View Full Version : Matrix or Viking, Which Do You Prefer?

02-28-2004, 10:52 PM
Hey all, I was bored and just wondering,
I don't know alot about either gun, but I often hear them both in the same sentence (ie, "If you have the money, buy a Viking or Matrix.") So I was just wondering, which do you guys prefer? Just between the two, no other guns in this poll please.

02-28-2004, 10:59 PM
well, this has been debated for a while now, people argue over it all the time, its annoying personally. The thing is, they are 2 different markers. I owned a trix, and shot a few vikings, and, while you may think im a little biased, im not. im giving this to you straight. I like the way the spool valve works, i like how smoothe the transistion of the bolt is, and i love how the marker barely kicks. the viking kicks a bit.

Something about the spool valve in the trix, that made me love it. Something about it that made me sell my speed so i can get a dm4, and back into th trix fold.

02-28-2004, 11:13 PM
I'm a huge fan of both guns. I did buy the Viking, but honestly I wanted a Trix (and still do) equally as much.

magman is definitely right about the spool valve design. It cycles so smoothly and softly; and that's definitely the main thing that drew me towards them (I LOVE the way their triggers feel as well).

02-28-2004, 11:15 PM
Both are great guns. I have a Viking myself, but with guns like these it's just preference.

02-28-2004, 11:57 PM
both of these guns are equal in my mind but i myself went out and bought a dye trix and i love it to death

02-29-2004, 12:17 PM

02-29-2004, 01:17 PM
i went for the vike because they need hardly any maintinence, and are very light. they are a bit boxxy, but you get used to it. IMHO i think they look alot better than matrices, but thats just me.

02-29-2004, 02:59 PM
everyone asks me what kind of matrix my viking is, it gets annoying.

so i guess they look the same in some aspects.

but my teammates matrix doesn't feel like a viking at all, they shoot differently as well.

but i picked the viking, like someone said, its very low maintaince. my friends trix keeps having problems with the orings blowing out. on it, or leaks from somewhere, but its an easy fix. personally i just see his gun apart too much.

also, both guns are basically the same price, loaded viking is around 900 with WAS and stuff, which is uncapped with eyes and get about a 2000 shots with a 68/4500 fill, matrix, 900 into it, you have worse efficiency then that, but still good.

however the dm4 he has asweel, i've never seen taken apart.

02-29-2004, 05:35 PM
I also like both markers,but chose a viking because of the maintance. I dont like to do anything to my gun...

02-29-2004, 05:49 PM
How about the Matrix, does that require alot of maintnance?

02-29-2004, 05:51 PM
matrices can be high matinence at times, it just depends what upgrades are on it. they are very prone to blowing orings, and i have seen other problems associated with them. vikings are like angels, they dont break. all you have to do is put a little oil in the air line every now and then, and they are fine. huh, sounds a little familar now that i think of it:D .

team unwanted
02-29-2004, 09:51 PM
viking....becuase they own anything in their way!!!like godzila are Richard simons

02-29-2004, 10:24 PM
Well, as much as people say about "Oh Matrices are hard to take care of" and all that crap, in response I say that an 11 year old can leterally take care of one, or at least an 11 year old who isn't in the SDC class:p The maintanence of them is little, but more than a viking's. Personally I prefer my matrix over SteelRat's viking, I just like the clear absence of kick and the speed and feel of the trigger. Mighty Mike was kind enough to let me use his halo (thanks) at the last NorCal day at that gun was shooting ROPES. It was amazing. Personally I like the trix, but it is about personal preferance, so you may like the viking, or maybe even some other random gun.:)