View Full Version : Got my Q-Loader today.....

02-28-2004, 01:09 AM
This thing is pretty nifty. I'm outfitting it to an E-mag so for all of you out there thinking of picking one up consider the following:

1) Go ahead and plan a trip to the hardware store to find some type of bracket for the battery if you plan to mount horizontally. The kit includes three that obviously are intended for expansion chambers and the like, which is good news for the RT owners among us. <b>(con)</b>

2) It's not exactly gentle on paint. The more brittle blends may not be an option. And if you do chop inside the pods, you're finished. It goops up the feed neck and blocks the paint from being pushed into the breech. But, of course, this is no different with any of the conventional hoppers. <b>(con)</b>

3) You will NEVER outshoot this loader. It empties a 100 rd pod in about a second and a half. It appears to be very well built and mounts firmly. <b>(pro)</b>

4) Pretty light and very out of the way. <b>(pro)</b>

I haven't field tested the unit yet and will keep everyone who's interested well informed. My first impression is a good one, though. The "wwhoooosh" sound that you hear when you mount the first pod and the balls quickly occupy the hose and feed neck is VERY desirable! Fine tuning of the hose length is necessary so that a "whole" number of balls occupy the feed system from the pod hatch to the bolt. This is to reduce moving and shaking. This is the only adjustments necessary.

If I can talk someone into hosting some pics I'll get those up tomorrow.

02-28-2004, 01:22 AM
thanks for the review and you can try uploading pics via uploadit.org or something like that.


Jack & Coke
02-28-2004, 01:24 AM

upload your pics here for free: http://www.imageshack.us/

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-28-2004, 01:51 AM
upload your pics at jayloo.com! absolutely free and unlimited pictures! just make sure they are paintball related

02-28-2004, 09:41 AM
sounds very interesting, can't wait to see pics.

how much was the entire kit and how many pods came with the kit?

also, how many balls can each pod hold?

02-28-2004, 11:13 AM
i am still very interested in this system. i just want to mount it on top of the marker not under it. hmmmm.......

02-28-2004, 11:17 AM
i have a question. lets say we tried to make our own tank mount i have an idea on how to do it. would you be able to take a warp mount and cut it in like half or so (depending on how far you want it from the gun) then weld on some sorta metal cylinder thats the 5/8" or whatever diameter is and have all of that perpendicular to the grip frame if you get what im saying. maybe ill draw a pic

The Deacon
02-28-2004, 04:44 PM
phantom, get a high rise, and mount the q-loader to the lower part of the high rise. It'd have a higher profile than if it was in hte bottom of the gun, but it'd be where you wanted it to be.

02-28-2004, 08:03 PM

02-28-2004, 08:12 PM
Looks nice... Im getting one for my Shocker, I like the way they look running vertical. Although thankfully with my shocker I wouldnt need to attach it that for forward on the marker.


Jack & Coke
02-28-2004, 08:38 PM
...possible qloader configurations?





02-28-2004, 08:39 PM
meh i dont like it like that myself seems like i would bang it on something. really hope i can get my friend to try and make that bracket idea thing i had

EDIT: refering to vert setup, however jack think you can flip the tank mount one around the other way i think that would be good position

02-28-2004, 08:43 PM
I think i would break that thing

02-28-2004, 08:49 PM
always learly of unused products.

always confident in what you have now


02-28-2004, 09:04 PM
Dam, Jack. I was like....man, his Mag looks just like mine. Doh...:p

02-29-2004, 12:05 AM
id feel like id break that thing sliding into a bunker. plus that thing looks pretty fugly

02-29-2004, 02:56 AM
Ahh, I was afraid that this product was slowly slipping into the vaporware category. GoatBoy does not like being wrong. GoatBoy also does not ever speak about himself in third person.

I'm curious about the paint thing though; have you actually broken paint in it already, or were you just hypothesizing about what would happen in the event of breakage?

02-29-2004, 03:06 AM
I'm curious how many pods you got? How do you plan on working around all the disadvantages of the Q-loader? Mainly small number of balls per pod, no shooting while reloading, and reloading while having a half full pod? Still looks sweet tho!

02-29-2004, 03:29 AM
<b>Flameboy</b>.....I got the tournament package, which includes 5 pods. I can't honestly say just how much these disadvantages will weigh into my particular style of play until I get on the field. I can guess that being a front player, the smaller capacity won't be an issue. I'm not coordinated enough to shoot and load at the same time anyway so that doesn't matter to me either. As far as issues regarding the reloads, they may end up being my biggest concern **see GoatBoy comment below**

<b>GoatBoy</b>.....I have broken paint while inserting a pod into the load neck. I've also broken paint on the removal of a pod that still contained paintballs. However, this is due to the lack of adjustment to the overall length of the feed tube. To explain, the feedneck assembly, which for the purposes of this explanation will include the length from the trapdoor in the load neck to the bottom of your main body must be "whole ball." In other words, with the assembly fully primed, a ball must be positioned perfectly in line with trap door so that when a new pod is inserted or removed it won't jar or pinch the paint. The length adjustment takes some time but doesn't require a degree. In my haste I just through the thing on and it resulted in undesireable results.

02-29-2004, 08:04 AM
I love the concept of the qloader, but the current mounting positions seem really awkward - think I'll pick one up when someone releases a bracket which positions it alongside your tank.

02-29-2004, 08:55 AM
Gadget...shouldn't be too hard to make your own. It's a pretty simple mounting design.

02-29-2004, 09:05 AM
did you read the manual that came with it? just curious because i read the one online and it mentioned that cutting the ball in half problem if you dont make the length proper so that when your loader is loaded it doesnt have a half a ball in the feeding thing. my other 2 questions are what happens when you remove the pod and the feed neck is full of paint does it spill out or does it stay in? are you able to shoot the entire pod until the tube is also empty (meaning like how the warpfeed if theres no more paint theres about 10 balls or so that are still in the hose)

02-29-2004, 01:53 PM
i like it where its on top and bottom of the gun

03-01-2004, 06:02 PM
Here's some info on actually running with it...
First, I ran with it both vertically and horizontally
in the original recommended positions. It was more
useful vertically because of my short barrel. I have
contracted a local machine shop to make me a mount
to hold the Q horizontally next to my drop... Similar
to a warp.

Photoshopped like this:

My impressions of it...

Exactly two balls will fall out of the stack when you
disengage a pod, the rest will be kept in by the detent...
I had no problems with chopping the ball swapping pods
because I spent about 10 seconds adjusting the feed depth.
The metal detent which keeps the balls in the stack is
this razor sharp spring metal. This is only an issue when
you don't have a pod in the loader, I didn't break any
balls on it, but I was ginger with it when I had the pods
out for that reason.

I preloaded the stack before I played (it was also much
easier to set up the stack length that way) Thus it
didn't really impact how many rounds you could effectively
fire anyways.

The balls are held loosely in the pods, they rattle a bit
which I was not expecting. I felt like a christmas chime
jogging with a full pack.

The thing is unholy fast! I mean insanely fast. I'm talking
blows my Halo B out of the water. It really slaughters the warp. It'll be perfect for those without a Level 10 bolt
since it loads so quickly. I had my reservations about the
advertised speed, but they weren't kidding. I also was
worried that it would blow past my detent (I only have one)
but I didn't run into any problems with it.

I don't like the feed neck so I replaced it with a 90
degree warp adapter. Works just fine.

The reloading of the pods is the only annoying part.
The loading system, while aethetically pleasing is really
annoying to use and is pretty much a two person job.
One to shake to 500 round hopper and one to crank the
balls in. You also lose exactly one ball each time you
swap pods in the loader... I've figured out that you
have to lift the pod up and load an "empty" slot to avoid
that. Still irritating.

The only other problem, if you could call it that, is
that the pods are $25 so after I emptied one, I carefully
and gingerly slid each one back into my harness. I guess
if I was playing for money, I wouldn't do that, but for
rec ball no point in taking chances. The pods themselves
look like the can take quite a beating, just don't step
on it.

Final conclusion? So fast, I'm not going back and I'm
not selling it. You can shoot upside down rightside up
whichever way you point the gun. Ever think about shooting
through that 2" gap UNDER the barriers? Well you can.

Real playtime drawbacks? Each pod only holds 100 rds and
takes up the space as a 140 rd pod. It loads so efforlessly
that you can burn through those 100 rds really quick.

03-01-2004, 07:02 PM
That actually looks more in the way than a hopper...

03-01-2004, 07:12 PM
yaddatrance. I PM'd you. I've got a similar idea and I'm local. Hope to talk to you soon!

03-01-2004, 07:14 PM
Here is what I am thinking ... has anyone tried using the warp feed adapter (the one that attached to the vertical/side feed on most markers) and running the qloader hose to that.

I am getting one when I get back from Canada and I am going to try that on my angel and shocker.


03-01-2004, 07:33 PM
As I understand it the warp feed adaptor is compatable. My friend and I will check it out the week (he has the q-loader I have the adaptor).

03-01-2004, 07:39 PM
It's there because its easiest to change the pods
that way. You could angle it back, but then you'd
have to pretzel your arms to change the pods out.

Regarding the 90 degree warp feed adapter, the Q hose
is wider, I used an O ring to make it fit.

03-01-2004, 08:00 PM
Man, if I only had some money to spend on that thing, I would pick one up just to mess with the different mounting positions.
I dont think this concept will catch on. Just as the warp feed, some people love it, and some people hate it.

The Deacon
03-01-2004, 11:46 PM
Got mine today, the pods were a lot bigger than I expected. Gonna have to modify my Flurry vest to fit em for when I play scenario ball.

Tried it horizontally, got in the way of my drop (not a problem for most of you) and it felt too awkward to me. When my KAPP foregrip comes in, that problem will be solved.

The way I load it by myself is I balance the pack on my shoulder and use my hands to hold and crank. It's hard at first, but I got it down now. Pod loading isn't near as fast as I hoped it would be, but once I get it down, it shouldn't be bad.

Overall, I think it's a lot like a warp. It takes getting used to but is worth it in the end.

03-01-2004, 11:55 PM
I really like the qloader mounting paralell to the tank seems the best to be.

03-01-2004, 11:57 PM
But then you can't tuck your tank in. I dunno, I can't really imagine where I would put it.

03-02-2004, 12:16 AM
Most everyone is saying it is relaly tough to load by yourself. The video looks totoally opposite of that over @ the qloader site.

On the other hand, I think the best place for it is under the barrel and parrallel to the barrel. It is out of the way and looks most comfortable


03-02-2004, 12:21 AM
I honestly liked J&C's idea bout doing this.


Someone should look into making an adapter so you can mount the q loader thing straight into the ule body. Would cut down on most of the drawbacks. Its fairly ergonomical, use it as a sort of fore grip (warp body) and just twist pull and in that swift motion your half-way done reloading.

Hmm...either a C clamp type bracket or (more radical idea) mill a slight grove into the main-body. And then get the proper sized c clamp that came with the q loader. Mod the pod adapter so it the ring can mound 90* to what it used to be... Having all those measurements precise... Could possible have it direct feed into the gun...no dead balls...

[/complex pondering]


03-02-2004, 12:26 AM
good luck on the superman dives. also i dont get the point. you would run out of paint on a lane. and thats the only time you would ever come close to outshooting a halo. its kinda pointless in my opinion. and for as much as you spent on that u could have a nice haol b with all the goodies plus a new barrel kit and some other schtuff

03-02-2004, 01:54 AM
Heh, it's not for everybody. The final mount points and
individual shooting styles are what'll determine whether
you will like it or use it.

I think of it this way, it's faster than a halo and
mounts like a warp. I prefer firing in fast bursts as
people make breaks.

In terms of diving with it, it's a lot sturdier
mounted than the feedneck of a Halo or Egg.

Jack & Coke
03-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Rather

Hmm...either a C clamp type bracket or (more radical idea) mill a slight grove into the main-body. And then get the proper sized c clamp that came with the q loader. Mod the pod adapter so it the ring can mound 90* to what it used to be...

How about this?


:D j/k

03-02-2004, 02:12 AM
Actually J&C, I'm considering it for this weekend if I can't find a way to mount it near the tank :-)

Jack & Coke
03-02-2004, 02:17 AM


03-02-2004, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Rather
I honestly liked J&C's idea bout doing this.


Someone should look into making an adapter so you can mount the q loader thing straight into the ule body. Would cut down on most of the drawbacks. Its fairly ergonomical, use it as a sort of fore grip (warp body) and just twist pull and in that swift motion your half-way done reloading.

Hmm...either a C clamp type bracket or (more radical idea) mill a slight grove into the main-body. And then get the proper sized c clamp that came with the q loader. Mod the pod adapter so it the ring can mound 90* to what it used to be... Having all those measurements precise... Could possible have it direct feed into the gun...no dead balls...

[/complex pondering]


You know, I actually emailed them a suggestion. They could just make an angel-threaded mount so it could screw into the ULE or angel. Done deal.

Originally posted by elpimpo
good luck on the superman dives. also i dont get the point. you would run out of paint on a lane. and thats the only time you would ever come close to outshooting a halo. its kinda pointless in my opinion. and for as much as you spent on that u could have a nice haol b with all the goodies plus a new barrel kit and some other schtuff

Not everyone plays the same way. Not everyone lanes, and not everyone performs superman dives. Or maybe I'm just weird, because I neither lane nor dive. I see the point of such a device. No batteries, low profile, fast loading speed. Currently there's no other product which fits in this category. You either go full up with a big loader on top, or on the side with warp, or you get a small unagitated loader like one of those toy 50 round loaders. There was NOTHING in between until now. It's called choice.

Jack & Coke
03-02-2004, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

It's called choice.

I agree 100% :)

Q-loader will not be for everyone (only the sexy people;)), just as the Warp is not for everyone.

I you like it and can learn how to adapt it into your style of play, then you'll have the fastest loading system in paintball.

Also, I wonder the Q-loader's super fast feeding could eliminate chops with the LvL7 bolt (better efficiency)? Just have to remember not to stick your finger in the breech ;)

03-02-2004, 07:58 AM
i would agree that is 100% choice.

I got some quick questions to the users.

How easy is it to tell how many shots you have till refill?

How easy is it to preload the balls into the pods, before a game?

I didnt see this in the begining, so just wondering


03-02-2004, 07:50 PM
I have fashioned a mount for the battery. Let me know if you'd like the details.


03-02-2004, 08:04 PM
not too bad. i do not think i could deal with pballs bouncing around under my barrel though. i still like jackandcokes idea of putting it on top where the loader would normally go.

03-02-2004, 08:33 PM
details such as sending me a mount like that for free? :D

anyway im going to ghetto rig it (im the master at this so let me try it first lol) for tank mount i already got the idea just need the pipe and the q loader itself.

and in regards to the halo comment mines been sent back 2 or 3 times now and is still broken from electronics issues... wonder why id want a loader that doesnt have batteries and still feeds fast? ;)

03-02-2004, 08:42 PM
i think putting it on top the of the tank would be the best place. but i have not seen a pic with it there yet, so i really have no clue

03-02-2004, 09:06 PM
Until you get this thing in hand, it's hard to judge just how long it really is. I have tried several different configurations and under the barrel seems to work best for me. I'll tell you this..it's too long to put on top of the tank. Maybe to the side or underneath but then your marker is WAY off balance and feels very awkward. It's heavier than people give it credit for being. As well, you have to position it so that the reloads go as quickly and easy as possible. If you're a righty, having it on the tank may be very cumbersome.

03-02-2004, 09:14 PM
attached to the battery pack under the barrel looks like it would be a pain to switch out pods when trying to stay behind a bunker.

03-02-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by momags!
Until you get this thing in hand, it's hard to judge just how long it really is. I have tried several different configurations and under the barrel seems to work best for me. I'll tell you this..it's too long to put on top of the tank. Maybe to the side or underneath but then your marker is WAY off balance and feels very awkward. It's heavier than people give it credit for being. As well, you have to position it so that the reloads go as quickly and easy as possible. If you're a righty, having it on the tank may be very cumbersome.

Actually, as shown in your pic, the under-barrel mount doesn't look half bad. The hose thing needs to be worked out though; looks like you need another elbow coming straight out of the mount to help it point more to the feed port.

I've had this in the back of my mind for a long time now, but since J&C posted that alien gun on the other thread... I've been pondering what that gun with the q-loader mount directly on top to the feed hole a la some of the photoshop pictures would be like. You could mount it similarly on top and it still would be fairly centered since the feed on that thing is so far back. J&C, photoshop honors?

Personally, what I'm thinking right now is the q-loader 45 degress off the top of the gun. Like if you were to take a standard feed mag (feeding in at an angle) and cut the feed neck, and slap the q-loader directly on there.

One thing I forgot to ask... The gun I want to put it on, I probably never go faster than 5bps, if that. (The config is basically a minimag with a 7oz CO2 on the bottomline and a 50 round brass eagle hopper -- very, very light configuration.) The paint breakage thing disturbs me greatly. How hard do you think it would be to reduce the spring pressure so that it's much easier on paint, with the knowledge that feed rate is reduced?

03-02-2004, 10:44 PM
GoatBoy....the spring tension adjustment is VERY easy. It's explained well in the manual.

The Deacon
03-02-2004, 10:47 PM
The manual tells you how to do it. Should take you 2 or 3 minutes per pod to reduce pressure, but it seems to be pretty soft on your paint stock and still dumps itself in 1 second without a hose in place.

03-02-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by The Deacon
The manual tells you how to do it. Should take you 2 or 3 minutes per pod to reduce pressure, but it seems to be pretty soft on your paint stock and still dumps itself in 1 second without a hose in place.

Does it really unload 100 balls in a second?

How fast do the balls come flying out?

Do you still need the gun?

I got to check one of these things out. :)

Anyone know when the 140s or coming out,think they'll be much bigger pods or just different internally?

03-02-2004, 11:01 PM
Here's a video. (http://qloader.com/movies/q-loader_speed_demo_01.wmv)

Wow. First loader I've ever seen that has recoil!

03-02-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy
You know, I actually emailed them a suggestion. They could just make an angel-threaded mount so it could screw into the ULE or angel. Done deal.

Hmm. that could be better. :p

But the Warp ULE isn't cocker threaded...or even threaded for that matter, I believe...:(

Ask them to make the neck of it like a feed elbow and mabey some orings on it...keep it from slipping around... bit more feaseable. :D

The Deacon
03-03-2004, 02:39 AM
Without hoses or anything, it will unload in a second.

Depending on how many prewinds you apply, you could prolly get it to chrono in at 250.. :D

What I'm doing is getting a Rogue ule neck w/ a vert warp adapter to the hose. Should work great.

No 140s, they were having problems making them higher capacity. So don't expect 140s in the near future.

03-03-2004, 03:18 AM
got mine, though mounting it to my x-mag is interesting to say the least. I have it attached to the ASA. It makes my marker about 2ft tall lol! If anyone has any better suggestions I am all ears.

03-03-2004, 03:27 AM
wouldnt having it directly under the barrel/parrallel to the barrel interfer with wrapping an airball bunker?....

it would SEEM that mounting it under the barrel vertical would be the best spot for use on airball fields (albeit make your marker too tall for playing short bunkers?) but then Im sure as heck not gonna buy one till I can try it...

Any you guys who have one care to comment on this?

The Deacon
03-03-2004, 03:32 AM
Doubt anyone can, don't think many of us have gotten out on the field with em yet.

03-03-2004, 04:52 AM
Seems to me that the best mounting point would be something similar to where the warp sits but a bit further forward and higher up.

A bracket which attaches to the base of the grip and comes out diagonally forwards AND diagonally upwards as well - so the connector for the qloader would sit alongside the E-Mag jewel, with the pod running backwards past the grip and slightly above and to the side of your tank.

03-03-2004, 02:08 PM
Well, trying to engineer something like that right now. When I first saw this, that's exactly what I thought. So we'll see.

03-03-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Rather

Hmm. that could be better. :p

But the Warp ULE isn't cocker threaded...or even threaded for that matter, I believe...:(

Ask them to make the neck of it like a feed elbow and mabey some orings on it...keep it from slipping around... bit more feaseable. :D

Ah, I have a non-warp ULE, so mine's threaded :) I was looking at the warp ULE earlier and wondering if it was threaded as well, but you just answered my question.

As far as your elbow idea, yeah, I was thinking something similar... except make it like a clamping feed neck like what's all the rage these days. The clamp will be on the q-loader mount, and it'd clamp onto the warp feed tube. Voila! Hopefully the mount would be designed to be non-marring.

Of course, I have no say as to what the folks at q-loader do; they didn't even have the courtesy to reply to my email.

And speaking of that email, I also had a second suggestion for them that I assume they promptly ignored, but you guys might be interested...

I told them they should investigate making the qloaders automatically eject themselves after being spent. This should be fairly easy to mechanically implement. The issue is, quite frankly, we only have two hands. Well, most of us only have two hands. One hand is busy presumably holding the gun up. So you have one hand to manage the reload with.

The reload procedure right now is:

1. Remove the empty pod.
2. REACH BACK and grab a fresh one.
3. Put in on the gun.

While still easily better than reloading a conventional hopper, it's still hampered by the fact that we cannot reach back and get a new pod until we've removed the empty one, since we only have one hand free to do all this with.

With an auto-ejecting pod, what happens is while you are still firing, you go ahead and reach back for a new pod, anticipating the current one is going to be empty soon. As soon as it does empty, it ejects itself and you slam the new one on immediately. Almost no break in firing continuity.

As far as I am concerned, this is the true solution to the "I can't top it off" argument against the q-loader. You don't need to top the stupid thing off, just fire it dry and have the next one immediately ready to go.

And any remaining doubts about reloading speed will have been completely squashed.

03-03-2004, 03:23 PM
Of course, I have no say as to what the folks at q-loader do; they didn't even have the courtesy to reply to my email.

I would imagine its not personal. They are I imagine tremendously busy what with a new product launch and all.

03-03-2004, 05:24 PM
I vote for a mount that puts the loader on the side of my gun sort of where a warp would go.

03-03-2004, 05:59 PM
yeah the responded to my emails 2 times and called my house about 50 million times so far they are very busy lol they probably should get a better database or something...

anyway im making my own tank mount in 3 easy steps however wait for me to do it first to test it out (dont want others to screw their guns up and blame me) basically take a 3/4" diameter pipe get sledge hammer and squish the end of it. drill 2 holes large enough for screws where you went squishy and now you got yourself a tank mount... want it higher? bend the bar! :D and yes im doing this for real lol

03-03-2004, 06:14 PM
I believe they developed a mount for it to go next to your tank, basically like a warp...

Goat, Works just as well. But seing as to how msot of the Q is plastic, I doubt they want to machine more metal parts than necessary...At leat for now, giv eit a couple years to evolve and then they might use more metal for the mount. (judgement taken from pics of Q mount)

03-03-2004, 06:16 PM
us emag owners who cant do vertical at the barrel and want to use their loaders now however cant wait for it to come out ;)

Jack & Coke
03-03-2004, 06:39 PM
I agree... I think a side mount (warp type mounting adapter) would be the best setup.


03-03-2004, 07:07 PM
i think it has a couple key benefits now that i think of it

1. were used to holding are guns at around the front grip area switching to holding it by the pod on the barrel rifle style if you want to do that, or having part of your grip cut off is a big difference in feel

2. because of 1 its also easier to just drop your hand a little bit and slide the pod out rather then reaching forward and grabbing it.

3. if its vertical you also dont have those problems but you have the problem with the pod making the gun so tall and kinda make the gun more front heavy (which for me i like my guns really back heavy its easier to move around imho)

03-04-2004, 02:17 AM
Here is how I did mine, I think I want to either mount int parallel to the tank or fabricate a part so it mounts simular to a warp.


The Deacon
03-04-2004, 03:24 AM
Here's how I got mine set up till the foregrip comes in:


Jack & Coke
03-04-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Rather

But the Warp ULE isn't cocker threaded...or even threaded for that matter, I believe...:(

From: http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=356&categoryID=73


[Warp ULE features] "...Screw in feed tube with Angel threads..."

The Deacon
03-04-2004, 01:34 PM
Just put paint through it and did a couple of "oh crap" scenarios. Shoots great, couldn't outshoot it like I can my rico (doesn't say much).

It was working fine, so I decided to give it hell. I used some oblong cruddy balls and it still got em to the gun. They broke in the barrel, but that's beside the point.

I then decided to chop a ball by cutting a pod impoperly set up out too early. It would not feed through that break, so SET YOUR PODS UP CORRECTLY! Make sure the feed hose is proper length or you'll be sorry.

And yes, it does shoot upside down like a champ.

And hostage, by the way... nice pants. :D

03-04-2004, 02:50 PM
lol for some reason i knew someone would imply on my pants.

03-04-2004, 04:29 PM
i just got my q-loader yesterday, (damn delays ) and i was order number 61 :/ these things are great, the only thing is that the spring is a little too .. uh.... hard? think of big billy the biker trying to hug a 4'2'' midgit. Yea, both situations are pretty much the same. Aside from popping a few balls here and there, its a great concept, and i guess every 1st generation item has gotta have its drawbacks. personally id recommend to wait till they work out all teh bugs.

The Deacon
03-04-2004, 05:03 PM
Don't use brittle paint. Undo a few prewinds. Read the manual and do as it says before you say it's defective. :p ;) :D

03-04-2004, 06:53 PM
What do yall think bout this mount? I got a drimal and a drill and modified some parts to fit this lmk. I will adjust the hose length when I figure out exactly where I want this thing.

03-04-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by hostage
What do yall think bout this mount?

That's not bad.

IDK. I'm really wanting to like this thing but I really don't see any place I would want it.:confused:

It really didn't seem like it was so big till you see it next to a marker or a Mag in this case.

Just don't know.

If it's not to much trouble,could someone post the actual dimensions of it?

03-04-2004, 07:10 PM
Love it! That's very similar to how Orph and I are planning on having ours milled! The bar which the Q mounts to is
going to be 30 degrees offset so the hose feeds straight up.
The final job will be a bit different because I'd also
want it a slight bit higher so I can tuck it in closer.
My machinist recommends integrate a bent aluminum rod
for the offset to make it a bit more adjustable to suit
individual tastes.

But! I'll definitely be modifying a bar so I can copy your
design to go gaming this weekend! Great find!

03-04-2004, 07:22 PM
...i would go get the "Q" if it held more than 150 balls...but since it dosen't a warp is better IMO(easier to fill hopper/agd makes it)

03-04-2004, 07:37 PM
Well! Gonna try that for this weekend until Yadda and I figure something out.

03-04-2004, 07:52 PM
What I did is...
1. Got a old Vertical ASA adapter and milled one ridge off of it.

2. Got my warp mount and drilled a hole big enough for the screw, then screwed it in.

03-04-2004, 09:54 PM
where did u all buy these? price?

i am considering this as 5 pods seem enough, i mean, i go out to play xball with 3 pods and a hopper. thats roughly a liil over 600 balls, now if i take out all 5 q pods thats 500. not too much to worry bout, besides ive never found myself using that much in one game. and since 1 pod can start on teh gun, that leaves 4 in my pack, not too bad eitehr, and im sure u can also get a liil xtra by preloading balls into teh feed tube

03-04-2004, 09:56 PM
139 or 79 @ www.qloader.com
139=5 pods
79=3 pods

03-04-2004, 11:17 PM
my only thing now is going with making that 150 dollar investment, in hopes that i either love it, or find some1 who wants it for 140 :D :(

03-05-2004, 03:13 AM
Thanks for the idea! I made a quick one out of
some metal stock to play this weekend until my
real one gets machined!

I'd prefer the Q to be a bit further back, but
that's the best I could do in my garage :)

03-05-2004, 03:27 AM
Woohoo! I started a trend! :D I am going to talk to a friend about machineing it a part that goes a bit futher back.

03-05-2004, 12:00 PM
I just found a use for that old Kapp super drop forward! I'll have it rigged up tonight and I'll take pictures of it. It mounts it up and back over the tank and its fairly out of the way.

trains are bad
03-05-2004, 12:30 PM
79=3 pods

I thought it was 2.

03-05-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by orpheos
I just found a use for that old Kapp super drop forward! I'll have it rigged up tonight and I'll take pictures of it. It mounts it up and back over the tank and its fairly out of the way.
show us! im intsrested in this, but trying to think of a compact as possible way to put it on my empire so that it wont get in the way of my shooting out left side or such

03-07-2004, 11:54 PM
Well, got to play with the qloader today. I had it mounted under the barrel and was suprised at how comfy it actually was. Haven't tried airball, but did play alot of hyperball and speedball and it was fine. People did mention that it was a pain to hit me cause I had pretty much no exposed profile. I do think I'd like 2-3 more pods to take out to a game with me to swap out between sets. We were playing with the loader Friday night and made this video. Fun stuff!

Apache vs QLoader on a Viking (http://www.schmedley.net/video/qloader_viking.wmv)

Jack & Coke
03-08-2004, 01:59 AM
Thanks for the video!:)

but I gotta say... paint flying back at you and no eye protection?:eek:

Did you notice yourself reloading more often due to the smaller capacity of Q-loader?

As a test, you should set your Viking to debounce 1, and get your viking to trigger to bounce. There's been a couple poor quality videos floating around that claim the Viking can cycle 40+ cps. Since the q-loader can feed faster than that, I think it would be GREAT to see what happens! :)http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

The Deacon
03-08-2004, 02:40 AM
Hey Jack, maybe you can teach me the lil mag at 32 cps trick and I can get some Q carnage on tape for you... :D

03-08-2004, 11:25 AM
True true. Bad influence. I'll make sure the girlfriend spanks me later. There was some paint flying back our way, only splatter. Probably cause we had put so much paint into the shooting box 50 feet away. I have no idea how to figure out how many shots per second we were getting. We did have the debounce set to 1 which is nuts. I guess we could time how long it takes to empty the whole pod?

I do think I was reloading more than I would have normally reloaded. But then the whole day I never took a hopper hit. The only two times I was eliminated the whole day was when I took a chance and ran through a big open area. I did get a horrible bounce off the top of my head though!

(I'll wear my goggles for the next vid)


03-08-2004, 12:37 PM
What Orpheos didn't mention that although the debounce was set to 1 Brennan was shooting it and he's got to be the slowest shooter out of all of us (sorry honey). They should have had Julio shoot with the q-loader and the apache so that it would be a better comparison. I'm sure it wouldn't take a whole lot of arm twisting to get a reshoot.

Jack & Coke
03-08-2004, 12:49 PM

03-08-2004, 02:18 PM

I am definitely not the one to be testing the upper speed limits on paintball gear.

Yet I still manage shoot out the kids with their cute little timmy-toys...



03-08-2004, 06:49 PM
I guess I'm still not clear on the mechanics of the Q loader. How does it funnel the paint into the spinning thing at the top? Are the balls in a spiral sort of thing all the way down the tube, which is why its a pain to load the pods?

Edit: it looks like they're coming out with a mounting bracket similar to the warp bracket. no pictures yet though.

03-08-2004, 06:54 PM
Yes, exactly. You must 'wind' the pods full. The kit comees with a backpack like thing with a tube attached and a winder at the end. It's the unwinding that forces the ball out of the pod. Hence the adjustability by having a tighter or loser wind.

03-08-2004, 07:06 PM

It's ok I'm probably no faster than you are ;)


03-09-2004, 11:22 AM
hrmm all I need now is a damn revy inside of the qloader's loading device, it still shake and bake for that hehe.

03-09-2004, 11:37 AM
I hear you on that hostage. Its definately a two person job. I can do it solo but I look like a chimpanzee jumping around trying to shake it while winding and holding with my hands. Pretty funny site I'd have to imagine. I spoke with Kirk at the Las Vegas tourney, and he mentioned they were going to design a better loader. If any one else in Socal wants some pods. Let me or yaddatrance know. I think we may do a bulk order.

03-09-2004, 12:22 PM
Here's another good thread over at PB Nation.


03-09-2004, 12:53 PM
That thread is so funny; I like the one where the kid claims to have one before they've even shipped.

The amazing FUD campaign against this product just boggles the mind. It's like our sport is dominated by mindless zombies.

03-09-2004, 10:53 PM
Hostage, love the idea you have

What happens if you take your mount and flip it over, then repostion the bracket to the top of the moutn, and reverse the q-loader, what Im looking to do when I get mine. Basically so the head of the q-laoder is alongside or just in front of the battery. Does it put the back past the tank... Curious on this, I know Im going to have to lower the gun to reload, but reloads should be quick, and I play front so reloadign while shooting is not realistic anyways.

Have a q-laoder on its way, just going to toy with it

03-09-2004, 11:06 PM
if anyone is willing ot let me borrow a q loader for a week or 2 (for cash of course for u to have as leverage :D till i return it) lmk if ur willing to do it. id also make a vid on my empire timmy :eek: :D

03-09-2004, 11:20 PM
now I'm not sure on if this has been suggested already or not since i haven't read every single post (its a long topic hehe, and i'm lazy) but has anyone tried to mount the loader horizontally underneath the airtank. I just thought that this might be the best way to get the hopper out of the way since I don't see how it could affect your stance.... I must say that I don't have one though so I don't know what it feels like anywhere, i'm just throwing out ideas. You'd either have to set up some sort of mounting bracket on your air tank or maybe to the drop????? i'm not really sure, but i'd like to see some pics of someone trying this.
Team Hailstorm

03-09-2004, 11:27 PM
thats what i wanna do. but im trying to "rent"/borrow a Q loader for a week or 2 just to see if it can be done and whether or not i like it before i make a 150 dollar investment. thats why i will pay some1 money while i have their q loader to make sure htey get it back (cuz i need cash now lol)

03-09-2004, 11:31 PM
i might be willing to sell my q-loader, ive used it and it works good, but the thing is, i have 2 halos, and i have no need for 3 hoppers (even for xball). i basically bought it to test it out and see what the hype was about. So if anyones interested in buying it, im me at LoneKamma and check the classifieds.

03-09-2004, 11:38 PM
You mean mount like this guy did?

Fixed Link

03-09-2004, 11:47 PM
link dead... post pic please :)

03-09-2004, 11:57 PM
glickman pm/im me, id like to talk about it with u, im interested. get back to me

03-09-2004, 11:59 PM
Nice out of the way set up, but it looks like reloading could be a pin in the butt.

Also Just got my Q-Loader today,pods dont fit in Reds 4+3 harneses the velcro loop is to short. They fit pretty snugly in the elastic loops.

Now I need a warp right ULE body.

03-10-2004, 12:01 AM
Also the smallest mount u-thingy is to big for the forgrip on a ULE Mag, easy fix.

trains are bad
03-10-2004, 11:51 AM

Do you need to use the silo reloader thing? If I get a Qloader my revvy will be out of a job. Why couldn't I just use that?

03-10-2004, 12:25 PM
I was thinking that also ...


Originally posted by trains are bad

Do you need to use the silo reloader thing? If I get a Qloader my revvy will be out of a job. Why couldn't I just use that?

03-10-2004, 02:11 PM
Don't see any reason you can'd do that. The silo is nice cause it can hold 500 rounds, but I may rig up something to stick a revy in a holder and just dump balls into it.

03-10-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
I was thinking that also ...



HALO B #1 4-EVA!!!!


03-10-2004, 02:31 PM
You should just use a Q-Loader to fill your clips. Oh... wait...

Seriously though, do you guys who own it think there are going to be any major revisions anytime soon? From the sounds of things, it looks like the most room for improvement is stuff like feed adapters and mounting brackets. If thats the case I'll pick one up pretty soon.

I wonder if they could make a 500+ round one with shoulder straps :)

03-10-2004, 02:38 PM

I hope this is just an odd joke. I am pretty sure it is, but you never know . . .

03-10-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by UThomas
I wonder if they could make a 500+ round one with shoulder straps :)

Now that would be a sight to behold... it'd end up being
the size of a small shopvac, but that'd be neat!

What we need is a good R2D2 sized pod b*** which runs
along behind you with a couple cases of paint inside...
that'll fix other people's gripes about the amount of
balls the q holds ;)

trains are bad
03-10-2004, 03:41 PM
You'd look like Vulcan Raven from Metal Gear Solid. LOL

03-10-2004, 03:57 PM
I think its pretty sound, and don't expect any major changes in the near future other than what you said, better loading, better mounting.

Jack & Coke
03-10-2004, 04:41 PM

03-10-2004, 04:51 PM
Hrmm...I had to jerry rig my pod pack to hold my pods, I need to find a pod pack that doesn't require wd-40 to get the pods out.

Another note:

I think having a much larger capicity is easily feasible. you could basicly get your 5 pods and mount them to one device that would be on your back. It would load one pod, when that ones done it would empty the next and so on. You could have valves to prevent balls from going the wrong way and make them empty one pod at a time. Of course you would need a long tube to connect it to your marker.

03-10-2004, 05:29 PM
yeah the pack thing is another big problem lol need a new one or something bleh

EDIT: quick question when they say to prewind it 8-16 times or something like that do they mean full 360 rotations or every time it clicks?

03-10-2004, 08:14 PM
look in the manual, what does it describe as "prewind" just a guess

03-10-2004, 08:52 PM
lol clicks dude, 8 360 degree turns would most likely make the balls travel so fast on insertion of the pods that ull have ball breakage up the yin yang

03-11-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by UThomas

I wonder if they could make a 500+ round one with shoulder straps :)

I hope they have something like that in the works that would rock! You would have like 200rnds in the tube from your back to the marker.

03-11-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by JT2002
look in the manual, what does it describe as "prewind" just a guess

it just says prewind it lol

anyway good because i did it with clicks i was afraid of not doing it enough or something if it was full turns lol

03-11-2004, 04:45 PM
I do 11 - 360 degree turns, that's how they came shipped
(When I took them apart the first time, I carefully
counted the prewinds) and that way it feeds quickly even
to the last ball. The range of prewinds as shipped ranged
from 10 prewinds on one, 11 on three and 12 on one.

Be very very careful to make sure the stopper ball is
all the way at the top, otherwise you could break the
feed cup if it is allowed unspools all the way while

I believe their recommendation was 6 minimum 360 prewinds
and 15 max...

If you do 8 clicks, then it won't be able to move very
quickly on the last few balls. As I have it configured,
when I'm almost done, I rapid fire which lets it shoot
half my stack up vertically so I only have 4-5 balls
left in the stack. That's also when I change pods because
due to the width of the stack tube, you're not
always going to be able to remove a half-full pod (without
jiggling the stack)

03-11-2004, 04:46 PM
im confused so its winds or clicks because i have mine at like 14-16 clicks at the moment lol

03-11-2004, 04:49 PM
That would be about 2 1/2 winds... I count the revolutions
of the handle. I had the same questions as you originally
and spoke with Kirk about it.

trains are bad
03-11-2004, 05:46 PM
Mine just shipped! But my feed tube fell off:(

03-11-2004, 06:04 PM
I wound 14 full 360 degree turns. That's what I understood in the directions that they meant full turns.

03-11-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by trains are bad
Mine just shipped! But my feed tube fell off:(

Heh, you could sell it as a "no-rise" body :)

03-12-2004, 10:22 AM
They need to make the elbow that goes into your feedneck better. Mine keeps slowly slipping out like a 1/4 inch then when you go to reload the balls in the tube no longer line up and *crunch* broken paint.

03-12-2004, 10:48 AM
I ended up picking up an extra warp 90 degree from an AOer...

I'm considering shelling out the $30 or so for the
pro-team aluminum one though.

The Deacon
03-12-2004, 11:17 AM
Phobos, I threw a wrap of electrician's tape around my Rogue ULE warp neck, and it works.

If anything slips, just throw a wrap of electrician's tape on it.

Or get an NW feedneck, O-rings inside hold that sucker on tight.

03-12-2004, 11:44 AM
this is a bracket that i made for my warp a few years back. when i get my Q, i will mount it on this, i think wiht the pod facing me.


more pics:

03-12-2004, 12:02 PM
I did the electrical tape trick on my warp feed neck as well. And I ordered the pro-team aluminum one cause I'm not very fond of the q-loader elbow. Should have it by Monday.

03-12-2004, 03:44 PM
the agd one is plenty good i got it on my emag right now with a proteam warphose which imho is a million times better than any other hose they use for stuff like this

The Deacon
03-12-2004, 05:09 PM
Orph- let us know how that Proteam works for you.

Does anyone know if the warp hose is the same as the q-loader hose? I hope so, I want to get that nifty smoke hose and the ptp adapter if it'll work with the q.

03-12-2004, 06:44 PM
they are not identical, though they are simular, I'll check later for yah.

Does anyone know a good pod pack for the qloader?

03-12-2004, 07:00 PM
my emag has the proteam warp feed hose with q loader and it works perfectly and its even tighter than with the stock setup (i think because the hose is flexible and somewhat heavy so it goes as low as it can)

Wes Janson
03-12-2004, 11:32 PM
Does anyone know where one could find a nice, long piece of the tubing used in the Qloader/warp? Ideas, ideas, ideas...

03-13-2004, 02:00 AM
AGD sells it by the foot, you can get it as arbitrarily
long as you want.

03-13-2004, 02:10 AM
Well, the Q-Loader may or may not be improving warp sales...

But I'd say it's definitely improving PTP's warp elbow sales!

Now then... I was thinking this a few days ago...

Has anyone thought of mounting the q-loader on a powerfeed mag? Like, use the mounting bracket on the powerfeed tube, and then hose the feed in? I'm wondering what this would look like, as I think maybe a powerfeed-left mag body with the q-loader going forward (pod front) would be closest to what I would like. Anyone have a powerfeed mag body lying around?

03-13-2004, 06:03 AM
do you have to shoot all the balls before you can reload pods?

The Deacon
03-13-2004, 10:54 AM

03-17-2004, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by Jack &amp; Coke
I agree... I think a side mount (warp type mounting adapter) would be the best setup.


I 2nd this notion... someone devise a mounting rail for the QLoader so it sits like the above pic; the mount or rail can be put around the Emag Battery, or like the Warp mounting plates. onto the bottom between the Frame and Drop Forward.

Also, fully setup by itself, how much does the QLoader weigh (with mounting bracket and top of tube piece).


03-17-2004, 07:10 AM
Well, the most convenient mounting position I found for my Q-loader was high (just below barrel level) mounting forward with the "front" of the q-loader about even with the back of the X-valve. It gets it out of my way, quick to reload, not a lot of hose. The custom bracket I made for it works good, will post pics at some point.

03-17-2004, 10:10 AM
I can't imagine having the Qloader on top of or under the tank; it would be so poorly weighted (I imagine). I was thinking of either putting it parallel to the tank, but extinding forward (so it would be 6 or so inches below the barrel, directly underneath), or I like the idea of mounting it to a feedneck. Now I might have to get ahold of a classic mag body without a chopped feedneck.