View Full Version : Paintball related theft on the rise?

09-22-2001, 02:26 PM
First of all, I need to do this to vent, so you can all ignore this if you would like.

I have recently (2-3 hours ago) become a victim of paintball related theft. I am now out 1500 rounds of paint, an amount worht $45-50 at my local field. It may not seem much to some people, but with my style of play that will last me 2-3 weeks. Also, a teammate of mine had some money in excess of $50 stolen out of his bag at the same field a few weeks ago. The hours I can work are reduced because of school, so now I may not be able to play for weeks. In these weeks my team was going to start practicing more seriouisly for our first tournament. In this day and age, I think that all fields should have a big bank of lockers that people can use with their own locks. Well I'm feeling a little better, off to clean my gun and see if I have change to roll so I won't end up completely broke after I go back out next weekend. Peace.


09-22-2001, 06:07 PM
Sorry that this happend. I am luckey to be able to say that I have never had something like that happen to me at my field, but i know it does happen. One of the refs had his cocker, and his angel stolen, when they were in the little registration shack. Lockers, I think unfortunatley are a good idea. I know I have a few times actually brought a tent to keep my equipment in, and locked it. Usually it is locked in someones car though. When I don't have any car or tent to keep it, I just leave it and hope for them best.

09-22-2001, 06:45 PM

Sorry you had to experience paintball at it's worst. I think it's time for our local field to do something or we have to start looking for a new place to play. When I was there a few weeks ago, you know what happened. I also heard stories of other people losing paint. So this isn't something that's new to this place. As always, if we hook up next week your welcome to borrow from me.

09-22-2001, 07:17 PM
Yeh, just the other day (I think it was like Friday morning around 2 A.M.) my local feild got robbed. They kicked down the back door and stole a bunch of guns and stuff. They caught them in the act tho, but cant get the stuff back until the triel is over because it is evidence. I called Friday night (My feild had Friday night games, now they changed to saturday as of this week) and talked to my friend Kyle the ref up there, I called to see if they needed me to ref saturday morning, and he told me about what happened. He said he walked in and the door was all boarded up and stuff, and they were asking him where he was when it happened or somin. That stinx man. Hope ya find the guy who stole your paint!


09-22-2001, 07:35 PM
Yeh, just the other day (I think it was like Friday morning around 2 A.M.) my local feild got robbed. They kicked down the back door and stole a bunch of guns and stuff.

That happened to my field also a few weeks ago, and as far as I know, the owners are still looking for those who robbed the locked work area. I have not been very smart about keeping eq. I don't carry in-game in my bag on the table, but since I can't even drive yet (well, until December :)) I don't have a car to lock the stuff in. Overall, our field seems pretty nice as far as people are concerned; there hasn't been any stolen items during a day of play that I've seen, but the nagging thought of what could happen still bugs me when leaving my stuff at the tables.

09-22-2001, 08:25 PM
I get soo pissed about people stealing, If I saw someone going through my bag if i get out a game early, he had better be wearing a cup and a keep his mask on, cause he would be soo jacked up. Unless he is just saying he was borrowing paint and was gonna give me money for it when I get back, but if he had no explination off the top of his head, he'd get smacked around.

09-22-2001, 08:39 PM
So far, I have been blessed not to have experienced this. I have, however, taken precautions with my gear when I bring it to the staging area. My tool box and gear trunk have lock and I chain both to benches which are anchored in cement. Of course, I usually do not lock them, as when I go playing it is usually with a large group of friends, with whom I share my gear. I agree, lockers would be a good thing to have, however, I think it would be a while till field owners catch on.

09-23-2001, 07:34 AM
To answear the question, is it on the rise. Yes it is, as more people get into the sport, not all of these people are going to be honest. More people=more dishonest people, more dishonest people=more theft :(