View Full Version : Can you give me your opinions? (Remote vs DF)

09-22-2001, 08:47 PM
What do you guys like more, using a remote or a drop forward? Right now I use a remote for my CO2, and I think its good because the gun has nothing on it other than hopper. I don't think the coiled remote line really gets in the way much at all. Its faults I'd say are that you can't really dive or get prone, and when running all out yer tank jiggles a bit...
When I go N2 I was thinking of getting a Steel Stub 68ci and a D&D DF, or something that'll put the tank forward 3inchs, and down 2.5 er so ---now would that unbalance the gun or make it more unwieldy? Or is it basically a trade off between being able to move body freely but having a slightly unwieldy gun (DR), or having an unrestricted gun but big ol pack on yer ***?

09-22-2001, 09:14 PM
it is all personal preference. i personnaly like having the tank in my shoulder or upper arm when i shoot. but if u like having the remote u should stick with that. also your prolly gonna wanna have a pack on either way cuz u want extra paint.

09-23-2001, 01:02 AM
I had been using a remote until recently, I was using
c02 until this year. When I switched to a larger
114ci tank it bounced around way too much while
running, and my back would hurt by the end of the
day. But as you stated, I liked having a compact
Well eventually the bouncing was just effecting
my running too much and obviously my game(I play both
woods and speedball).
I now have the tank on my gun with a drop zone2
cradle. The gun is heavy(I also have a warp) but well balanced, I can run and shot with out much effort to aim the gun.

I think its a preferance, I think the set up that makes
you more comfortable and maneuverable is the best.
Everyone is different, it may take some trial and error.

09-23-2001, 11:49 AM
I ran remote until... last week. :) CO2 performs better here in michigan with a remote... gives you added expansion capability.

I just set up my minimag with a 68ci on a drop forward... heaver than when I ran the remote, but I seem to be able to move around better without having to worry about the hose.

09-23-2001, 11:52 AM
I would only use a remote with CO2. But I prefer having a tank on my shoulder.

09-23-2001, 01:23 PM
I love my remote! Keeps the gun light and quick on the snap shot. The only time I go to on-gun is when I'm out of Co2, and screw in the 68 stubby.:cool:

09-23-2001, 01:31 PM
What kinda DF do you use on yer stubby? I'
d think with a DF and remote that the hose would restrict you more...being attached like 2 inches forward farther.

Also, if you had the tank on yer gun, wouldn't that help to weight it down, thus reducing recoil???
I find my gun has a fair amount of recoil w\remote...tho I never used on gun yet w\my Mag

09-23-2001, 01:48 PM
I use the ACI heavy duty slinky, it hugs my body and stays out of the way.

Since I have a Z-grip, I don't use a DF as such. I modified a short drop so the ASA mounts on the side of it to give me a little more clearance for the Z.

An ACI 4 stage is in the ASA when I'm on juice and remote, which is simply unscrewed and replaced with the stubby when I run out of Co2.:cool: