authority. lol :D

02-29-2004, 12:48 PM
Blaze is the best by far IMO, its what i've used the most so i guess u jus get accustomed to one type