View Full Version : Hello to all from Ft. Irwin (So-Cal desert)!

02-28-2004, 09:28 PM
Hey guys, I'm back in Cali for about another week or so, then it's off to the Big Beach.

Just want you guys to know that I'm OK, and the world is safer now, because of me:D

I'm taking normal film pictures that I will send to Sarah to process onto disc, so she can post them up. But so far they won't make any sense to you guys until I get in-country.

Keep on pushing the 'Mag goodness, and I'll be on-line when I can.

Pray for peace.

SGT David Medzyk.......ARMY!

02-28-2004, 09:38 PM
GREAT to hear from you, and know you're doing well!!! Good luck!!! :)

02-28-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Army

Just want you guys to know that I'm OK, and the world is safer now, because of me:D

We'd be screwed with out you!;) :D

02-28-2004, 09:59 PM
woohooo Army! Keep safe man. Prayers coming up from the CPPA! :)

02-28-2004, 10:01 PM

glad to hear youre doing well...you're in my thoughts man...

best wishes...

02-28-2004, 10:19 PM
Ft. Irwin, are have some really unpleasent memories about that place.....

but anyway, good luck overseas

02-28-2004, 11:42 PM
I was stationed in the high desert at Ft. Irwin for nearly 5 years. I'll never regret it.

Half the time I was a Sgt. of a AAR van and crew and the other half I was in the Public affairs office as editor and reporter for the Monitor, the post new paper. as well as DJ for the post radio station and helped design the TV facility. been years now, so have no idea what state they are in.

Matter of fact, I had submitted an "Army Suggestion" (the army suggestion program where you submit ideas to save money and you are supposed to get a small portion of hte savings) - and an automated and computerized PA office and other offices. it was implimented inteh post 5-year plan, and I never saw one penny of the "millions" of dollars it saved the Army.

BTW - if you are there to train against the OPFOR, don't be surprised if you never beat them. :)

02-29-2004, 12:37 AM
Fort Irwin? I lived there, my biological father was stationed there (OPFOR), and my sister was born there.

Do well, and keep safe.

02-29-2004, 01:30 PM
Have fun in the big sand box, Sergeant.

I've got a few Ft. Irwin memories of my own...cooking MRE's on top of bradleys without using an MRE heater, putting chapstick on your nose and lips, sweating like a pig in the shade, freezing at night. Great place.

SGT Greg Roberts
Camp Clark, Bosnia-Herzegovina

02-29-2004, 04:51 PM
Thumbs up for all the servicemen and women! :)

I read an article about your boys in the paper today, Army. It was about how the Strykers are the Army's first step in a $23B program to be lighter and more mobile, and they focused a bit on you guys up in WA and your training.

And hey- do you have an FPO that I can mail you some care packages? :D