View Full Version : X-Valve Regulations?

02-29-2004, 01:28 AM
Is the X-Valve a legal valve to use in NPPL tourny's? If i'm reading the description of it correctly it allows for trigger bounce which i do believe is an illegal setup according to NPPL rules. Can some one help me out with this?

02-29-2004, 01:46 AM
from what i know trigger bounce isn't illegal because when the N-Dogs were still with WGP they were saying what the bounce was on there triggers to make them shoot as fast as possible.

02-29-2004, 03:20 AM
Trigger bounce IS illegal.

The R/T valve IS reactive but will only bounce(sweetspot) if set up to do so.As long as yours isn't setup to bounce,your fine.

Typically higher input pressures induce bounce,keep yours at 800psi or under.

02-29-2004, 02:45 PM
is this illegal in all tournaments or just the nppl

02-29-2004, 03:11 PM
do a search - x-valve 'bounce' is not illegal, it just helps to return the trigger to the forward position faster, but if you set it up to sweetspot, basically a string of full auto, thats whats not legal

02-29-2004, 05:38 PM
As long as its one shot per pull your fine.

02-29-2004, 05:52 PM
or atleast make sure it doesnt do that at the chrony:D .

02-29-2004, 11:23 PM
well considering almost 99 percent of tournys follow nppl format yes bounce is illegal beisides the only ppl that use boucne are trying to make up for the skills they lack

02-29-2004, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn
or atleast make sure it doesnt do that at the chrony:D . and practice this if a ref asks you anything

"see?, it's semi-auto" *pop* *pop* (and make sure its visible you're pulling the trigger like you usually would while you're playing)

03-03-2004, 06:59 PM
Thanks guys, so the verdict is to keep the input pressure at less then 800 psi so it doen't not creat a sweat spot. I was wondering what is the minimum pressure i can run to the gun and have it function at its primum or will that very for each gun?