View Full Version : Soccer players?

02-28-2004, 11:21 PM
I was just wondering if there were many soccer players out there. I've been playing for 7 years, and I don't think I'll ever stop. I wear predator manias and cobra shinguards. Last season, we didn't lose any league games, but we lost a few tournament games. A plan on playing for Little Rock Futball club next year, if anyone has heard of them. Post your equiptment and teams and records and stuff, I just wanted to see if there were any other AO soccer players.

land hurricane
02-29-2004, 08:26 AM
I play soccer. I've been playing recreational soccer for something like 9 or 10 years, but even longer just in my backyard.

The winter season I played U19 (I was only 15) indoor at a place called sportstowne, we didn't do too well. I think it came out to be like 3 wins out of 10 or so, and one of the wins was because the other team started a fight with us. Now I am playing spring season at Central Georgia Soccer Association for a U16 team, and i'm 16 now so it's all good.

As far as equipment, I don't know what I have. But I do collect jerseys.

02-29-2004, 11:46 AM
ya i play, right now im on a indoor soccer team, i can't remember our record but i think it is something like 7-3. i have been playin about 6 years now. i have a pair of the red and black Vapors but i have to get new ones cus im out growin them.

02-29-2004, 01:41 PM
Lets see. I started playing when i was 4 or 5 in the U6 league they have here and started playing on a club team when i was 9. Ive been on the same club team sence then. We were premier at one point a few years ago, but lost some good players and had a few bad seasons in a row and are only class 1 this year.

02-29-2004, 03:16 PM
I have been playing since I was six.

Right now I am playing for a U-16 team in a mainly U-18 indoor league.

And I will be playing with them this spring.

I play goalie, and have sondico XMG titanium gloves, but will be getting new ones for spring.

I either use an ADIDAS goalie jersey or at times my DYE core jersey:D

land hurricane
02-29-2004, 04:41 PM
what's you guys favorite teams? I'm all about some Barcalona and Chelsea

02-29-2004, 04:56 PM
While i am not a big soccer fan, the time i was in chile and south america, i learned to appreciate it. Watching teams like Universidad de Chile, ColoColo, and Universidad de Catolica, the three main power houses in chile, i learned alot of respect for the sport. Although, my favorite dominationg team, has to be River Plate, from argentina. These guys are amazing soccerplayers and watching them play, is amazing. I have some chilean and argentinian soccer jerseys btw, il get some pics of any of you are interested, because im sure you prolly have never seen em

02-29-2004, 06:16 PM
I love soccer! I've been playing off and on...like since I could walk! :D I've played mostly on rec teams and once on a college team. Last time I played was on a team in an indoor league about a year ago...tore my ACL and had surgery last March. My main goal now is to build up the knee again, so it's strong enough to take my aggresive playing habits :D ...but it's in my blood, so I will be back! LOL!

02-29-2004, 06:24 PM
ya thats all cool, soccer is truly a great sport but in america it really isn't apreciated enough. i like FC Porto of portugal, i like Real Madrid only because Luis Figo, but lately they have been geting too many players that are great to be loosin, i would say my 2nd favorite team ia AC Milan, Rui costa is sick along wit all the other crazy players on there. Internationally i LOVE Portugal, im gunna b there for the EURO 2004, its gunna b insane

02-29-2004, 06:26 PM
We tied are game today, don't you hate kids who are cocky, I know I do.

02-29-2004, 10:38 PM
ive been playing soccer for 13 years im a goalie:) i wear kelme master white cleats and addias finger saves i play vrsty for my school were undefeated in our last to years of playing. as for my fav team we all know that juventus is number 1!

03-01-2004, 06:05 PM
I've played soccer since 1st grade, and im a sophomore in highschool now. Currently im playing indoor in a u16 league.
I have mundials for indoor, and they freaking rock. I have some addidas shin guards too.

uhh... thats about it.
Oh and our highschool team took state last year, that was cool.

03-01-2004, 07:11 PM
Wow, I didn't know that indoor was so popular. What kind of material do you play on?

Man....the juinor varsity have torn our field up during the past week, with so much rain and the snow earlier. Now it's just a huge mud pit.

land hurricane
03-01-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
Wow, I didn't know that indoor was so popular. What kind of material do you play on?

Man....the juinor varsity have torn our field up during the past week, with so much rain and the snow earlier. Now it's just a huge mud pit.

At our indoor feild we play on astro-turf, and it blows to fall on it because you will get cut up. But i've seen where people play on hardwood floors, almost like a basketball court.

03-01-2004, 07:22 PM
We play on this really nice imitation turf, the same turf FIFA uses.

It has these little rubber pellets, and I actually like playing on it better than normal fields, unless the normal fields are well kept, which they never are.

03-01-2004, 10:08 PM
in indoor i play on turf, im not sure what kind but i have fallen and it scrathes me a bit but it doesn't give turf brun or ne thing, i have seen people play on hardwood floors, im just happy i dont have to play on those

03-01-2004, 10:49 PM
Our local club has a two gyms, one with carpet, one with hardwood. I think it'd be fun to play indoor, espeacially since my Adidas Sambas are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn, and I've worn them since 6th grade, they never wear out. I bet carpet would burn like crap though....hurts thinking about it. Are your indoor fields normal field size, or gym floor size?

03-01-2004, 10:51 PM
The one I play at is a little smaller than a normal field.

It is around the size of the field you play on when you first have offsides.

And carpet burns horribly, on more than one occasion my knees have been dripping blood just from diving a bit.

land hurricane
03-02-2004, 06:43 AM
Ours is MUCH smaller then a regular field. I'd say something like half the distance length and width. Plus the goal is about half the size too. But since there are only five people plus a keeper on the field it makes it really fast paced.

03-02-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by land hurricane
Ours is MUCH smaller then a regular field. I'd say something like half the distance length and width. Plus the goal is about half the size too. But since there are only five people plus a keeper on the field it makes it really fast paced.

umm... unless im mistaking that what all indoor is like, but thats exactly what its like in my league, it gets u tired so fast. and i donno bout u but for us we can play it off the walls/side/thingys it add an interesting twist

03-02-2004, 06:35 PM
ares is more like an outdoor field indoors, we only play with 7 and no offsides, and instead of throwins u do indirect kickins. I like it, more than i like normal indoors.

Wc Keep
03-02-2004, 06:55 PM
i love soccer unfortunately with the way things have been going with school work and paintball i havent been able to play in a while. i played 3 years varsity for my high school i tryout for odp twice at the older age levels (u-18, U-17) and i tried out for the metrostars. i play goalKEEPer and i rock predator mania cleats with nike kraken gloves.

i always loved indoor more than outdoor. its more action filled. i dont mind playing on hardwood floors and diving around just that my body takes a bigger beating on hardwood faster. but i still love it and have been trying to get back into the game for a while now.

03-02-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
i love soccer unfortunately with the way things have been going with school work and paintball i havent been able to play in a while. i played 3 years varsity for my high school i tryout for odp twice at the older age levels (u-18, U-17) and i tried out for the metrostars. i play goalKEEPer and i rock predator mania cleats with nike kraken gloves.

i always loved indoor more than outdoor. its more action filled. i dont mind playing on hardwood floors and diving around just that my body takes a bigger beating on hardwood faster. but i still love it and have been trying to get back into the game for a while now.

I really hated my Kraken gloves they had so little grip and crappy durability

Wc Keep
03-02-2004, 08:26 PM
i loved the kraken gloves. the only problem with them was the dri fit liner. it ripped too easily. the grip on them was fantastic they were worth all 90 bucks imo.