View Full Version : Total gym,anyone use it?

02-29-2004, 07:38 AM
are these things any good?it looks interesting and isnt horribly exspensive(sp)thnx for any info:D

02-29-2004, 10:44 AM
I got one a few years ago, just the base model on that was like 250 or so. I still use it some. Its not bad, but not great either. Even on the highest slope the resistance isn't much. You have to do lots of reps to get a workout. And forget any leg exercises at all with this thing even if you have any leg muscle at all. The squats and stuff they show on the infomercial are weak. Its okay for upper body stuff though, just remember you're going to be doing lots of reps to get anything. I prefer my free-weights, but TG is good for quick workouts.
A down side to it is I break the cables constantly. I don't however order replacements form them, I go to the hardware store and buy the proper lenght of steel cable which is stronger load capacity and I haven't broken it yet.
Do you have any free-weights? I would honestly suggest you go look for a cheap weider bench set at like sears or something and buy yourself some free-weights. They are more versitile and will provide increased resistance. You could probably get a set (bench, barbell, dumbbells, and plates) for around the cost of the total gym.

02-29-2004, 06:28 PM
I have a bowflex and an eliptical trainer. It's all I need for a complete home gym! My bowflex can get almost every muscle and for days that I can't go jogging/rollerblading outside, the eliptical keeps me fit!:D