View Full Version : Braggin rights for a month....

02-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Just won a locals only 3 man tourny at Dan's Land.
7 teams "rounds" style games.We ended up winning by 11 points.

Not much more than what I said in the title , but hey I'm still stoked!

02-29-2004, 05:56 PM
nicely done! now only if that could be our luck over here:rolleyes: .

02-29-2004, 08:25 PM
Did you win anything?

02-29-2004, 08:39 PM
Yeah, the chance to smack talk every other player in the game until the end of next month when we defend out title.
And we did get some nice gift certificates for use at the field....

This series ,also known as the "tourny that never happened", is designed to introduce those who have never played in a tourney or on an organized team to the scene.
All open players who show some skill and sportsmanship on the field are invited to join with other rec ballers to participate.
Those who do well in this are generally invited to join other am. teams in the area and move up/on with the exp.
I personally do not have the time or money to allocate to that pursuit , so I have stayed local and unaffiliated.Being a merc has its priviledges.

team unwanted
02-29-2004, 10:15 PM
good job:cool:

03-01-2004, 07:16 AM

03-01-2004, 08:47 AM
Dude, this sounds awesome! I've played down at Dan's a few time, he has/had a pretty nice hyperball field at one time...

As a more experienced player, I think it would be a lot of fun to mix in with some inexperienced guys and try to share some of my limited knowledge.

Is there a schedule or website where I can get more info on this? I'd love to come down, help out, and shoot some paint.

Thanks ~ Dave

03-05-2004, 07:55 PM
pm'ed you

03-05-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks sno , I appreciate it.
I was really suprized at the ninja's performance.I figured he would be lost without some mana from the trees and bushes....lol