View Full Version : I'm off to the first of the season CFOA in Easley SC

02-28-2004, 07:36 AM
We have two Mag teams in this Tournament. My guys (local AO'ers and thier first 5 man CFOA) and Larry Motes guys (AGD sponsored as well). And also we have a TAG team in this as well. So wish all the AO guys luck. I am going over to tech and help out and such as that.

My group is sponsored by Tunaman, AGD, Extreme Outdoors and me. Or is that "I"?

I will report later this evening.

02-28-2004, 08:54 AM
Make sure you get some Pics up!;) :D

02-28-2004, 09:42 AM
The NC support group of the MAG TEAM is leaving now......

02-28-2004, 04:28 PM
Ok heres the short story. Picts up later.

66 teams registered. 63 showed up. Brackets were assigned. Only the top overall 16 teams in semifinals. Brackets were random.

Now remember this five man team has not practiced as a team until today. Not once. A few of them have played together but not as a five man any more than two of them ever played together.

We won Three and Lost three. Second game of the day (Our first loss) was controversial. The opposing teams snake player played on and then took out our last two players. Never got checked in spite of calls to do so. This same player then gets the pull and runs and hangs the flag. Upons inspection is found to be out. BUT THEY GIVE THEM THE HANG AND THE PULL!!!! By rule that was our points and game. There is no discussion. 35 points right there! But yet... Did not get the ruling! A player that is found out after the game cannot get the hang and pull. Rules are he must have been playing with a hit obvious or not and so whatever he did after that is null and the points go to the other team. However after our guys "discussed" it with the refs they refused to reverse it. We did not pitch a fit. We moved right one and won our next game. So there ya go. We might have and still were in position to make finals had we won our last game. However we did not. Just didn't go well on that last one. However the game before we played the team that was scored second overall at the time and creamed em! Go figure huh? Knocked them completely out of finals. From second down to lower then 16th. That's how close all of it was with that many teams.

Overall we finished 27th out of 63. There was about 45 points seperating us from semi finals. Even if we had of gotten that bad call game we would still not have made it. We needed that last game as well. So its just a matter of finish place after that. Probably would have finished in the top 20 anyway. But... thats paintball. And not too shabby for a bunch of AO'ers never played together. And a break or two and we would still been there playing. So close. But we happy with it all.

02-28-2004, 04:34 PM
Oh... typical Mag teching day. I didn't even have to open my parts box... :D You gotta love a mag right? :P

The cphilip/Deadlywind/Coolhand RTP got a real showing off. Lots of lookie looes! People were like "What is that?" Hehehehehe.....

02-28-2004, 05:18 PM
The member of the team from AO are CCaleb, Enigma4you, BarberJohn, and Passed out pimp. One other member, Toad, from the area and 2 alternates, Derrik and Randy. These guys are awesome!! They worked very well together and made tough decision for the team. The last game, they had to decide to either play 5 strong or put an alternate in and the team decided to play 5 strong to try and make the semi's. The alternates were all for that. This team not only played well together they had the upmost sportsmanship out there. One team even told them that.

Highlights from the day...

Caleb had to check Enigma's junk.

The guns all worked very well (of course they are mags).

The CFOA put together a great event.

We saw Kevmaster, The Angel Guy, GA Devil and April (sorry April, I can't remember your AO name).

Phil gave me some candy :D

One kid got shot in the eye. See Phil's post http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=127158

We got to yell at some kids playing with air soft guns.

Our boy Toad did a double bunker.

Pictures to come later. Enigma and I are wore out so where gonna hit the showers and maybe take a nap. I'll try and get the pictures up soon.

02-28-2004, 05:42 PM
OK so I played my first ever CFOA tourny today with CCaleb, BarberJohn, PassedoutPimp, Toad (Honerary AOer)Derek and Randy. I have to say that I could not have had better teamates. We were unable to pratice before the event and today was the first time we had all played together and I think the first time some of us had ever played tourny style ball. What struck me was the level of sportsmanship my team has. I did not hear or see any of our players cheat in any way, these guys showed respect to the other teams and played with honor. Our team captain CCaleb set the example for the rest of the team. As a team we had to make the decision t oplay for fun or to play to win, we choose to play to win, that ment that the five strongest players got to play, the decision was made by the team for the team and our alternates Derek and Randy knew that this ment that they would get no play time. They played the supporting role and made it possible for the other five to go all out. My vote for MVP goes to those two guys.

My thanks go out to CPhilip, Tunaman, Ernie from Extreme Outdoors, Moe from Action TAGG, Greg at National Paintball, Emily, Kevmaster and NEW GENERATION for making it possible for us to play...

02-28-2004, 07:06 PM
mmm, well, i guess its my turn. i pretty much agree with everything everyone else has said, since i dont feel like typing that much. all of my team-mates were swell guys, and VERY sportsmanlike. we did have some bad luck on a couple of games, but every other one we played awesome, especially since we were a new team to each other, like phil stated above. i wasnt able to stay to see the semi's, so i dont know what they were like, but i hope CIA won, that would make it even better!:D oh, and Emily, you forgot to tell everyone about my game winning bunker on the snake guy against the CIA team. jeez, i cant believe you forgot the best play of the day!!!;) :D

02-28-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
...but i hope CIA won...

Nope... They didn't MAKE finals... and you know why? Cause you guys knocked them out by almost rolling them. After that they fell apart and lost thier last game too. They went from 2nd to below 16th after you beat em. They only got 4 points that game agianst you guys. You guys got 57 against them. (I forget exactly where they ended up but it wasn't finals I do know that) I think that makes up for the fact that you stole my grips! :D

02-28-2004, 09:57 PM
it was a great event....i enjoyed seeing all you guys!

02-28-2004, 10:25 PM
John I'm very very sorry. Let me make it up to you.

Let me set this game up.... It's Reign of Fire vs. CIA

It's the 5th game of the day. THey are preparing to play the team that is in 2nd place. They ask other players around us about this team and gets the goods on them. The decision was made to go out and just throw paint like mad and never let up. They were doing this to take and keep control of the field. This is what we heard that this team does so they wanted to take the control before CIA got it. As they are waiting for their turn to play, they, jokeingly, try other stragities. First they try to bribe CIA. Didn't work. And secondly, they said they were just going to wait for the "go" from the refs and all walk into the dead box. Now it's their turn to play. They walk out onto the field and get up to the dead box and get ready to play. They do their battle cry, "1,2,3 We suck bad". The refs yell, 3,2,1, 10 seconds .............. go go go. Enigma and Toad shoots on the break to give Caleb a chance into the snake. Caleb got into the snake. They all are throwing paint like there is not tomorrow. Caleb and Passed out pimp get shot. This leave Toad, Enigma and Barber John. Toad, in the center back bunker, take off to the right back bunker, THEN, runs toward the snake, hits the ground and starts crawling to the snake. He makes it, all while Barber John and Enigma are still hammering the other team. During all of this, 1...2....3 go down of CIA's team. Toad is rapidly moving up the snake and the other team has no clue he is there. The 4th guy is shot and that just leaves 1 guy in the snake on the left side. He is getting close to shooting Enigma (in the left back bunker), when Barber John (in the center bunker) nails him and BOOM all 5 guys are out of the game. Barber John and Enigma run up the field checking to make sure the team is out while Toad, after making his way up the snake to the other teams side, is waiting on them. Barber John pulls the flag and places it on the other teams dead box. THEY WON!!!!!! THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!!!

02-28-2004, 10:58 PM
Yup, check out my boys from Wildfire Paintball. Taking the Rookie division! Great work guys. Too bad money-wise I had to choose CFOA or LA... hopefully we'll do as well in the City of Angels... shootin a Mag! :)

02-28-2004, 11:15 PM
What a day this was! We all woke up at anywhere from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM and went out when it was 23 degrees cold outside. Which is most definitely cold for us South Carolinians. But things went smoothly. We all got comfortable, set up the tent, and got our guns ready early (which turned out to be good for us since the line for the chrono was SUPER DUPER long later). We walked two of the fields and left the other two unwalked. We were ready to go!

Our first game was against our "sister" team, if you will, from Extreme Outdoors as well. We luckily won field bragging rights for a little while by taking that one. Then we dropped a game we really should have won (the controversial second game), but it didn't matter. We kept our heads up, our acts straight, and kept playing to finish out the day three and three. But this record really doesn't tell the whole story in my opinion.

This was a team that hadn't EVER all played on the same field at once, and yet, the chemistry of it was naturally there. We all had a great time and really clicked together. My main point is that we have so much potential to build on that I think this will be a wonderful season for the rookie mag team. More importantly than all that was the fact that none of my guys once slipped and was rude and whatnot. I was very happy with the way they performed and the way they handled themselves. They are good sports and I look forward very much to playing the rest of the season with them.

Wesley, you have helped the team out so much and I am so glad you have come on board as one of our players. Steve, John... as always, I can't wait till the next time we take the field together. Toad, I really do hope you stay with it for the rest of the season. To Derek and Randy, thank you so much for voting for what we were there for (the team), your unselfishness is a design for all those who surround you and we appreciate your stead. And last, but not least, to MrZman88 (Zach) for filming and running our little errands for us. And to Dad and Emily, we definitely couldn't have done it without your continual support. The day wouldn't have been so fun and successful had everyone not been cooperative and steadfast in what we were doing.

I look forward to the season with you fine people and my heart go out too you. Lets have a good one.

1... 2... 3... WE SUCK BAD!

02-29-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I think that makes up for the fact that you stole my grips! :D

aaack!! i did!! jeez, i havent even opened up my gear bag yet to see. my bad phil, i didnt mean to walk off with them. they will be nice and clean when you get them back, sorry for the inconvienience.:o

Originally posted by Emily
Barber John pulls the flag and places it on the other teams dead box. THEY WON!!!!!! THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!!!
actually, i didnt get the flag pull, toad did, BUT I SHOULD HAVE:D . no, he actually did the best move in the snake, so he deserved it. thanks for recapping that game, its nice to see what the spectators saw in the game. oh and thanks for the kind words caleb, i need to get to you about next practice time.

02-29-2004, 05:52 PM
Wait wait wait a minute... A team that has never all been on the field at the same time has 3 sponsors, including AGD. How the hell does that work? I guess it's all about WHO you know, not WHAT you know... ;)

Congrats guys ~ David

02-29-2004, 06:01 PM
we arent really "sponsered", we just like to say we are:D .

02-29-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
Wait wait wait a minute... A team that has never all been on the field at the same time has 3 sponsors, including AGD. How the hell does that work? I guess it's all about WHO you know, not WHAT you know... ;)

Congrats guys ~ David

I sorry to tell you this... but in the Paintball business it IS who you know. Seriously. I am not kidding. Thats how this business is. You make contacts, you do favors, you learn who to trust and who not to trust and then eventualy one hand washes the other. You eventualy develope a close small circle of people you know will help you and will not hurt you and you do everything you can to do the same back. Eventually you do get help. These guys get a lot of help from these particular sponsors in many ways. Might be tents and free parts... might be some expenses taken care of... might be field technical support... might just be turning them on to people we know that will give them good deals. It happens in many ways. But that is sponsorship. And we chose who we want to help out. AGD is a sponsor through me. I am the conduit for that. They provide patches and a banner. And I get the team dealer cost on stuff and they use out of my parts. Thats all. No big money thing. AGD does that for a lot of teams. Then Tuna helped them out with some Jersies when they were three man and will again I am sure. And then Extreme is a local field that gives them free air and field time and gets them paint at low cost. And offers support and coaching. And also offers them cash IF they finish in top three. All to champion thier fields name. The guys sent one of thier flags with all the team and support guys signatures to Ernie at Extreme to hang up there. Its not that big money is given to them. Its more like favors and at cost items are extended to them. And its all because of people you know. Thats how this business does work. Plain and simple. Its all about that.

02-29-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
we arent really "sponsered", we just like to say we are:D .

Yes you are. At the lowest level you are. You gotta earn higher levels. But "soft" parts for you guys shooting mags are free. And cost for all other AGD parts and upgrades. And when and if you win some things from Extreme as well as low cost practice facilities and paint. So you indeed are a field team and sponsored by those people. Including me. Heck most of the dang team owes me money! :D

02-29-2004, 08:24 PM
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that these guys are getting some breaks from Tom, Tuna, and others. Props.

But in every thread/article that touches on the topic of "How do I get sponsored?" it's always, 'Make the podium and be seen. Companies only put out if you can advertise their products/services in the media..." that kind of thing.

Again, I think it's great these kids get some help. I truly hope they do well, unless my team's playin' them, but that's for another thread! :D

Congrats Guys ~ Jonesie

02-29-2004, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Heck most of the dang team owes me money! :D

:D Soooo happy i'm one of the few that doesn't owe you money

02-29-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that these guys are getting some breaks from Tom, Tuna, and others. Props.

But in every thread/article that touches on the topic of "How do I get sponsored?" it's always, 'Make the podium and be seen. Companies only put out if you can advertise their products/services in the media..." that kind of thing.

Again, I think it's great these kids get some help. I truly hope they do well, unless my team's playin' them, but that's for another thread! :D

Congrats Guys ~ Jonesie

Those things are all true. No ones said they were not. Course thats oversimplification but its part of the puzzle.

They get what they get initialy and thats just small breaks on things and support. And they get those because they ask and willing to work for them. If they don't produce then nothing gets any bigger than that. Fields and Vendors all start off giving price breaks and such. Then they wait and see. Nothing different than what you just said is occuring here. Nothing at all. Contacts get you the price breaks and then producing gets you the rest. But it is who you know to get those initial contacts to start at the bottom. Plain and simple. Thats how the world works. It isn't always fair. But SOMEBODY had to develope those contacts. And those cost time and money to do. They payoff from them is often a gamble. Honesty and integrety will get you more of them in the long run. Patience and persistence the rest.

02-29-2004, 08:54 PM
hey man its me LB the lil one that came up to u

so i saw cphilip with his denim jacket on and saw cphilip so i went up to him and startyed talkin to him
if ne one reading this goes to ne events and see cphilip dont be afraid to talk to him
hes a down to earth guy and will talk to u even if ur on an opossing(sp) team
well i played with

my name is LB i dont know if we played ne of yall
but i remember playing team salvo
and me taking the snake off the break and shooting 4 of 5 players

it was great
even though we only got 69 points the whole event but that was our first time playing
we picked up our 2 guys and practiced with them for one day
but im not ttrying to use excuses
and for all yall other people barberjohn and all of yall
id like to meet yall and talk to yall
but we played good the last couple games and we had fun so thats what counts
and i hope to see yall in atlanta,GA
and phill thanx for talking to me and all
and like i said hope to see all of yall in atlanta
and if yall wanna im me to talk about cfoa and all
my im is turbokidd
and derder paintball got me on film playing the snake shooting the 4 out of 5 players out when i played the snake so lets hope to see that ion the film they are gonna release
and thanx for takin the time to read my boring but ok post

........................I GOT TO MEET AND TALK TO CPHILIP

:D ;) :p

haha but yeah im me at turbokidd to talk about cfoa or ne thing else

o and i forgot to tell yall
i got team traum's autographs
i feel so special and loved

haha on my jersey
so if yallare reading this and going to atlanta look for a lil short guy with a red and black impy and on his jersey it will either say lb or moose
and remember

keep the paint flying and have fun

02-29-2004, 09:05 PM
HECK YEA! I remember you! I think we talked twice that day didn't we? Nice to see you on the forum. I really enjoyed talking to you. Anything you need you come see old Unka Phil and he take care of you dude. Hope to see you again and please do hang around the forums and be part of the fun.

02-29-2004, 09:17 PM
hey phil, we need a team sig. would you or caleb be skilled at the art that is photoshop? if so, that would be really neat. oh, and was i supposed to leave my jersey with yall to get printed, i wasnt even thinking about that when i left.

02-29-2004, 09:20 PM
Phillip: Come here little girl I have some candy for you
Emily: Yumm candy
----------------TO BE CONTINUED----------------------

Alrite I love you too phil, alrite in all seriousness. Emily, if you like to get all of that information into like a word document or something I would be glad to shove it on RoF's Webpage. Let me know!

02-29-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
oh, and was i supposed to leave my jersey with yall to get printed, i wasnt even thinking about that when i left.

Dang John you just take off with everything.... LOL

02-29-2004, 09:21 PM
I can barely start photo shop and close it... but I know some guys that can. I work on it.

I think you were supposed to but we can work that out I guess. We do need them all to get caught up on the sponsor stuff. And I gotta get some more Patches so we got some time. I get back to you on that or Caleb will.

02-29-2004, 09:31 PM
Emily you have a PM

02-29-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Echo419
Emily, if you like to get all of that information into like a word document or something I would be glad to shove it on RoF's Webpage.
wait one second, we have a webpage:confused: !

02-29-2004, 09:45 PM
Great time guys. I got to meet a lot of great people as well as have a lot of fun even if i was shootin a camera instead of a mag.;) I cant wait until Atlanta in March!! Again, i cant wait to work with you guys again.


02-29-2004, 09:50 PM
mrzman so sorry i forgot to mention you. You were wonderful. You were always getting them ready to go back out right after they had just finished a game. Great meeting you and I can't wait til Alanta. I hope phil bring the paintball camper. I'll be taking a nap at 5:30 am...lol

02-29-2004, 10:58 PM
Some pics of the day at http://www.xtremesportsfulfillment.com/cfoa_event_news/feb_rookie/feb_rookie_photos.html

GA Devil
03-01-2004, 08:27 AM
Great showing guys. Was nice seeing you again. Look forward to seeing you all at Ultimate in a month.

03-01-2004, 09:56 AM
Um... this is something I was talking about...

These guys look like Rookie to you?


And this aint the only ones I seen there looked to me...

GA Devil
03-01-2004, 10:00 AM
Yeah i know those guys from other tournies. They played under the name "Violators" last summer at a tourney at ultimate and they play in MSPA under another name i was told.

03-01-2004, 10:08 AM
So are they just afraid to play anyone but newbs? Seems like I heard they been almost the same team for like three or four years! Someone needs to get these Sandbaggers on to another level and see if they can quit being lame. I saw them across from me all day long. I mean we talking proffessional trailer and multiple gun stands with at least two top markers a peice lined up... all the signs of people playing out of their position. Now I realize some teams have a couple levels but this one and at least one other of the top four finishers KNOW they are not Rookie. And just adding one new member here and there does not do it. If you look close you have to notice that almost all the top places were indeed playing sandbaggers. This is an issue in every tournament series I ever saw. And its not any different here in CFOA I am afraid to say....

03-01-2004, 10:26 AM
What can be done about it? The CFOA don't check these kinds of thing? Don't you just put yourself in a division and go with it?

GA Devil
03-01-2004, 10:28 AM
its a part of paintball that will always happen. Theres just about no way to background check all the teams that enter a tourney. Look at this cfoa. 120 somethign teams 5-7 players per team to have to try to check. Its just impossible. Its sad that there has to be sandbaggers but there is. Only thing to do is practice practice practice to be better then them and do the right thing and move up when its your time.

03-01-2004, 11:02 AM
#1 - Is any team who wins a tournament/division other than Open or ProAm a sandbagger? It seems like everytime I hear of a team winning something, the word sandbagger is never far behind...

#2 - I've played with these guys several times. The old guy shoots (or used to shoot) a Warped Angel. They weren't great when we played them, but they did know what they were doing. I'll give you these guys as sandbaggers, but perhaps we should be a bit more careful when throwing the term around?

EDIT: Additionally, the PSP seems to have the anti-sandbagging fixed (maybe). By issuing ID cards, and enforcing experience placement, they seem to be on the right track. I know several Div3 X-Ball teams that got bumped to Div2 because of the players. I know CFOA is NPPL sanctioned, so maybe they could implement the APPA IDs.

03-01-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
#1 - Is any team who wins a tournament/division other than Open or ProAm a sandbagger? It seems like everytime I hear of a team winning something, the word sandbagger is never far behind...

#2 - I've played with these guys several times. The old guy shoots (or used to shoot) a Warped Angel. They weren't great when we played them, but they did know what they were doing. I'll give you these guys as sandbaggers, but perhaps we should be a bit more careful when throwing the term around?

EDIT: Additionally, the PSP seems to have the anti-sandbagging fixed (maybe). By issuing ID cards, and enforcing experience placement, they seem to be on the right track. I know several Div3 X-Ball teams that got bumped to Div2 because of the players. I know CFOA is NPPL sanctioned, so maybe they could implement the APPA IDs.

Uh no... is every kid named Jonesie a know it all smart alec who calls any disagreement whinning? Sounds like your whining more then me!

Looky here....When its obvious its time for someone to state the obvious. Plain simple truth this is a prime example of a problem. Win or lose I didn't even know they did till today. But I did see them across from me and it was obvious they should not have been playing on Saturday. Stating the obvious is not haphazardly throwing a term arround as you seem to imply. I not throwing it around. I flat out accusing them of it because its been confirmed! And in your number two you proved it again to me. The CFOA knows these guys pretty well. Its time when its VERY obvious that someone pull them aside and ask them to move up. I point them out because EVERYONE at the event knew who they were and knew they always played Rookie and have been so for YEARS! Now thats not Rookie is it? Sorry but there is a time and place to call a kettel black. And dis is one a dem!

We didn't play them. They were not in our bracket so to tell you the truth I wish we had! Heck yea. We played some younger teams that I know played together all last year. So technically they are not rookie but have no problem with that if its borderline. Heck we beat one of them! ;)

But these guys here are simply SOOOOOO far off its not even funny anymore. I could care less what they play. But 62 other teams kids moms and dads that forked up a lot of money might. I should think they should be embarassed to try and claim Rookie at this point themselves! The argument that you should suck it up and play whomever shows up goes equally for them. Avoiding moving up just so you can win in a bracket thats below your level is equaly cowardly and rediculous. And its one of the things wrong with Tournament paintball today. So if you logic is well so be it them it means you give up fixing Paintball and leave it to the lairs and cheaters. Well this is why I hate Tournament Paintball so much. Everyone just shrugs and gives up. No ones got the balls to fix it.

03-01-2004, 03:08 PM
No no, again you misunderstand me. :) I agree with you, these guys are 'baggers, NO DOUBT.

I was speaking (or typing) in more general terms about throwing around the term 'sandbaggers'. Until teams are playing Open/ProAm, there will always be descenters saying that Team ABC should be playing up, or Team XYZ is sandbagging. This can't be said in an Open Division.

Now, yes, this team "Last Call" formerly Violators I believe, is a bunch of sandbaggers. I have personally seen them play before, and they're talent and experience (in terms of time played, NOT skill) is far beyond the rookie level.

Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: And Unka Phil, I'm not WHINING... I'm NOT! I'M NOT! ;)


03-01-2004, 03:37 PM
LOL Got ya Dave.

Yea I hear everyone use the excuse soemtimes too much. But we both agree that there are "professional sandbaggers" out there. Which probably gives kids a leg up to exagerate about it. I really don't care if two teams that break up and reform and never played as a team want to go a season of Rookie to get together. Some would still call that Sandbagging. But I figure if the team is pretty much a large percentage new to each other then its fine. And I got no problem at all with one really good older pro guy taking four young kids out and teaching them as a team mate in Rookie. That I think is perfectly good thing to do. But this group here has changed very little. Maybe a man here and a man there. Most times not in this case! And there are a few others like this too. There is a local group of older teens been together like three years I saw out there too in Rookie. All late Teens. Its time to move up kids.

03-01-2004, 06:48 PM
So what can be done about this? Is there any way we can do something about this team or any other team that should move up?

Phil I get where you're coming from where people don't say anything about it they just shrug their shoulders and say that's paintball.

It is so unfair to all the people playing in the tournement and any other one for that matter to have others "holding" them back becasue they are too scared of losing to move up.

03-01-2004, 09:57 PM
Its like this, I dont care who we play, If Bob long Mr. Ore, Jesus and his two favorite paintballers show up across the field from me I will play them. They can cheat sandbag whatever and I dont care. I know that I am out there to play to the best of my ability, as long as I do that and dont cheat dont sandbag and treat the other players as well as the sport with honor and respect I will have won, no matter what the score sheet says.

As a team we will get stronger by playing together, as a team we will get better by not winning but loosing to teams that are better than us. Look at what we did on saturday, we beat a team that was better, why? because we found within ourselves and as team team what it took to do that. So bring them on, they are doing us a favor by playing us, not the other way around.............

On another note,
For the past several months I have taken a lot of good natured crap from guys at my store about shooting a mag, We finished 137 points over one of the guys that talked so much craps team. I thought to myself I have well deserved bragging rights but instead my store owner posted in the front window the total sheet from CFOA, he hilighted Our team and put my name beside it and wrote With a MAG beside it. He hilighted the other guys team and just put his name. I love it...

03-01-2004, 10:05 PM
Hey guys

I was there too!!! Phil, i saw you once, but was running on my way to get to a game, so i couldnt stop and chat. I played with team Aftermath (no, not SC Aftermath the kids with tippys, who were complete stunnas:D )

We were wearing the black and blue Blackstar jerseys.

CFOA was all around fun, even though i saw some teams that were sandbagging, and i have o say that the reffing on the X Ball field was some of the worst reffing i've ever seen/experienced in my entire life!!!!!!!!

I wont even get into the details of people getting stalemates after they win games, or people getting called out after being called clean, or being allowed to play on with VERY obvious hits when a ref was sitting right on them!

Being screwed out of at least 2 wins has made me very skeptical of the CFOA. I know i'm playing all the events, but if the reffing continues to be of the same calibur that i saw on Saturday, then i'm going to definetly raise some hell!!!

All in all though, it was a fun tournament. Notable moments:

Rolling toxic kids first game only to get a FREAKIN stalemate.

Watching Tyler Humphrey of Trauma shoot out 2 XSF players, pull the flag, sign it with a Sharpie and try to hand it to the XSF guys!!!!

Last game, having one guy do a run thru and just ripping up everyone that moved down on the other end!!

Getting freakin blasted by 12 year olds with Alias timmys and renegade jerseys!! (Ultimate Kids, went into semifinals in 1st place)

Looking at Amanda the Draxxus girl all day long!!!!!!

Having airsoft wars in the hotel till about 1 AM sat. night!!!

Watching teams like Mantis and Machine just roll people!

03-02-2004, 10:01 AM
First off (even though I know this isn't related to this post directly (sorry Dad)), I would like all members of the team (and support members) to e-mail me at [email protected]. Please e-mail me with your full name (I should know, e-mail address, and phone number on there. Just so I can get everyones stuff for a contact list/for team news and stuff. I have something that I need to talk to you all about.

As to the sandbaggers... well, I agree with Wesley completely. They are helping us, because to truly come together as a team and be better, you have to be beat. We lost to Freakshow on Saturday... what did it teach us? That our back guys need to get their rate of fire up. We lost to Authority in the last game of the day, what did that teach us? Our front guys need to take advantage of that high rate of fire and be aggresive. It will all come together. To be honest, let them play rookie, because in my humble opinion, there wasn't any one team out there on Saturday that can't be beat. If you have ever seen the movie Any Given Sunday, the coach says, "On any given Sunday, you can win or you can lose." Well, everyone, on any given Saturday, you can win or lose. I will always be one of those people who feels that no team should be underestimated or overestimated. We'll just play the rest of the season like good sports and I guarentee we will improve and have a great time.

The sandbaggers will be so concerned with winning, that they won't be having fun, and that isn't what paintball is for. But on the same hand, we played six teams which five of them were good guys. One team cheated and were punks, but the other five shook our hands and smiled. It was a wonderful day other than the cheaters, but we'll see about that next time, because I won't forget to reload before I go get him. :D

03-02-2004, 12:05 PM
As a final note on sandbagging, I want to play at as high a level as I can, and still be effective. It's all about STATUS!!! :D

03-14-2004, 10:42 AM
Here are the pictures from the CFOA. I know, i'm 2 weeks behind. They aren't the greatest pic but the best I could do behind the nets.


03-14-2004, 11:01 AM

more are coming...it's taking forever to get them uploaded

03-14-2004, 11:05 AM

03-14-2004, 11:25 AM

03-14-2004, 11:32 AM

03-14-2004, 11:34 AM

03-14-2004, 11:37 AM

03-14-2004, 11:40 AM

*The End*