View Full Version : The "fix" for reactivity

02-29-2004, 05:20 PM
There was some talk around the tac-one that there may be a "fix" for reactivity that woudl actually make my x-valve tournament legal, with preset crossfire tanks I get reactiveness that is going to get them pulled, I know its not technically bounce, but... well you know what I mean. So, is that new on-off assembly available at this time?

02-29-2004, 05:25 PM
nope, however did you try tightening the thumbscrew on the back of the gun with a wrench? lowers the reactivity quite a bit

02-29-2004, 05:33 PM
LOL - let me tell you this, the first time i read this I had two thoughts

Im not a friggin idiot, every nut on my gun is tight.
Why in the world would this make any difference.

Then I took a wrench, got half a turn, and it helped move it some from the line, I still question if I like the reactiivity or not though, I think if i could get rid of it entirely I would.

02-29-2004, 05:37 PM
1) Get a ULT

2) Get a longer On off pin from AGD...

Problem fixed.

02-29-2004, 06:42 PM
yeah i kept all mine tight too except for that one lol then i tightened it and i was like omg!

02-29-2004, 07:21 PM
Butter is correct! Those are two ways. I might add possibly a new sear if thats worn and check your input pressure as well...but try the longer on off pin first and then even add a ULT if need be. I been able to get it mostly out with on off pin fiddlin and also do not forget input pressure. If you have the ability to turn that down to say 800 or 850 then do so. I normaly can get about all bounce out with on off pins and 900 input. Never had one go into a tournament bouncing if I had a chance to tweek on those things.

02-29-2004, 07:26 PM
THanks for the help, I will order the ULE kit at some point, LOL - though I already chuff and I see this just adding to it, in reality it is my backup marker, will deal with it. Will the ULE work even if I do not switch on-off pins?

02-29-2004, 07:33 PM
ULT as in Ultra light trigger kit

It allows you to adjust your on off pin length with shims. So in reality you have an adjustable on off pin! So you want to tune it for no bounce rather than being more concerned with lighter pull. Either way your pull will be lighter too. A plus as well. But now you can use this kit to adjust the on off pin length to dial out that bounce. Nice feature of it really.