View Full Version : What will AGD's Factory Teams shoot now?

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
03-02-2004, 01:00 AM
I was just wondering...since the Xmag and Emag are no more, what will AGD Lions and Pride shoot now? I really think they need the speed of the electronic guns to stay competative in the NPPL PSP series of tournaments. Any thoughs? Will AGD continue to field tournament teams in the afore mentioned series?


03-02-2004, 01:06 AM
They all own e-class agd markers now... how does agd not making anymore e-markers going to affect that? Doesnt seem like a concern at this point.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
03-02-2004, 01:07 AM
Well the point of a factory team is to showcase your products right? Why would you have a team showcasing products that you no longer produce?

03-02-2004, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
Well the point of a factory team is to showcase your products right? Why would you have a team showcasing products that you no longer produce?

Well if you think about it, they are not going to be shooting mech mags... that would not make sense. Just seems you are jumping to a question that has not needed to be asked?

03-02-2004, 01:13 AM
This is a good question actually, performance or showcasing currently sold markers?

03-02-2004, 01:22 AM
Yeesh I should cut and paste this...

remember that AGD is slowly developing the new flagship frame for 2005... its not like they are not going to continue to service it after all.

Until the new and improved frame gets released obviously the AGD teams and well everyone else will be shooting the same old emag frames that everyone else is. And once that new and improved frame gets released that is designed for and takes advantage of the existance of the ULT, LVL 10, and the Xvalve im sure you will see it magicly pop up on the teams asap. (that is if they like it... we all know chesters love for his classic RT)

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
03-02-2004, 01:24 AM
Hey I think they are giving us liberty in Phoenix on Saturday night 27 March...free to grab a beer?

On your post...I think that is probably the most educated response thus far, but we are assuming that AGD does plan on making a new electronic gun for sure. I believe he said it was a possibility, so I didn't want to assume it to be a "for sure" thing.

03-02-2004, 01:32 AM
I think they are just going to play with their current guns until AGD gets the mystery marker into production, ya know?

03-02-2004, 01:48 AM
Flyboy ... sending ya a PM..

and thanks for the props.

03-02-2004, 02:01 AM
i talked to some of teh guys from pride sunday
and they said they would continue to use their e and x mags.
until something better comes out

03-02-2004, 02:10 AM
/cough ... duh :p

then again im sure AGD could develop a low energy cold fusion paintball railgun and chester would still use his Classic RT... never know with them squirrley kids

03-02-2004, 05:02 AM
Everyone wants to dance on our grave with this but remember its a PAUSE nothing else. As you just saw what happened to AKA maybe its starting to make more sense.


50 cal
03-02-2004, 06:36 AM
Everyone is doom and gloom AGD, people are just that way. Even if you came up with some new way to fire the gun along with a new air source that no one ever heard of, someone will still whine and gripe that you didn't come up with it sooner.

Heck, kick back, relax a bit, dig up some more dino bones. Paintball will still be the same when you release a new gun.

Just one guys take on things.

03-02-2004, 06:44 AM
Hmmm I think I get it now...

Survival is the greatest form of protest... AKA and AGD can do that WITHOUT selling an electro... Heck without even a paintball division. AKA originally was leads metal products a machine shop...

While smart parts is paying millions to lawyers on thier quest and accruing enormous debt... thier patent is due to expire in a few years... Sponsoring pro teams accruing enormous debt...

Then what...

While smart parts is struggling with pricing to try to pay off intrest when thier patent expires...

It puts AGD and AKA in a position to make a better product for cheaper.

Tom never said he was stopping DEVELOPMENT he said he was stopping PRODUCTION...

03-02-2004, 06:59 AM
the patent will expire in a few years? I thought you could just renew the patent?

If you can renew it, what will waitign a few years make a difference, they still HAVE to enforce it, right?

03-02-2004, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Everyone wants to dance on our grave with this but remember its a PAUSE nothing else. As you just saw what happened to AKA maybe its starting to make more sense.


Yeh, it does. And somehow Tom, I just don't beleive that you didn't have some insight into AKAs announcement when you made yours.

03-02-2004, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by LaW

Well if you think about it, they are not going to be shooting mech mags... that would not make sense. Just seems you are jumping to a question that has not needed to be asked?

What I thought it was the player that counts people! What does it matter if they have a mech or electro :rolleyes:

03-02-2004, 09:47 AM
I beleive a member of aftershock was using a Retromag and was still VERY competitive up until be went X a few years ago.

03-02-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
Tom never said he was stopping DEVELOPMENT he said he was stopping PRODUCTION...

Well said! I, for one, will eagerly await the next innovation that AGD has in store for us. :D

(edit) Ed...has Flip (Mayberry Marauder's beloved Monkey King, long may he reign) gotten in touch with you about seeing your drop-forward, well...drop-upward(???) set up yet?

PS - Team Sandbaggers ruled Texball! :p

03-02-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
While smart parts is paying millions to lawyers on thier quest and accruing enormous debt...

Here's a thought, open phantom manufacturing operations and sell the Vikings.

For the cost of incorporating you could sell a few, cost SP thousands in lawyers fees, and cease production and close the shop before the lawyers can draw blood.

Bleed SP financially.:p

03-02-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl

What I thought it was the player that counts people! What does it matter if they have a mech or electro :rolleyes:

That used to be true... until you have a stream of 18bps coming at you vers maybe the 11bps your dishing out you dont really have an advantage do you? These days its the teams throwing the most paint that win... kind of sad. :rolleyes: (not always the case but you get the idea)

03-02-2004, 12:03 PM
I didn't mean to pick you out specifically but just to point out that mechs are becoming outdated on the tournament scene.

To play devil's advocate I will argue with the team throwing the most paint wins. Look at Dynasty a lot of their players used Revs all last year and if you don't believe the rumors that they had force fed revs, they couldn't have been shooting more than 13bps.

03-02-2004, 12:19 PM
true... there is a point where ROF becomes tacticaly disadvantagous....

Waste paint waste air... fairly outweighs the diminishing returns of hit probability.

03-02-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by LaW

That used to be true... until you have a stream of 18bps coming at you vers maybe the 11bps your dishing out you dont really have an advantage do you? These days its the teams throwing the most paint that win... kind of sad. :rolleyes: (not always the case but you get the idea)

The thing is not very many REALLY pull that fast.

If this would happen things would be different

Originally posted by AGD

If tournament rules would really stick to one shot per pull.... Oh Baby it would be an new day!


03-02-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Beemer

The thing is not very many REALLY pull that fast.

If this would happen things would be different

Of course they dont pull that fast, but the marker is firing that fast! Paintball needs a set of rules that are actually followed.

03-02-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by LaW

Of course they dont pull that fast, but the marker is firing that fast! Paintball needs a set of rules that are actually followed.

The rules are there, just not followed

03-02-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Beemer

The rules are there, just not followed

Thats what I said... but anyhow the rules are not that good to begin with.

03-02-2004, 01:34 PM
Me, being a pumper... would think it cool as hell to see them shooting mechs. Show them little punks out there that those 03 shockers won't save their butts.

Nothing more fun than messing up the trash talking ,timmy toating teams with your lesser firepower.

*edit* I also think that throwing paint eventually becomes a disadvantage... I can't even count the number of eliminations I have made because the player with the timmy thought it was a good stratgey to stick out longer shooting a long string at my teammate. That string can't keep us all in... so if your making it, chances are someone can have a better chance of getting a shot off at you.

03-02-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
true... there is a point where ROF becomes tacticaly disadvantagous....

Waste paint waste air... fairly outweighs the diminishing returns of hit probability.

I'm betting that accuracy by volume will go the same way as trigger fanning.

I remember having a conversation with the guy that seems to dump the most paint at the field that I normally play at.

"Man, EVERYWHERE I go, I see your paint lying on the ground."

"Yep, that's the problem. If it's lying on the ground, that means it didn't hit you."

One thing I would really like to see is tournaments start keeping stats on paint usage, just as stats are kept on various other details in other sports. Players check in with how much paint they're carrying, and after the game is over, they quickly check them again. You don't have to check every ball, but you can eyeball pods/hoppers to a fair degree of accuracy.

I think we should make a plot of paint usage, wins/losses, and eliminations, and see where the arrow points.

03-02-2004, 01:40 PM
One thing I would really like to see is tournaments start keeping stats on paint usage, just as stats are kept on various other details in other sports. Players check in with how much paint they're carrying, and after the game is over, they quickly check them again. You don't have to check every ball, but you can eyeball pods/hoppers to a fair degree of accuracy.

WOW! I love that idea! I think that would create a bragging check on bps. Some people might like to be considered 'better shots' and might make a conscious effort to limit them if it would be discovered (ie tracked and made avialible).

Of course that would create a further bias for us pump guys. People would be even more entrenched in the idea that we are more accurate.... but even if we couldn't hit a barn standing inside it, i t would look like we were better shots since we use less paint.. lol

03-02-2004, 02:13 PM
Did I miss something while I was in Canada? Is AGD halting the production of their E-guns? I mean, I know the whole Smart Parts deal, and I saw the AKA press release. Is this spreading faster now? Has the S hit the fan for the majority of companies that didn't pay up? Fill me in.

03-02-2004, 02:37 PM
Jedi... AGD is taking this chance to discontinue (but still support) the current E and X lines to not only dodge the Smart Parts BS but also to rennovate the line and get some much needed R&D to make it catch up with the Xvalve + LVL 10 + ULT

prolly some development on lightening the Mech trigger as well ...

03-02-2004, 03:19 PM
we will continue to shoot our x-mags... until... ;)

peace from NOR-CAL

03-02-2004, 06:46 PM
In FaceFull it siad Dynasty was struggling against teams they shouldnt have struggled against with higher ROF guns in Xball last year.

Look at Dynasty a lot of their players used Revs all last year and if you don't believe the rumors that they had force fed revs, they couldn't have been shooting more than 13bps

03-02-2004, 08:27 PM
get on with your lives people, dont wait on tom we all know that he will have it out when he sees fit and that when it is out it will be as good as it gets at the current time.... i mean we should really put more faith in the guy...

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
03-02-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by f3rr3+
get on with your lives people, dont wait on tom we all know that he will have it out when he sees fit and that when it is out it will be as good as it gets at the current time.... i mean we should really put more faith in the guy...

When did this become an attack on Tom or AGD? I have been and always plan on being a loyal AGD customer. Both of my markers are AGD, as well as having an AGD Flatine. I have done and still do my bit for king and country promoting and educating misinformed people that AGD produces great products that are more then capable of holding their own, so do not try and insinuate something that just isn't happening.

I started this simply as a question to what the factory teams would shoot. I then followed that questions with a question on if they did go to mechanical, would they still compete in the NPPL PSP tournament series. Simple questions, no controversy needed. The thinking behind the questions were, AGD Pride and Lions are factory teams. The point of a factory team is to showcase your products, so where is the advertising value in showcasing products that a new potential AGD consumer wouldn't be able to purchase? If you recall, there were a few threads posted about AGD expanding their customer base; one way that could be acomplished is through factory teams. Believe me, I'm glad that they are sticking with their x/emags. I think the AGD teams are great teams with great attitudes. I was just asking the question from a "marketing to new potential customers" stand point...Now do you understand?